The Amazing Story Continues (Part1)
Rense Radio Interview with William Tompkins with Maj. George Filer & Frank Chille – May 4, 2016

(start at 00:58)
Jeff Rense: Okay. This two hours is going to be just fascinating. We get to spend it with . . . this two-hour session, with William Tompkins. And, of course, with Bill will be (Maj.) George Filer and Frank Chille. Bill?
William Tompkins: Yeah, I'm here.
Rense: Let's get started with this and as they come available we'll get them on. The last time that we had Bill on we'd gotten into some extraordinary areas, and what we're going to do tonight is continue to broaden the horizons, and I mean out into space. We're going to look out there and see what Bill Tompkins knows, what he can share with us, and we've got some photos up, too. If you go to the homepage, take a look there and there should be photos under Bill's name. There's some very provocative things there.
If you recall, Bill, where were we last time when we let off in the narrative and where would you like to pick it up?
Tompkins: Well, we sort of left off, in the middle really, and if we could, I'd like to go back to like 1942. If we could start there.
Rense: Okay. Yeah.
Tompkins: There's a situation which I think is hard for people to realize and that is that when the Reptilians made their agreement with Hitler and the SS, it was entirely different than anything else on the planet.
Rense: When you say . . . who . . . I'm sorry, Bill. Who made the agreement?
Tompkins: When Hitler made the agreement to accept the assistance of the Reptilians.
Rense: The off-planet . . . I just wanted to make sure everyone is up to speed. We're talking about a visiting race of intelligent, very intelligent, life that are commonly referred to as the Reptilians. Okay. Go ahead.
Tompkins: Okay. Now, that put Germany into a totally different country. Now, the German people, of course, weren't allowed to even know that this extraterrestrial assistance had been given to the SS. Now when I said given, they were actually given the hardware. They weren't given a book to tell you how to operate a UFO. They were given the UFOs, not just one class, but 7, 8 different classes and types - even large cigar-shaped space vehicles.
Now, the point here is that this meant that the Germans were totally more advanced and capable of learning how to operate these vehicles and go out in space with the Reptilian naval groups and operate with them in the galaxy, essentially doing what Germany was going to do to this planet, which was essentially to take out the people they didn't want on the planet and make the rest of them their slaves.
Rense: Kind of like the Soviet Communists were planning on doing.
Tompkins: Exactly. But the big difference here is that when we got involved in it, it's like when I was working for Admiral Rikibana in 1942, and he had these 29 top Navy operatives, spies, in Germany. And they had been there at least a year before I got into it.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: They came back as quickly as they could as they got new information.
Rense: Now this is an amazing penetration that American intelligence was able to somehow get, obviously, men who were fluent in German, and got credentials and papers to get them somehow placed in positions of extreme importance in the Third Reich.
Tompkins: They were Naval operatives – Naval spies. And these fellas were brilliant. And so they got into most of the areas in Germany and the occupied countries. They found out about all of these things that were going to take place where Germany then would have UFOs with speeds capable of . . . close to the speed of light.
They had weapons which were so advanced there was nothing that we had here in the United States . . . had any idea of it. So the Germans quickly got themselves . . . put these vehicles in production. And unlike the United States, we had to take the information that the Navy operatives gave us, disseminate it out to all of the top-secret organizations in the United States – Navy facilities, universities, Cal-Tech, JPL, all of Lockheed, Douglas, Boeing. Everybody got packages, okay?
But our position was totally different than the Germans. And several years went by before there were two UFOs that even crashed and that we could look at them.
Rense: Yeah, 1947.
Tompkins: That's right. And so it's extremely interesting that we had to try to reverse engineer everything in those UFOs that were crashed. This took us years.
Rense: Yeah, the Germans didn't have that obstacle. But there are, obviously, people out there right now that are saying, “What the heck? If they had this technology, how did they lose the war?”
Tompkins: Okay. That's an extremely good question. The easiest way to answer it is that they actually did not lose the war. We didn't win the war. What happened was the Germans were contacted by all of the U.S. Navy and all of the military intelligence groups in the United States. They went in and made arrangements to take a substantial number of German scientists and bring them to the United States. It was called the Paperclip Project.
Rense: Yes, thousands of them. Yeah, there were lots of them.
Tompkins: It wasn't like there were 6 or 7 of them. Like you said, there were hundreds and hundreds and hundreds. Now, these Germans, then actually were assigned into the thing called NASA. And they essentially made up 80~90% of NASA. But that was just the first stop.
Rense: Wow!
Tompkins: They continued to distribute out to every top U.S. bio-medical and systems corporations that were in aerospace. They then worked in these companies and they worked to the extent that they took over the finance of these companies. And, of course, the Bilderberg and the Trilateral were all involved in this.
But the point is that Germany had four years before they lost the war, they decided that this tremendous opportunity that was given to them to have all of these advanced space systems, they said, “We're going to move into Antarctica.” And at that particular time the Reptilians, extraterrestrials, had three large caverns under the ground, under the ice, down in Antarctica. And they had two small ones.
And so they gave the two small ones to the SS and they then made arrangements so that the Germans would design and build massive submarines as transports. They had no torpedoes on board. They were just large transports.
Rense: Right. Right.
Tompkins: And they started moving the top UFO construction, because Germany went into the construction of these various types of UFOs that were given to them. They started taking this four years before the war ended.
Rense: Really?
Tompkins: So they had a massive number of slaves – slave labor – that they moved down there too. And the families for all of the German SS went down there with them.
Rense: Well, these caverns . . . now I have footage of the original 1938-39 German expedition to Antarctica.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: Now, that trip, as you know, was captured on film and brought back and then certainly a screened version of it was edited and released to German movie houses. It was like a newsreel. It was like a 10-12 minute piece of film that showed the German exploration and research ships going down to Antarctica.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: Now, my question is, in these films are some snapshots of gigantic underground caverns. I'm going to pull all these out of the films. They're old and grainy, but they're still watchable. They have Wagnerian music, a little bit of a soundtrack from a narrator here and there. But it's a remarkable thing to see, because this is what they admitted finding in Antarctica, and my question is, Bill, how did they go down there to this continent of ice and find these caverns just out of the blue on this trip down there? They had to be shown where they were. Had to be.
Tompkins: Exactly. And they were shown where they were with the Reptilian extraterrestrial people.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: Those caverns actually, they were like massive countries.
Rense: Well, the pictures I have . . . There are maybe, I'm going to guess like a third to a half a mile across, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of feet tall – enormous caverns under the ice. No ice to be seen. Running water. Perfectly habitable.
Tompkins: Yes. And right next to them were these three massive caverns.
Rense: I believe it. I believe it.
Tompkins: Really. And so what took place then is that as we were the 8th Air Force and the British were picking Germany off in the bombings, we were like minutes, not years, from losing that war. But it didn't make any difference to Germany because not just Hitler and his girlfriend went to South America, and so did many of the Germans
Rense: Bohrman, Mengele, yeah, there were lots of them down there. Thousands.
Tompkins: And so this whole thing all took place. They infiltrated our aerospace and our advanced medical systems here in the country, and, essentially, they got NASA, which then, of course, they were running, to the Apollo missions, which were German missions, before they left Germany and went to Antarctica. That's what Germany was doing.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: So they came over here and they did the same thing here. I don't think we sit down and sort of evaluate the timeline of all of this. I think it's kind of hard to believe you didn't win the war. And it's very hard to realize even today that this is still a major controlling element in the United States. And actually in England too.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: It's crazy.
Rense: Yeah. Extraordinary. Let me pause now and say 'Hello' to Maj. George Filer, who is standing by now and has been listening in very quietly. Hello, George. Welcome back.
Maj. George Filer: ___ back there yesterday, so I'm happy to be back again.
Rense: Yeah. Pretty amazing material that Bill Tompkins is presenting, and Frank Chille, who made this possible tonight again for scheduling, thank you, sir. Welcome.
Frank Chille: There's some great stories that Bill can share with us based on those photos I sent to you. He's probably told you that that German disk is 250 feet in diameter.
Rense: Yeah, we're going to go look at those right now. Bill, are you near a computer?
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: Okay, do you know how to get to my homepage?
Tompkins: No, I don't. So we should leave that part out for now so we don't have to take the time to go through that.
Rense: Okay. Well, maybe at the bottom of the hour we'll get you on that page so you can see the photographs and then we can talk about it after the break.
Tompkins: Okay.
Chille: I provided him with hard copies of them.
Rense: Oh, great. Then you've got pictures then, hard copies, Bill, so we'll do it after the break, anyway. Now, Antarctica. Advanced technology. NASA – a German operation. The Germans put us in space. The Germans took us to the moon, if we went to the moon and most people think we did.
Tompkins: We did.
Rense: They absolutely were behind the construction, and Bill was a designer of some of these enormous space ships. There's no other word for them. They were constructed apparently either in pieces down here or built in space. What was the truth of it, Bill?
Tompkins: Are we talking about Solar Warden?
Rense: Yes.
Tompkins: Okay. The designs for some of these were at the Douglas Santa Monica engineering facilities in the secret think tank.
Rense: What years would that have been, Bill? Excuse me. What years approximately would that have been?
Tompkins: That was '42, '46. That time period.
Rense: Okay. So that's during the war, folks. They were designing spacecraft at Douglas Aircraft during the war years. All right.
Tompkins: And, of course, we were using the information that the . . . in Admiral Rikibana's office. He was commander of the Naval Air Station in San Diego and I was his published ___ Nobody knew what he was actually doing with these operatives coming back from Germany with all this space information.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: So then later on I went to work for Douglas in the secret think tank. And one of the interesting things is one of the packages, a proposal package, that I flew around the country on for all this information to be disseminated to the aerospace organizations, I found one of my own packages that I had done 10 years, 12 years before and given to Douglas.
Rense: Wow. I'll be darn.
Tompkins: Crazy.
Rense: That is crazy. Okay. So, my question about these enormous craft for . . . you heard Bill mention it. And if you didn't understand, it was Solar Warden. Like the man who runs a prison - a protector, a guard. Solar Warden is the name of the program. These big craft that were built, how were they constructed and where were they constructed. That's the big deal. Were they constructed down here and flown into space? Must have been.
Tompkins: Okay. No, they were not.
Rense: Ah, well, see. There ya go.
Tompkins: Okay. One of the facilities that was used is east of the Wasatch Mountains in Utah. This was a very, very large cavern. It has smaller ones adjacent to it, but it's a massive one. And they were able to put together Lockheed space systems, Northrop-Grumman facilities, and even Boeing were involved in the actual construction of these kilometer-long spacecraft carriers that the Navy now has eight of these spacecraft carrier battle groups out in the galaxy.
I don't know the actual mission right now, but for most of the periods the first ones were built and went out into the galaxy because they were built here. They were operating with only one of the eight who operated around the solar system. The others were out in the galaxy jointly operating missions against Reptilians and other bad people, but jointly working with the Nordic Navy, and who were the people that had been assisting at least us on the Apollo.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: So the actual vehicles are built somewhat like an aircraft-type thing, aircraft carrier, and it's interesting that Northrop, Northrop-Grumman, they put together a program where they went back to Virginia and they bought the largest aircraft carrier construction facility on the planet.
They bought this so that they could have their engineers come in there and work with all of the Navy construction and engineering people that built the aircraft carriers.
Rense: So this was a huge shipyard construction location. It has to be.
Tompkins: Yeah.
Rense: They float the completed vessels into some water somewhere. Okay.
Tompkins: So this is Newport News shipyard in Virginia.
Rense: Got it.
Tompkins: And so they then had their people, the Grumman people, study with the Navy engineers, designers of all the areas of an aircraft carrier. And surprisingly enough, Newport News also builds Navy submarines.
And at Douglas, in the secret think tank, we were looking at every type of space vehicle we would need to go out into the galaxy, then our U.S. Navy. So submarines came up and we discussed this. We said, “That's the easiest thing, the quickest way, we can get out there. We'll just take a regular Navy submarine, pull out the whole nuclear system, put in the anti-gravitational system, and we're going to use these right away.”
Rense: So this was in the 1950s.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: All right. This is . . . I was going to ask about propulsion, so we were given or otherwise back engineered anti-gravitational propulsion systems, which went into the actual submarine that was being built. Very simple conversion actually. Very smart.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: Hold on now, Bill. We have to pause for just a couple of minutes. We'll come right back with Bill Tompkins. His book is “Selected by Extraterrestrials”, volume one of maybe four volumes coming. And you can get that right on your screen just by clicking on Bill Tompkins name and guests. Take a look. Don't dismiss all this stuff, folks. Where there's smoke there's fire. Remember that. Back in a couple minutes. Hold on.
(23:33~23:58 - BREAK)
Rense: Okay, let's get right back to our guest Mr. Bill Tompkins. Anything you want to add to this George Filer in this first half hour we've done with Bill tonight?
George Filer: Well, I've been in the Newport News shipyard on aircraft carriers and submarines. I guess you could, theoretically, put in an anti-gravitational system on there and have it work as a spaceship.
Rense: Could you build something as large as an aircraft carrier, in your opinion, in that shipyard without it drawing a lot of attention? What would you do, make it look like . . . I'll ask Bill this in a couple of minutes. Would you make it look like a carrier or would you make it look like a spaceship? What would you do?
Filer: Well, some of those areas are kind of blocked off. In other words, it would take a certain group of men that . . .
Rense: Yeah, you'd have to fly over it, which would be restricted air space, I would think.
Filer: Or you could launch . . . You know, they launch and then they work on them later and sometimes in another place.
Rense: So building a large ship like a carrier at Newport News it could easily have given way to all the construction support and technology needed to build something else entirely in one of those big . . . we'll call them a bay that they will build something in. All right, good, George. Frank, anything you want to pop in here with?
Frank Chille: Yeah, I think what Bill was trying to suggest is that they took the designs for those drydocks and they copied them in either a cavern or another location somewhere else to build those craft.
Tompkins: Ah, okay.
Chille: They didn't use the facilities at Newport News. The used the design of the drydocks and modified them.
Rense: Let's find out from Bill Tompkins. Okay, Bill, tell us how they did it. Was it . . . Is that correct what Frank said that they went to Newport News and copied the drydock construction bays for these enormous ships and reproduced them in caverns under the ground? Is that accurate?
Tompkins: Yes. That's actually what took place because actually you've seen before where a crane is putting a bow section on an aircraft carrier. It's one enormous big piece that they lift up and they assemble it. And so the same kind of a assembly type of construction they, of course, used in the underground facilities in Utah.
So the learning curve . . . That was a cool way to do this because they went through this learning curve . . . This is a company that builds airplanes. Okay? Northrop-Grumman builds airplanes.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: And this is not their field at all. They realized this and they borrowed the money and they bought the whole thing – Newport News Shipbuilding, which is the . . . actually, it was in the Civil War.
Rense: Huh.
Tompkins: That facility.
Rense: Wow!
Tompkins: And so it's been used for years. And it's the largest construction facility for naval ships on the planet. So to use that and study the construction was perfect. And then simply use the same block like . . . use . . . the kids play with the box, build box and then assemble box exactly as you assemble an aircraft carrier.
Rense: I see.
Tompkins: So the same technical assembly and engineering helped them build these kilometer-long spacecraft carriers.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: And there was a number of __ submarines, which were converted, but actually other types of fighters, space fighters, and supporting ships for the eight Navy battle groups, which Solar Warden actually is.
Rense: Solar Warden has eight battle groups. These are like, I guess, naval battle groups on the oceans, but they are in space.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: Same kind of concept.
Tompkins: And so those actually were . . . the first ones were flown out into the galaxy and they have . . . They don't have their facilities for maintenance or operation or changes or operating new weapons or whatever, all that is done on other stars' planets.
Rense: Now why go outside the solar system for this? So fast. I mean, that's a big quick leap. I could see some ships – I'm playing devil's advocate here – but you go off-planet. You go into the solar system. There's a lot to see in our solar system. So they could build bases as you know on the moon, on Mars, on Venus, who knows. But why go into the galaxy?
Tompkins: Okay. First reason is that's not your moon, as well as this is not your planet. You got to get really with the program. The moon is not a moon. It's hollow. It's a massive control center for this region of the galaxy.
Rense: Really? Who runs it? Bill, who runs this control center?
Tompkins: We have probably 10 or 12 separate extraterrestrial civilization people doing it – Reptilians being one of them. And so that's the reason we didn't go back to the moon.
Rense: We were told not to, I think. Yeah.
Tompkins: Yeah. And we were told by the Reptilians there, “Go ahead and finish two or three more missions, but collect your rocks and take your photographs and don't come back. This is not your moon.”
Rense: This certainly goes hand in hand with the reports of the astronauts that we've seen and you can find them online of having seen enormous space craft parked around the rim of the crater that one of the missions landed in. There are so many pictures of very, very strange formations on the moon, anomalous things. We know what's on Mars. It's littered with debris from an advanced civilization up there.
So, okay, the moon started out to be, I'm going to guess, a normal planetary body and they hollowed it out. They cored it out and they converted it to an enormous labyrinth of caverns. Is that correct or was the whole thing a construct built around the idea that it was completely hollow?
Tompkins: Okay. There's two versions on that and I have to say I can't tell you which. One was that it was partially hollowed out of a planet. The other is that it was a brand new vehicle that was ___ constructed.
Rense: Wow!
Tompkins: But it's completely hollow. It's filled with . . . It's got cities all through it – inside it. And so the best thing to do is work with the Nordic Navy. Okay?
Rense: The Nordic Navy. Okay.
Tompkins: Yeah. So it's not Solar Warden U.S. Navy navy, but we're operating, and have been, since the '80s, with the Nordic Navy. And these people . . . It's easiest to describe the situation there . . . For every ten Nordic Navy battle groups, the Reptilians have 100. So we're sort of at a disadvantage, by numbers, but a Nordic Navy has been tremendously supportive of us. Our Navy works with them and actually is at war not just with Reptilians out in space but several other bad civilizations.
Rense: Is this a shooting war or is it a diplomatic war?
Tompkins: It's both. And it's both and, unfortunately, at times it becomes a shooting. And so what you have then is our Solar Warden battle groups, seven of them anyway, get their service, their updates of new equipment and maintenance and all that in Nordic Navy facilities.
Rense: On the moon.
Tompkins: Not on the moon. Out in the galaxy.
Rense: Wow! All right. So we don't have Model-Ts. We have advanced hyper-drive, anti-grav space vehicles, which travel all over the place apparently.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: We got . . . Look that's a pretty big jump pretty fast, Bill. These other races have been at this probably for thousands of years. We're given the keys to the new T-Bird and said, “Go have at it” and we take off. We go into space and we're off and running.
Tompkins: Well, we actually didn't get the keys for it. We have to step back and look at what Russia got and what Germany got, because they were given the vehicles – all different types like over 40 different types of vehicles. Okay?
Rense: Where did you get that figure, Bill, from the spies that came back?
Tompkins: Yes. And so this is completely different. We had to study from what they told us. It's what the packages were for that Admiral Rikibana had me fly to these bases with the proposals, with the packages, and get the universities and all of the naval and the military research organizations to take a package and try to make it run. But we got a package. We didn't have even the parts like crashed UFOs for awhile.
But Germany got brand new, shiny vehicles – UFOs.
Rense: From the Reptilians?
Tompkins: From the Reptilians. We didn't get the keys. Okay?
Rense: I understand.
Tompkins: What we got was information.
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: And we had to work with it.
Rense: Wow! Now, you . . . Okay, let's . . . If you have those pictures, let's go and look at the pictures now.
Tompkins: Okay.
Rense: And for our listeners, go to the guest section. You know where it is on the left hand side [actually the right side] at Rense and look for Bill Tompkins. Look under that and you'll see “The Amazing Story Continues” and you'll see the link “Photos”. Click on Photos. And the first image that comes up is a large disk-shaped craft with a couple of lights visible. Apparently [it] landed on the deck of an American aircraft carrier. Tell us about that picture, Bill. What's the story?
Tompkins: Okay. Actually, the aircraft you're seeing there on the flight deck, those are A-6s, which are an attack-type of aircraft.
Rense: Right.
Tompkins: And that ship is the USS Coral Sea.
Rense: When's that, during Vietnam?
Tompkins: No. Just before that time period.
Rense: Okay.
Tompkins: You're looking at the flight deck and the aircraft and the UFO lands and . . . I want to clear this situation on their landing gear. That landing gear folds up into the center. It doesn't fold out toward the wings.
Rense: I understand.
Tompkins: . . . toward the tip. So it folds in. And the white part underneath it is just reflected light. It's not gas or anything. You notice the bottom of the ship is real bright. And that's radiation coming out of the bottom of the saucer.
Rense: Now you talk about radiation. Are we talking about anti-gravity plasma kind of light? Is this radioactive stuff?
Tompkins: Yeah, right. But it's not radioactive. It's radiated light.
Rense: It's radiated light. Okay. I got you.
Tompkins: Radiated light. Okay? And so that vehicle then landed and there's a whole story about how that took place and if you look in my book and look at page 2, surprisingly enough, you're going to read about that landing.
Rense: All right.
Tompkins: It's one of quite a number of Nordic extraterrestrial UFOs that have landed on US Navy aircraft carriers. And what you're looking at . . . You're looking at it from the bottom of the bridge of the carrier because those older ones were much further forward than the photographs you've got later on.
Rense: You know your aircraft carriers, Bill. Bill Tompkins was a genius model, replica builder as a young man. That's how he got into the Navy in the first place. It says, “Official U.S. Navy photo” on the right. Now, a lot of people would say, “Come on, that's easy. Photoshop, no problem.”
Tompkins: Yeah. Okay, but let me just explain a little further. Again, you're looking at this from just . . . This is the first deck. . . above the first deck.
Rense: Above the flight deck.
Tompkins: Yeah, the flight deck. And you're looking at the left angle of the landing and sometimes take off area where the flight deck is not rectangular. It has a massive cantilevered structure out over the left side of it. So you're looking at the widest part of the flight deck.
Rense: I see.
Tompkins: So the guy picked out the best angle and they told him to pick out that corner and there'd be less disturbance to us.
Rense: And we might want to add that the Nordics, again, look virtually exactly like we do.
Tompkins: Yes.
Rense: They're also known as the tall blondes, so they get off that craft, they walk around and people would . . . I mean they look like us. Okay? Go ahead.
Tompkins: And there in the whole story . . . the situation . . . It's a long story. They came from one of their starships. So they came down to talk to the admiral that's the commander on that particular battle group. And they did their other program and their meetings and our admiral left with the captain taking over the ship and some other people and they took off in that vehicle and they went back out to the mothership. And, of course, they brought them back later.
Like I'm just saying, there's a whole story of all of these . . . because . . . The UFOs landed on our aircraft carriers many times. Okay? It's nice because nobody can see them doing it.
Rense: I understand, except the crew, and they're probably kept under the deck much of the time and told not to talk.
Tompkins: Yeah. They said . . . The book . . .
Rense: I don't see a lot of naval personnel standing around there staring, so . . . Okay. Now, another question. Have you . . . And this is for our new listeners. Have you been on board these craft? And have you been on some of the Solar Warden, the immense ships, that are out there?
Tompkins: I have not personally, no.
Rense: All right. Who do I talk to to get you a ride? You deserve to go. Ha, ha.
Tompkins: Yeah. Okay. Now, I've used remote viewing, which a lot of people do and, I guess, there's probably 20 different ways to remote view. But I used the Navy personnel
Rense: Navy protocol. Okay.
Tompkins: Yeah. And so to me it's the easiest one and I can't make it work all the time, but I have been aboard their spacecraft carriers, and I've talked to people and come back. And so I know a lot of other people have remote viewed and gone out, but I have not physically been there.
And in the remote viewing that I've done, it takes me several times longer to do it, but I set a target, and I do get good and relaxed, which is hard for me. And it's in the evening or at night. That's the best time for me.
I set a target and it would be aboard the Nordic spacecraft carrier. And I end up in the bridge. I can see that. I can see, you know, all the other people there. In fact this . . .
Rense: They don't see you.
Tompkins: Yeah. This is in my book there. And actually I can see everything that's going on and then at a point it will clear and I walk over and talk to the captain and the admirals and the officers. And I'll take off and go back to bed. And a lot of other people remote view and they're able to do this far better than I can, because I can't do it sometimes. Remote viewing is a kind of a sweet vehicle. It really opens up a window.
Rense: Well, we are aware of that on this program with Dick Allgire and have had many of the great ones on over the years, so, yeah, we understand. Okay.
Tompkins: We may look at one of the other pictures.
Rense: We're going there next. Would that be the German one?
Tompkins: Yeah.
Rense: Okay. Just scroll down, folks, to the second picture, which, again, is absurdly large. You'll have to see it. I'm not gong to describe it. It's a disk and it looks like it's ready for war. It looks like it's a flying platform for very heavy artillery. Tell us what this is about.
Tompkins: Okay. Actually, what's interesting is if you can look at the landing gear, there's actually these . . . like . . . they have four wheels on each of these . . . two wheels on each beam sticking down like a landing gear on an aircraft.
Rense: It's an amazing photograph. Can you give us a little of the pedigree - when and where this might have been taken? And, yes, the landing gear is extraordinary. I've never seen anything like it. It's remarkable.
Tompkins: Yeah. You've never seen anything like it. There's seven classes of this particular spacecraft. What's interesting is that one of those that were . . . I think it was only three of them built. But they were built out of chromoly steel. And they were not told to do that. They did it on their own.
Rense: Huh.
Tompkins: The extraterrestrials gave them the materials they need to build these out of, but the Germans, anyway, built one and then actually partially built two more. And they made them out of chromoly steel and what's the interesting part about it, the operatives told us, was that first of all, the guy that's flying it, all he does is uses his left hand on a control panel, and he then is able to get his brain connected to the control panel. And he flies the vehicle by his thought. So he just thinks where he wants to take off, when he wants to land, when he wants to turn or where he wants go. But he doesn't ___ anything. He puts his hand, left hand, into a hand indentation, which is on the control panel. That's it.
Rense: Okay. I understand.
Tompkins: There's no steering wheel. And when the fellas with the chromoly steel one . . . This weighed so many tons, they couldn't even move it. Okay?
Rense: Uh huh.
Tompkins: But the guy put his hand on it, gave his thought and it was like a feather. It just went right up. Ha, ha.
Rense: So the Germans built this one . . . This is during the war?
Tompkins: Yeah. During the war. And the point was that the same vehicle was a fraction of the weight.
Rense: Yeah, I understand.
Tompkins: It was very, very light weight material they used. It looks like it would weigh a hundred tons, and chromoly steel really did. But it was interesting that they scrapped the other two.
Now, you'll also notice in that photograph, you can see a weapon sticking out up on the top. If you look close, you can see weapons sticking out at the bottom too. They had these ___ sticking out of the ones that are there on the bottom . . . So these are a laser-type of weapon. They're not . . . They had no bullets. There were very, very advanced.
And the upper part does not rotate. It's fixed. The rotation that gives the UFO the lift is in the tip of the parameter of the UFO.
Rense: I see.
Tompkins: It's rotating counterclockwise and clockwise.
Rense: Well, all right. Now, we have to pause, and we'll come back and revisit this picture and carry on with the description. So what's the diameter of this craft?
Tompkins: 250 feet.
Rense: Wow! That's amazing. I've seen this picture before, but I've had no background on it, so we will continue that with Bill Tompkins. A quick comment, George Filer, if you're there?
Filer: Well, they're amazing craft, obviously. But I hope we have something like this. I'm kind of wondering why we don't have this capability in our everyday commercial aircraft.
Rense: Well, they're keeping us back behind the 8 ball. They don't want us to know for some reason. Frank, anything you want to add real quickly?
Chille: Yes. There's a little bit of a side story on the disk that landed on the aircraft carrier. Believe it or not, that original photograph was shown to me by Graham Bathim (?) more than 15 years ago.
Rense: Uh huh.
Chille: And I held it in my hands. He allowed me to make a copy of it. It was on very think paper and on the flip side it said, “U.S. Navy, top-secret, eyes only, 1955”.
Tompkins: Huh.
Chille: And Graham always had some incredible photographs, but he let me make a photograph of that, but he never told me the background on it. When I told Bill about it, he said, “Frank.” He says, “can you get the photograph to me?” He says, “I think I know the story behind it.” And he got the photograph today and he said this dovetails right into his book, starting on page two.
Rense: Okay. All right. Very good. Stand by. We will continue in just a few minutes. Don't go away.
END – Hour 1