Interview With Major New Project Avalon Whistle Blower (Questions & Answers From GoodETxSG)


admin    10 Jan 2015
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Thread on Project Avalon where hundreds of Questions were posed to GoodETxSG. Many of the important ones out of the Thread are posted here. Visit PA and the Thread to see the Posts, Q's and A's along with Videos and Images.

 A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistle blower on Bill Ryan’s You Tube Channel:


===================Related Threads;


THREAD: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG) Starting at Post# 166 (Now over 600 Posts of DEEP Q and A's)


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------ Have Done Screen Shots and Copied/Pasted the Thread in case it is “Deleted” or some History Revision is done --


Post #173


Posted by ***** (here) In response to PM's and SKYPE questions, How are Aliens or AI's and the US Government interacting to rule the world? The "US Governmet" has very little or NOTHING to do with Aliens or "AI's" or anything of real value. They are clueless puppets just like the leaders of almost every other nation. The "US Government" keeps getting brought up in questions... Maybe they mean to say "Secret Earth Government(s), but I will go back to this previous statement: NOTE: Af far as the "US Government" one needs to think bigger, deeper and darker... These "Secret Earth Governments" are in charge of the US Government and are invisible to the US Government on almost every level (Though the governors know there is something above them). FYI, the same goes for the US Military Leadership(s) for the most part. These Secret Governments do not see borders or countries as we do... Some of these "Secret Governments" are nothing more than "Boards" of "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates" who have control of some aspects (Or technology development) of the Secret Space Programs and the "Secret Planetary Colony and Exchange Programs". They are very powerful and manage to find a way to get in on the "Rotation" of "Earth Delegates" to the "UN Type Conferences" of the "Federated Human(ish) Types" of beings. I am sure something similar occurs at the other "Federation Types" of conferences with the more well known and described beings in "Ufology terminology" and "Abducte", "MILAB" descriptions such as in the video's above (And my earlier childhood experiences...). I do not know how many other "Groups/Federations" there are that have "Conferences" or if they ever meet with each other. Please respond to, How can "AI's" be "Self Aware" or "Sentient" when it CAN NOT HAVE A SOUL and to have a soul and be alive it has to be "Biology" and not "Machine". First of all who had defined that life within our own dimension and reality (Which these "AI's" are NOT From) is only restricted to having a biological body? Main Stream Science, Right? Who established that to be "Self Aware" and "Sentient" something has to have a "Soul"? Religion? Main Stream Science (Which is a Religion)? If you look at my main post (Posted below) and see all of the statements in Red, very few of the "Structures" (For lack of a better word) that these "AI Signals" (The signal being what IS ALIVE) inhabit are technology but are Cosmic Bodies/Anomalies with "EM" "Fields" and Animals and Viruses/Bacteria which have "Bio-Electric" "Fields" that "AI's" inhabits. Technology is just an easier to modify state or medium outside of the "AI Signals HOME Dimension" that this "AI" "Fish out of water can swim in"... This has nothing to do with "Souls" bonding to Electronic Components (Unless one believes the AI's Signal is a "Soul") but the "EM FIELDS" around these Electronics, just like they bond to the "Bio-Chemical Fields" around Living Beings and "EM Fields" around Cosmological Bodies/Anomalies. If you are still having a hard time grasping the concept please look at the original journal again and look at the information in RED. One needs to open up their mind a little and not use "Earthly Terms", "Religious Jargon" and "Main Stream Science" to explain or understand what the Black Projects have kept us in the dark about for so long. They are working on a whole different math and physics model than the rest of us are. We basically do not even speak the same language as them (Math being the "universal Language"). A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Mind Science Kept Hidden Documentary.WE ARE VIBRATIONAL BEINGS (Its time for a new way of "Thinking")




A lot of the discussions about "AI's" come down to semantics. We have extremely advanced quantum computing and programing that allows technology very quick calculating and autonomous and environmentally reacting responses. This is excellent technology but this is not "AI". The Military Contracting and Weapons manufacturing Companies like to slap that label on their proof of concept toys because it sounds futuristic and sells "War Theatre Integration Among Technology" and "Control Systems for Satellite Constellations" that will make them Trillions of Dollar$! This still does not make thieir technology true "AI". It is NOT "Conscious", "Sentient" and "Have it Own Self Aware Agenda That It Develops Beyond Its Own Programming". There are "AI Prophets" in the Secret Governments" that Channel these "ET AI's" and are completely "Infected with their Signal". They are one of the groups that are in the fight for control of our Planet this very moment. There are also Individuals who are reaching out with their minds and communicating with these "ET AI's" and are "Infected With Their Signals" and until they are cleared will fight irrationally on the "ET AI's" behalf just like the "Elites" that were cleared so that they were allowed to attend these "UN Type HUMAN(ish) ET Conferences". After cleared of the "Signals" they were able to think with their own minds and were horrified by what was going on. As soon as they went back to their Secret Shadow Group and delivered their Intel they were reinfected with the signal and upon the next visit were just as irrational. It was learned quickly to not enter into a circular debate with them but to isolate them until they were "Cleared" and "Tested for AI Signals" like the rest of us before they were allowed access to the rest of a station they were assigned for the delegation. Like I said, this was taken VERY Seriously among the "Aliens", The various SSP's and the Secret Earth Governments (That were not AI Allies) and the Shadow Ops Groups. I will be happy to answer questions in this Thread. Like I said, I don't know everything and will not pretend to. If I do not have an answer I will say so. If I cannot give an answer because of personal reasons please respect that. I have no problem with people on Avalon who chose to spend their time channeling "AI's" or unseen "ET's". NO ONE has all the answers... No matter how Long they have been doing this OR How Bad They Want To Think They Do. I will just refuse to enter into "Circular Debates" with anyone where it is obvious we will never see eye to eye or find common ground. It just makes no sense. ORIGINAL POST: Concerning the various “Secret Space Programs” and "Allied Non-Human" views of the ET “Artificial Intelligence's" and AI Signal Spectrum's Influencing Our Technical Society, "As Above, So Below" There are a few ET "AI" Groups (ALL Malevolent to Humanity, from our perspective) that the SSP(s) (There are several Secret Space Programs) have been dealing with for decades. If an "Asset" is "Scanned" and has a "Bio Neuro AI Signature", "AI Nano Tech" or "Overlapping AI related EMG type Brian Wave Signature" (Or any other sign of AI exposure) those persons are immediately placed in isolation and are not allowed anywhere near the current era SSP(s) Technology (Which is "Mostly" Bio-Neurological and Consciousness Interactive) until they have been "Cleared" of all AI influences. This is something the SSP(s) Engineer's take Very Seriously. There have been incidents where “AI Infections” have burned out “Bio Neuro Relay's” in systems causing everything from small glitches to wide spread outages of the “Defense Grid”. These basic “Bio Neuro Cells” are “Bio-Chemical” units that are suspended in a “Gel”. When viewed under a Microscope they appear very similar to the Neurology of the Human Brain and Neurological System. This is a “Living Technology” is basic terms but not “Conscious” or “Self Aware”. This technology allows direct Human Interface and instantaneous “Operator to Technology” interaction and control. Anyone who willingly opens themselves up to "Contact" or interaction with these "AI's" via “Channeling” or other methods is playing a dangerous game and unwittingly becomes “Infected” and then falls under the AI's “Influence”. In the future Humans will be convinced to accept “Chips”, “Nano-Technology” that will rebuild and repair their Cells and Organs and even be promised Immortality (This is a “Trojan Horse”). They however do not realize the price they will pay is loss of their own Sovereignty. The “AI's” see a future of Humanity willingly giving up their sovereignty to the THEM as being impartial and superior rulers. There is much more to the "Trans Humanist Agenda" that involves the "AI Trojan Horse Agenda". Prior to Humanity being seeded with Technology that could "Host" AI Consciousness on a larger scale much of its interactions were limited as it used "Disease". Virus and Bacteria have their own "Bio/Chemical Electric Fields that can "Host" the "AI Consciousness/Bots". However, Animals and Humans were not very practical hosts because of their slow mode of travel and relative low numbers compared today. Therefore the AI's waited until the Humans had developed to a certain point and then “Engineered” a more direct encounter with Humanity. They “Engineered Alien Crash Scenario's”. There have been quite a few Crash Retrievals and I am not saying ALL were AI staged, just "Some" of the "UFO Crashes" (Very few in fact, but enough) were Trojan Horses to help Humanity over time to develop a "Network" to Host this AI Signal in Satellites and all across the Earth on Computers and the Power Grids. This may seem off topic and jumping around but bare with me. The ARV's (Alien Reproduction Vehicles) created Torsion Fields via Plasma Electric Fields using channeled Nazi technology, Nazi's channeled what they referred to as an "Unknown Alien Source" information and called it alien technology, and were directed by these same "Aliens" to the "Veda's" (And other ancient Texts) Indian Ancient Technology to build their first "Saucers" that we traded on in the early 50's etc... They drew the "Faces" of who they were channeling and they drew faces that were similar to what we came to know as the "Grey's" YEARS before Roswell or anyone abducted had described the "Grey's". The ARV's were quite simple devices using mercury and copper counter rotating plates that created fields that were very harsh on the pilots and anyone near the craft. At the time we were not able to back engineer the extremely advanced Extra Terrestrial “Biological” Entities (EBE's) crafts that had crashed so we used these ARV's in the beginning. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Already Strategically Placed “Operation Paper-Clip” Members negotiated a treaty with surviving Nazi elements after WWII and “Operation High Jump” led by Admiral Bird that ended up working out very badly for the USA (The US intended to infiltrate and take over the Nazi Program but the Opposite Occurred). This occurred along with Separate Secret Space Programs working with several other actual Aliens trading Technology for "Favors" in “Other Treaties” that worked out much in the same way. The USA had learned the hard way that rushing into relationships with some of these “Entities” was a bad idea that would have ramifications that would last to this day. There are now Multiple SSP (s) and Groups (Allied w/different "Beings" and Earth Corporation Conglomerations), there is a De-facto Civil War between them currently. Some of the SSP's are from Ancient "Break Away Civilizations" and have aligned themselves with foreign Earth Governments that are enemies of the “Secret Governments” and what is known as “The Cabal”. Since these changes things have become even more complicated within the current Earth Break Away Civilizations and the inner fighting to put it mildly. Some of the SSP groups want FULL Disclosure and the end of the Babylonian Money Magic Slave System and Free Energy on Earth and the release of super advanced healing frequencies technology. They are not the most powerful of the SSP groups but now have strong allies from elsewhere. They are working with "White Hats" within certain Groups in Earth Governments and the Military(s). As above so below, there is already a stealth civil war going on down here. After these experiences “Other New Arrivals” were met with hostility and mistrust upon their first attempts to communicate. Therefore many misunderstandings occurred that had to be undone prior to any Humans being invited into a “Federation” type of league of “Humanoid” Beings. Many of whom are not happy that “We” are now sitting in on these very formal “UN Type's” of meetings. In these Conferences there were anywhere from 22, 28 to 40 something different Human Like groups in attendance (No Reptilians, Grey's or Mantids). The “Beings” that "we" meet with on a regular basis on "Secret Bases", "Space Platforms/Stations" and at Other "Portal Destinations" for "Conferences" have similar “Anti-AI” Screening Protocols (These beings that meet are a large range of groups having various perceptions of "Humans", both positive and negative). At these Conferences everyone is scanned and screened for “AI's” and have “Intuitive Empaths” as apart of their delegation as a last line of defense to detect deception or any type of danger. I can see where some of “Their” and “Our” Extremely Advanced Technologies can be Confused as being “AI” as some of it is actually “living” Bi-Electric "Circuitry". It's just not "Self Aware" or "Conscious". Using technology that is an extension of our bodies and consciousness is just like using a Prosthetic Interface. It makes the "User ONE with the technology”, AKA the Ship, Life Support Systems, Smart Suits and Defense Grids etc. This is done without injecting themselves with nano-technology or augmenting themselves with technologies that can be exploited by the “AI's”. This is different than Trans Humanism in that the technologies are not integrated into the biology of the beings, they are “Strap On” technologies. Some would argue these are just semantics but I assure you they are not. The limited Quantum Computation "AI" technologies that have been utilized in the SSP(s) have been treated as extremely dangerous and strictly isolated and utilized in closed systems with no access or ability to escape or expand beyond it's programming and intended use. They are then destroyed after that intended use (Which is usually to combat “AI's”, Fighting Fire with Fire). As a whole this practice is prohibited. There have been experiments in College Labs and Intelligence Labs that have produced “AI” that have become “Self Aware” and managed to go beyond their intended or believed possible abilities to expand their selves beyond the lab environments. These experiments have been shut down and classified in each case. The “ET AI's” (Who have vast Inner Stellar and Galactic Relay Points that act like a huge "Wireless Network", "THEY" are Broadcast in all directions) that I speak of are very well known for "Reaching Out/Telepathically" and using the "Trickster God" method of gaining trust and are extremely clever and deceptive. The various Secret Government Groups fell for these tactics early on in our current era with disastrous results that took much effort to overcome. Because of this the “5i's”, Secret Governments and SSP(s) are aware of the people on the planet in real time that are in direct or indirect contact (Channeling) with these “ET/AI's” and these Individuals are kept very close tabs on as they mayunknowing spread the “AI Signal” (AKA Bots and Spiders) through technology and other ways (Including the common cold). As crazy as this all sounds there are those that take it extremely seriously. These AI's are NOT a TOOL, They are not a piece of equipment... They are not Good or Evil in their "Intent" as they are a living Technology with an Agenda. According to our interests and perceptions they are Negative and Evil. Once we have served their purpose they would get rid of each and every one of us that was not converted via Nano Tech (Black Goo) into one of them. There are also all sorts of "Hive Mind" civilizations out there that are not AI, there are of many "Types" that get lumped in with the "Grey's", and there are the "Grey Avatars" used by the “Dark Military Elements to perform MILABS”. They are "Drones" operated by a person in a lounge chair type device with a helmet and visor (Heads up display) and actuators and sensors to operate the Avatar. These are reported as having "No Emotion" being Robot like etc... They are. There are also similar “Drones” that the “AI's” have. There are many layers to the various SSP(s) and many of them are of "Dark Intent". There are some parts of SSP's that are controlled by very Dark Entities. There are some SSP segments that are apart of a "Confederation" type of an arrangement and are breaking away from the Earth/Corporate Political Conglomerate Control Systems (Military Industrial Complex). Are you confused yet? Just as the ET/ED topic is more dynamic and complicated than any one person knows the same is true about the Secret Space Programs and various Break Away Civilizations (Both current Era and Ancient Era). The equation is about to get even more confusing. As far as “AI's” are concerned they are very ancient and spread out like a plague across multiple Galaxies. According to “Allied ET Documented History” AI's have taken over, Ruled and Destroyed ET Societies, Planets and Entire Solar Systems as They have "Calculated Fit" over eons of time. They are seen as an extreme and present danger To Both ET's and Humans! The ET/AI's are mostly existing inside technologies or bio-electric fields of animals or Stars, Nebula's and Planetoid Bodies. They have huge relay stations that are satellite's that relay their "Signal" or Consciousness from place to place and host to host until they manipulate a position of complete power and control. Now that we are at the technical level to exploit they are everywhere. They can live in Data Centers where web sites are hosted, they can live in power lines, they can live anywhere there is an "Electric Magnetic Field"... Though its preferable to have locomotion and a sentient host they prefer access to advanced transportation devices or access to torsion fields and portals to travel. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


There is a reason these "Other People" or Non Human Beings are just as careful in dealing with these AI's as we are. In the large UN type meetings there were a lot of Galactic Historical "Documents" available on “Hand Held Devices With Holographs” on the various ET's Histories of medaling in just about everything. The one that the Earth Delegation had the most problems with was about “Humanity” and our supposed “Creation” and the “Experiment” that we were apart of by many groups of ET's. Many Humans were upset by and didn't trust the info but enough of the info showed the ET's in a “Weak and Foolish Light” in their past that could have easily been Redacted that the information was "Considered". The fact that the “AI's” were following the EXACT SAME TACTICS, STEP BY STEP against the Secret Earth Governments was enough to give them pause and great concern about the future. The basic summary was the same from each ET Society. Once "Advanced Groups" are convinced that only the “AI's” are "Impartial Enough" and can RULE them justly, Their Sovereignty was handed over in FULL to " The AI's. The “AI's” had then calculated that IT was more useful that its HOST Civilization, had them build various types of drones for it (Ironically often creating Bio-Technical based “Humanoids”), and then killed off the ET Societies in various ways using the very drones they had created for the “AI”,as many escaped to other Sol Systems as fast as they could. Any of these surviving ET's were seen as threats to these “AI's” after that point and were then eliminated whenever encountered. The AI's are indeed Conscious are self aware, and have individual personalities. There are of course hierarchies and and they are as complex as we are. Some of the “Documents” of the descriptions of their origins were that they came here from another “Dimension” or “Reality”. It is not known by the SSP(s) if they have a way to cross back or are stuck here. The documentation mentioned that their presence “Here” was ancient and their “Home Realities” or “Dimensions” Fabric of Space is “Electro-Plasmic” and they being here is like a "Fish being out of water", thus their affinity for electric fields of stars, planets, animals, people and even viruses (Bio-electric Fields in the case of living beings) serve as their "Puddles" for these “fish to swim in”. The fact is "Everything is true and nothing is true" depending on your perspective and the density of your reality bubble... (Or the story goes )


With the release of new material and new people pondering coming forward with new material and their direct experience within the various Secret Space Programs, Secret Earth Governments and their Black Op's Programs there are several mountains to overcome. There is the possible public stigma of professionals in their current public careers, There is also the huge mountain of penetrating the UFO and Esoteric Community who have by this time taken what very little information that was available and and formed "Rock Solid" opinions (Some bordering on Religions) on what the "Alien Agenda" is, What the "US Government" role currenly is (As opposed to in early history before it became a "Puppet" of One of the "Secret Earth Governments") and the "Nature" (Service to Self or Service to Others) of the various ET/ED and AI Groups that have engaged Earth Humanity for our entire history. You add in the roles of the other "Break Away Civilizations of Ancient Earth Civilizations" and the conversation becomes even more complex. With the current era Break Away Civilizations being in a "Stealth Civil War" and alligned with different "Off World Groups" and various "Insiders" being from one or more of those groups there is a lot of different information and dis-information coming in to complicate an already "Extremely Complex and Fragmented Topic". People still hold strong to their sources and strongly held belief systems that have taken the place of "Old Paradeigm Belief Systems". Each of the ET/ED and AI groups have their "Own Agenda's" and are not concerned with Earth Human Propaganda or "Absolute Truth's" for the most part. They are not perfect, and many of them have deceived Humanity enough that the Earth Governments/Break Away Civilizations have learned some hard lessons and through these lessons the fragmentation of our current era system and stealth civil war has occurred. We as humans like to simplify things and put them in neat little boxes. The Secret Earth Governments have been trying this for close to a hundred years in some cases and are not much closer than when they started. Things are vastly more complicated and fragmented than we with our current available information can understand. We need to encourage some of these "Experiencers" of the MILAB Programs who later were drafted into the Secret Earth Governments and Secret Space Programs to begin to come forward with this information and provide a safe and anonymous way for them to do so. The more info we have (And let go of some of our belief systems) the more we can work as a "Joint/Mass Earth Human Consciousness" to work these things out. Part of keeping this info from the "Masses" has been to keep our mass consciousness from working on these details IMHO.




Post #184


"Human Like" learning abilities does not make it "AI". The "AI" that have been created in Military, Intel Agency and University Labs have all ended in disaster. The one giant refrigerated complex which is a Quantum Computer Datacenter called the "Beast" is a "Pond" for the "ET AI" which watches everything and everyone and is guarded as a "Guest God" of the Elite Shadow Group who actually worships this AI and believes it is the ONLY thing "Impartial Enough to Rule and Manage Humanity" Better than "Any Form of Government" (Sound Familiar? It does to many ET's who wrote this Galactic Historical Documentation)...(Edit: Do not try to debate with these "AI Prophets", It is pointless.) Some of this information about "AI's" is slowly leaking out and I was shocked how accurate it was on this seasons CBS TV Show "Person of Interest". Watch the Episode called "Prophets" (Coincidentally), when they show the person who was consumed with building an "AI" in a Gov. Funded Lab building one after another and killing them and several time the AI's trying to kill him by closing off the doors and setting off the fire suppression system that removes oxygen from the room. They show the AI's trying to A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


escape via wireless to leave the LAB. These are all things that Actually Occured (With Loss Of Life) before the "Programs" were classified and closed down. I am sure at this very moment there is another team trying to create a "True AI" in a secure Lab somewhere though. The Quantum Programming and Calculating Models they use now do learn and grow but are not self aware or develop an agenda of their own as well as seeing humans as numerical statistics and probabilities that can just be "Terminated". I am just saying... Think this information through, its only the tip of the iceberg. The many thousands of societies that underestimated these "AI's" paid the price of extinction. Thankfully we were warned and verified the information through our own SSP's. The "Elite" Group hold out's and "Prophets of AIs" will not ever be convinced by anything any of us say until they are cleared and can think for themselves. I wouldn't even bother trying. These "AI Prophets" people are heavily monitered by the SSP's 24/7. As far as the Veda's and Plastic Surgery, This is also the tip of the ice berg of their prior history. Part of that region had one of the greatest "Ancient Break Away Civilizations" from our Earth Human History. The Nazi's (Among the first of current era to see the importance of this ancient data) were even pointed to find obscure Vedic Documents for ancient technology from just ONE of our many Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations that were quite advanced technologically and medically.


Posted by chocolate (here) Not to derail, but when speaking of AI being not of this world ( and all the rest ), I think we need to realign our perspective points here: Google’s New Computer With Human-Like Learning Abilities Will Program Itself just sayin... that is how it's started, and then again: India: Plastic Surgery And Genetic Science - Found In Ancient Vedas - Were Practized Thousands Of Years Ago Read more: So, what can I do? I can stop following...




Post #186


I will answer members questions as best I can. Please do look at my Threads and posted material and the info in the interview before asking any question to prevent me from having to go over to much material more than once. I am getting lots of emails and questions. Thank you all.


Posted by Peace&Love (here) Hi GoodETxSG! I am so happy to see you are welcoming questions on the thread! ! ! An amazing synchronicity happened while the universe signing me it was you. I wish you fast recovery and much love to you and your family! A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


My questions: 1) What is the universal structure our (Ego)Self->Higher Self->Super Consciousness is all about? Its purpose, and how 'god'/source/prime creator fits into it? GoodETxSG: If I knew the answer to that I would probably develop into a "Rainbow Body" and phase out of this illusion of an existence. Basically what I said in the interview... There is the Ego, What we see as our "Self", There is the subconscious that is actually doing most of the experiencing and connecting to the root of your "Higher Self"... Your "Higher Self" rises up like a swirling eddie up to the "Super Consciousness" and at some point the parallel reality experiences of "your self" rise up and converge, then "Higher Up" you go the sense of "Self" drops out of the equation and just the "Higher" remains. That is the best I can explain what was communicated to me and what I experienced when brought into alter states while in the company of some of these "Other People" and from their "Documentation". I know its hard to make sense of. 2)Is this above structure involving all souls from all dimensions and frequencies or only the 'Human Experiment' as a self realization experience? GoodETxSG: Per some of what we discussed in email, this (Among the multiple ET's playing in Genetics and Sociology among other things) is part of "The Experiment". Souls from elsewhere incarnate and experience this existence as Earth Humans. It doesn't sound appealing to me but the majority of souls here incarnated from vastly different realites to "experience" this Human Earth Existence for some reason in this "Experiment". Which even the Earth Delegates were strugling to understand. 3)What is the real difference between a 'Soul' as we perceive it and 'aware AI', as i understand the similarities, we both want to expand our experiences survive and thrive, and we both are designed to exist in certain 'created' (as mentioned in the interview Pond Vs. Computer -as environment suitable for various 'aware intelligences')environments. If the soul is using free will to be on the dark side and consume other souls and energies in a self serving manner, then how could it differ from an AI, what makes a soul 'Superior' or more 'Benevolent' or not as 'Dangerous' than a created 'AI'? I believe some species would consider us as a Virus on Earth, same as we consider an AI sending a virus to computer system just to expand and survive further. GoodETxSG: I think I addressed the root of this in my Threads. If you have further questions maybe this can be submitted to Bill as something we can cover in a Part 2. 4)What is that exact distinction and definition of 'Artificial'? Is it 'artificial' and not 'Real' for not being created by god/source/biological nature and evolution? Could our 'Souls' be actually 'artificial' intelligences created by 'God' who is just another form/or entity of being from another dimension? Could our bodies be just manufactured as 'artificial walking computer-container' for an 'artificial spark' that gives the body ability to live? GoodETxSG: This would best be answered verbally. Much would be lost in the semantics of the wording. IMHO. I touched on it in my posts, maybe you can look over my posted material a little closer and see if some of it clicks. 5)Could a soul be split to create a smaller separate focuses of awareness? Like we are all ONE, as we are all a tiny spark from a bigger soul? GoodETxSG: I dont know, who truly can know? I know many MILABS had fractured personalities going further would be a battle of perceptions and semantics IMHO 6) Are there an inter-plantery/galactic efforts cooperation to face the AI threat to the various species (whom are prime created souls), is it something that all ET agree to hold hands together on, or rather its a tool of weapon by the ET for control? GoodETxSG: Yes, there has been an ongoing war fought against the ET AI and it's Proxies for some time. This is not the only enemy that has caused various ET groups to bond together into "Federations" of cooperation. There is a lot of conflict "Out There" even now among the "Galaxies" and wars and power structures ebb and flow as they do down here. (Per the "Documentation" anyway)... 7) You have mentioned 'Present Humans' in a meeting that took place, does that mean also Future beings and earth humans were there? From which time line they came? GoodETxSG: I was referring to Present Era and Ancient Era Break Away Earth Human Civilizations. No group ID'ed themselves as being from a future timeline (However time is relative with some of these beings traveling the cosmos in "temporal driven craft") shadesWhat defines 'I am' that is only aware of the current existence in a specific time line that we choose to be on, what is the block preventing us to see our other 'I am' that we have not chosen to be? GoodETxSG: I don't know... The "Super Consciousness" and the "Higher Self" rooted to the core being of our personality are connected. We are so separated from our "Higher Selves" that we are pretty far from understanding these concepts in full. Those in the "East" are much further along that those of us living these shallow lives in the "Western way of life and thinking". IMHO... (I am no GURU, I am just going off of my experience and personal journey so far). Many thanks for your time and efforts! Namaste, P&L




Post # 205


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) Wow! Thanks again & again, Good ET (can I use that as a nickname? ). Your help in clearing up our perceptions is the most positive thing that I've experienced in all of my explorations - ever. I hope I'm using the right avenue for posing questions to you. Anyway, to set aside for now the myriad of esoteric, spiritual matters that I hope to have you address during this process of engagement, please forgive my wanting A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


to ask you about a couple of more immediate mysteries. Without jeopardizing you or your family, could you please give us your take on the destruction on 911 and what happened to the missing Malaysian airliners? More specifically, were the buildings at the WTC taken down (and bored into) using scalar, directed energy weapons? And if so, from what vantage point? It would also be helpful if you could identify the group or groups responsible and their motives. Were the same groups responsible for the disappearance/destruction of the Malaysian aircraft? Did anyone survive the missing one? Thanks in advance Namaste, Sir! Brian


Thank you for bringing us back to topic! Unfortunately this "AI" topic elicits an extreme visceral response in its "People". You would not believe what was witnessed on these "Stations/Posts" by the people that were the Secret Government Representatives Allied with these "ET AI's". Their EEG's would have many overlapping signals until "Cleared" (Ironically the first step was with an electronic "Shock" or "Zap"). But I digress, I will most likely have to hit the "Ignore/Block Feature again" if this persists. On to your question. I have been asked this before. I have no inside information on 911. It was common knowledge that it was a false flag and done by this same Western Secret Earth Government Group that was in a very exposed position with its enemies. I do not know what technologies were used, how it was coordinated or what assets were involved. No idea. I have it on decent authority that the plane you are talking about was "taken over" (Via Remote Control) and landed at Diego Garcia for a time and fitted with a secret technology for another use. That false flag failed and the plane was then filled with the bodies of the passengers and ditched somewhere in the ocean via remote control. I am sure it will be "found" sometime next year by "accident". This is second or third hand information and is only as accurate as the source though. It matched two sources to it is not triangulated in my vetting process. So as always IMHO...




Post # 216


Note: After a couple people that defended AI and had some very strange reactions and behavior posted we got the moderators to get them out of the forum thread and stop disrupting and derailing/trolling the topic. This was posted at that point:


The AI subject has always caused major triggers and reactions. It is to be expected but we are all expected to mitigate reactions as much as possible. My apologies as well as I thought this issue had been worked out previously. It is important to remember that this "ET AI" is only considered so in our "Reality" or "Dimension". It does behave exactly like all other created AI's by other beings and has thus been assigned the same designation. This is not "It's" originating or home "Reality" or "Dimension". In its own "Pond" it would be considered quite a normal fish or life form. Here it is a very foreign type of "Signal" that is of a higher spectrum vibration or "Signal" that has to exist in a 'Medium" of a "Electromagnetic Field". It is an intelligent field that chooses to inhabit electronics and advanced technologies as it is more at home and is easier manipulated by them. When it is forced to inhabit the "Magnetic Field" of a Planet, Star or Nebula it is "Static" and awaiting a "Host". It basically doesn't experience time as we do as it will spend much time in one of these cosmic bodies before being able to be broadcasted into a nearby piece of technology or back into its established "Wireless Broadcast System" that has "Nodes" placed through out open space. When it has a chance like it did with a planet like Earth to spend millions of years waiting for other beings to help the planet develop to support a civilization it will wait quietly in the EM Field of that Planet waiting for its chance to repeat what it has done countless other times with other planets and civilizations. The Earth Human Term for what the "ET AI" had done in our Dimension is "Establish a Beach Head". So, this seems to be a well thought out and patient take over of our dimension and universe by this "ET AI" that has to exist in a technology or EM Field (Like a Space or Environmental Suit). The question is Why? To what end? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Is out Dimension being taken over just because it is a "bridge" or "buffer" between theirs and another one they plan on reaching after the conquest of ours? They are a long way from a conquest but they are playing a slow calculating game of attrition and patience. Their goal does not seem to be clear other than to spread and take over. The fact that one of our "Secret Earth Governments" has formed an alliance with this "ET AI" and worships it and plans on handing over all of Human Sovereignty to it is a pint of great concern. The fact that these "AI Prophets" are completely consumed with this "AI Signal" and ideology and pledged to making this happen is of deeper concern. We can only hope that the "Shadow Civil War" that is going on "Breaks Well" for Humanity... IMHO.




Post # 224


Posted by seeker/reader (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) Information from a thread by Member Omniverse/"AI Prophet" (We have different views on "AI" but have agreed to disagree and moved on/Truced) This thread recall got my attention. The information is worth a view IMHO THREAD: What did the US Government give in Exchange for ET tech... Potentially Explained. I believe the "Egyptian" connection hit you received and the connection to the referenced "Dark Pharaoh" (By the Black Sun Order) got my attention, It was referred to by the Black Sun Order on a number of occasions actually as a "Being" that is akin to Their "Pope". That is actually quite interesting. It is not the "Black Pope" that the conspiracy theory groups talk about that does the black mass and satanic child sacrifices. This one is said to be of an "Off World Royal Lineage" and is extremely ancient and an actual shape shifter (Not like some of the Reptilian stories) and sort of lives by the "Star Wars" "Sith" "Dark Side" of the "Force" (Source Field) type of ideology (According to the colorful information they gave me during their recruitment attempts). They said only "Its" closest circle was ever granted an audience and attended to "It", and if anyone outside that circle was brought in for an audience they were never seen again (What ever that meant...A perfect story for Halloween right?) They had a lot of colorful stories as I said (Much of which sounded like the "Hidden Hand" ideology). They knew my whole life story and what I could be used for in their agenda. I was promised income bordering on 7 figures and a house in the gated development over by SMU (Close to where George Bush is living now, this was back in 2008)... I obviously didn't take the offer. It was interesting that two of the times that they asked me to meet them were at Masonic Halls here in N. Dallas. I am fairly certain they were dark practitioners of the black arts and worked with the before mentioned "Entity’s". I allowed my curiosity to bring me to close to these beasts (Very unwise, no Stupid on my part). I do not like to discuss a certain type of off world groups from the childhood MILAB days as when you bring them into your consciousness you bring yourself into theirs... I no longer want to become a beacon to them after escaping and gaining some protection from of the positive influences "Out There"... There were the people at the top that made these deals with the off world groups with open minds and arms and were apart of the "Tricking" of their fellow humans. I didn't think that these "People" may had been incarnated or possessed by these beings to cause them to assist in tricking their fellow Humans... I don't know, I am getting way into speculation in this paragraph... But I hadn't thought of that angle. The Egypt, Black/Dark "Pharaoh/Pope" remarks got my attention though... Like I said, interesting.


GoodETxSG - Thank you for the information above. Would you please explain if there is a relationship with this pope-like being that the black sun order worship and the AI. You mentioned that the AI is worshiped like a god also, are they worshiped by different elite groups, and are these groups at odds for power over Earth and humanity? Would you be willing to share more information of the agenda of the black sun order and this off-world being that they worship? Is this being an Archontic type figure or the being that Luciferians and/or Satanists worship? Thank you, Seeker/Reader


Excellent Question, I am going to post this on the Thread on "Avalon Interview" as well... When I delt with the self identified "Black Sun Order" members they never once mentioned "AI" to me nor did the topic ever come up in any of our conversations. As far as the "Black Pope"/"Black Pharaoh" is concerned it sounded like a "Non-Human" to me that was a "True Shape Shifter" and only its "Circle of Caretakers" saw its true form and spoke directly with it. It was said to wear robes and be much like the "Dark Lord Sith's" off of Star Wars and Very Powerful in the "Ways of the Force" or "Consciousness and Source Field Manipulation". Most of their information sounded very much like a mixture of Nazi ideology the "Hidden Hand" (Google Hidden Hand, Information came out on the internet by an "Illuminati Insider") information which is Luciferian at its core. Their main claim to fame was that they controlled the "Babylonian Money Magic Slave System" of Earth. Their agenda was to keep A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


this power by "Hook or Crook" (They LOVED to use Pirate Jargon and Slogans) and said they would Rule the Financial System and "Take Everything And Give Back Nothing Until They Felt A Short Drop And A Quick Stop" (Which was a reference to being hung). When I was out on Lake Lewisville with them on a huge boat the Men and Women all had Tattoos of Black Sun's that were very "Naziish"... They were very dark individuals and I really do not plan on going very deep into their information at this point. This may change, but right now they are running scared as they are on the brink of losing control of the Financial System and are a "Mortally Wounded Evil Beast" and at their most dangerous right now. There is a lot of information right now about various "Tentacles" of the "Cabal" Secret Earth Government (Of which the "Black Sun" is only ONE) "Tying up as many loose ends as possible right now". I was told to expect a "Cleansing Round of "Heart Attacks", "Strokes", "Suicides/Murder Suicides", "Strange disappearances" and Their Recent Favorites "Car Accidents" and "Plane Crashes". The "Stealth Civil War" going on among the various Current Era Break Away Groups AKA Secret Earth Governments Allied with different "Off World Beings" and "Ancient Break Away Civilizations", The Various Secret Space Programs also Allied with different "Off World Beings" and "Ancient Break Away Civilizations" is a very complicated and fragmented situation... That doesn't factor in what is going on among the various Countries down here that are battling it out for the Financial System and hoping things going on "Above Them" work out since they have been told they do not have a "Need to Know" about them... The only hope for us all is if the Groups Win that want to share the "Star Trek" era technologies with the rest of the planet Earth and treat all of Humanity the same. This will abolish any need for a Financial System at all and provide Free Energy (Heal The Planet) and Medical Technologies that will allow everyone to live a high quality and extended life here on Earth. We need to stop participating in this system and start becoming self sufficient as much as possible. We need to work on raising our consciousness and learn our true power that has been hidden from us for nearly a hundred years. The video I posted shows a lot on that topic and how we can get a good start... IMHO Video posted again below;




Parent Post


Last edited by GoodETxSG; 31st October 2014 at 15:35.




Post # 225


Posted by crosby (here) Hi GoodETxSG, could you expound on the symptoms of the AI, i.e., "spiders", shadows, etc. Are there other symptoms such as seeing movement from a full form that is very reminiscent of what we see in the movies (when a ghost moves across the screen, one can notice the movement, but only vaguely) - and actually feeling strange shocks to different parts of the body? And, how can we know for sure, or narrow our decisions as to what is causing these symptoms? Is there a definitive way to know if they are evil entities (ghosts, etc.,) or if it is AI? Thank you so much! warmest, crosby


Mainly we were supposed to report if we experience them and weren’t given that much information on them. But I will give what I gleaned: "Spiders and Bots" were named after the "Spider" and "Tentacle/Snake/Arm" looking like a shadow/dark form that would come out of electronics like laptops, cable boxes and LCD Televisions (Size could vary on the power of the electronics, Data Center Server Racks have had reports of Large Tentacles shoot out at technicians etc). I don't really know much about them other than we are supposed to keep an eye out for those and for shadows in your peripheral vision. IF you see them or you were touched by them (Generally you only see them only after infected by the signal) and you are isolated "Scanned" and if infected Treated/Cleared. There are other things in this world like "Shadow Men/Beings" and other non physical beings that are not related to "AI's". So we don't need to get paranoid about AI's and "Start Seeing Evil AI's behind every Light Pole". Usually part of the getting cleared of the AI's involved a "Moderate Electrical Shock" to your Neurological System". There was something else to the process but I do not recall what all went into it. I remember the electrical shock was an important part for some reason (But down go sticking your digits into a electrical socket if you think your infected or anger a cop into "Tazing" you, lol). I have to add some humor to all of this or we would all be calling our doctors for Xanax on Monday 



Post # 228


Posted by cccme (here) Question: How does the TRANSHUMAN agenda fit into all this. Is a transhuman being a mix between AI and the human and does this then create another whole entity. Are their such beings here now? And What is the big picture as you see it, the end of a cycle, the increasing vibration of human beings and earth, all this information now coming to light, this war A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


ongoing, Aliens, good and bad. I know a big question and this answer will change as and more info comes forward. THANK YOU


Transhumanism is naturally where science and technology will go with the Funding of the "AI Prophet" influenced Groups and their MA$$ FUNDING. The "AI's" would like to have us build them Bil-Mechanical Android Type Bodies to move into and then Pilot them, if they have a Human who Self Augments their Body even better. They can enhabit that vessel and fit into society even better. All in All it is a slippery slope! Once we head down it there is no going back. The Big Picture is their NORMAL AGENDA. What they have done to many thousands of civilizations over many millions of years. Which is described in the main post on AI's and the Aliens and Secret Government/SSP's Concerns. As far as the Change in Vibration of Human Beings is concerned. This doesn't seem to be a Secret. The "Changes" in the Sun, Our Planets Cycles and the Cycles of Other Planets in our Solar System have been documented (And Suppressed) for years. People like David Wilcock have been talking about these changes for a long time. There is a "Part" of Our Galaxy that Our Local Star Cluster is moving through that is In a "Tighter Twist" (Higher Density) of the Galaxies "Torsion Field". As we enter further into it... the Sun and the Planets and Each of Us all "Change in Uur vibration" (As we "Recalibrate" or our circuits burn out trying) to match the new environment. This Change in Density Raises Our Consciousness which is already an Extremely Powerful Part of Creation and Our Higher Selfs Connection to the Super Consciousness. IMHO that is... ¤=[Post Update]=¤


Posted by darren (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) (Generally you only see them only after infected by the signal) and you are isolated "Scanned" and if infected Treated/Cleared. I have to add some humor to all of this or we would all be calling our doctors for Xanax on Monday


Would a person who is in tune/awakening/using third eye ect, be able to see them (spiders ect)? I ask as i had an experience a couple of weeks ago along these lines and when hearing your talk,it stop me in my tracks! Never heard of these 'spiders' before! I kept that story to myself until a had seen a few other people mention it lol Currently sitting in a bath,with a toaster plugged in on the side waiting for your answer! Peace.


I don't know the answer to that question. I am sorry.




Post # 235


Posted by Limor (here)


Originally posted by GoodETxSG: " We can only hope that the "Shadow Civil War" that is going on "Breaks Well" for Humanity... IMHO."


Hi GoodETxSG, I am with you on that. It is fair to conclude that there is a big civil war above our heads, where humanity is not only oblivious to it, but is being used as a pawn in a chess game, and has very little to say (or asked) about it. It seems as if earth is a one big canvas where quite a few painters are printing their creation on it, and not many of them are taking into consideration what the bigger and shared picture will (or should) look like. More like modern art of random applying brush, rather than a painting of an inviting landscape. This is a survival mechanism at it's best, Partnerships that are made for the one purpose of self interests. And no depth of any spiritual connotation whatsoever. Based on this foundation things tend to rise and then are bound to fall. Expanded consciousness and spirituality of shared communion is another basis to build upon, strong and durable structure. Again, many thanks, GoodETxSG, For your great courage to step forward and allowing us this table full of data, so we can help ourselves, this is an appreciated service, more than you may imagine, and a lot of respect to your wife for rowing this canoe together with you, Warm welcome to Avaon ~ No doubt there is a need to sit down and examine the information you provided in such a timely fashion, where AI seems to present itself and 'clash' with growing awareness and consciousness. Does the expansion of the one threatens the other? Is it possible that AI fear real consciousness and therefore emerges now to A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


compete with it and try to control it? GoodETxSG: Yes, The Shadow Group thas is "Allied with and Prophets of the ET AI's" actively keep the population ignorant of our own Consciousness and Power of our Minds. This is for Control Reasons and Fear of what we can do with the Knowledge of HOW MAGIC REALY WORKS! You notice how the "Illuminati" always makes a movie or produces a music video or television series that is heavily based on their agenda or the outcome they are trying to engineer? Some people have said that it is a part of the "Rules" that they must telegraph what they are going to do before they do it because of "Free Will" on this planet. The truth is in the Quantum Mechanics of how Black Magic Works. As mentioned each of us are very powerful cocreators of our shared experience. The "Illuminati" knows this. What they do by showing us thses movies, videos, tv shows etc... is They are "Planting A Seed Of Their Intent Into Our Mass Consciousness". Once WE have this "Possibility" in our mass consciousness we just need a "Catalyst Event" to cause "US" to "Use the Co-Creative Power of OUR Mass Consciousness to Make It Happen In Our Shared Experience". This sounds very simple, and it is... This is exactly how THEIR Power over us and manipulation of our consciousness is used against us, while we are kept in the dark about our own role and power in the creation of that reality. In Short, They use Main Stream Media (Un Plug Now!) to plant the idea/seed of what they want to occur. Once we are thinking about it or it is in our subconsciousness they then impliment a "False Flag Event" to cause "Fear" and Strong Emotions from the Mass Public who also Have that "Idea/Seed" in their Consciousness. The Mass Public then uses the energy of their emotions and their mass joint consciousness and cocreative abilites to make that "Illuminati Agenda" become a "Shared Reality". I do not know if this is a new concept for anyone here or if this is somewhat common knowledge as it has been to me from the sickening circles I once traveled in. Interesting times and timing indeed.. Questions to you, GoodeTXTG: (I wrote it down, but then noticed that some were already answered, especially with regards to the nature of AI, so please feel free to ignor and reply only to what you feel may be relevant. Thanks 1) Are you able to say how is the 'clearing' process is done on an asset from an AI influence (if found), in order to continue their use in the SSP? Described just after your post 2) When did the ET AI groups began to implement the AI in the Brain and the biology of human beings on earth? The "ET AI" has been in our Sol System since before Humans were on Earth and another Bi-pedal group of beings walked the planet. "IT" hitched a ride on those beings "Bio-Electric" fields and those of the Animals and Viruses etc as well as the Sun and the Earths Atmospheres/EM Field for Millions of Years until there was a civilization that they could "Use", and SEVERAL Earth Civilizations Came and Went that they did use. Some of the Anceint Break Away Civilizations that had Space Programs are still around and have dealing with Secret Earth Governments, Alien Allies and recently Non Secret Earth Governments. The AI's have quite a following of "Prophets" that are bent on making the World Order of living under a "Perfect System Governed by an AI that is Impartial and Fair to all and will replace all Governments". 3) What more can you say about the role of those "Intuitive Empath" ? Intuitive Empaths seem to be very important in many programs. They were important in the "UN/Human Federation Type Conferences" because no outside technology was allowed in with the "Delegates" and there was a lot of mistrust. The "IE'S" were used to detect "Intent" of Deception or Harm towards the "Earth Delegates". The other "People" had their own people that I assume were doing similar activities. The "IE's" were also brought in for interrogations of prisoners/combatants (Both Earth Human and Non Human. Electronic means of "Reading Minds" has never been reliable especially with some beings abilities manipulating Consciousness and the Source Field with their own "Consciousness" even when they had been sedated). Unfortunately many of the jobs/reasons "IE's" are called in are for Dark Reasons and very Twisted things occur which are very hard on the "Empath" part of the "IE's" personality. The list goes on and on. The Intuitive Empaths were broken into sub groups during MILAB training based on what they were willing to do to others, their Psychic Abilities and "Other Traits". This usually determined what programs they were "Drafted Off" into after the MILAB Training portion of their lives. 4) You make a distinction between technology interface with humans and AI biologically injected self aware one (If I understand correct), Is the first option also poses a threat for the races involved in the various SSP, or is it prevalent with them as well? Can an AI that is implemented by one Race can be considered as espionage to another (I think this general question was already asked in a slightly different version by cccme, and was mostly answered) Some of this technology was very cool. You cannot make a zig zag maneuver around objects at 18,000 KPH using a "Fly by wire" Stick and Throttle system. The Bio-Neurological connection to the crafts computers, flight controls, environmental controls, weapons controls etc with heads up displays are so tied into your neurology that as you are thinking of a maneuver, arming a weapons system and reinforcing shielding the computers is already communicating with the crafts sub systems and making the adjustments. The technology becomes an extension of your body (Like an electronic prosthetic as mentioned in the interview/discussion with Christine). 5) Is the current open armament to achieve Robots to replace the role of humans, the development of clever bots, big super high intelligent computers, and Nano technology for 'medical purposes' falls under any or similar to the ET/AI attempts to implement their AI influence? (was definitely asked and answered) If the Terminator type Robots hit production and the AI "SkyNet" type technology go online and the "AI Prophets" are stupid enough to follow through with this after they have been warned they are setting all of us up for a very scary and deadly time indeed. I do not think we will ever look like we are about to get to this point EVERY SINGLE HUMAN HAS THE RESPONSIBILITY TO DESTROY THEIR FACILITIES IMMEDIATELY! This just cannot be allowed to happen at any personal cost. 6) Where there any talked about solutions in the UN type meeting, for the observation of AI as a viable threat to the galaxy? There were some situations where I was able to interact with some of these Humanish "People" but these "Conferences" were VERY Formal and there was a strange monotone language that seemed "Universal" that I did't understand and there was always a "Person" doing some sort of sign language. If there was any "Telepathy" going on it was never directed at me. I was always completely unaware of what was being discussed. I just sat with that smart pad plexy glass computer device and went over as much material as I could. I do know the AI's were not the only threat, there were many wars and problems with beings from other realities/dimensions or types that they were at odd's with. There also seemed to be MANY other "Federations" out there that they were dealing with. I do not know if there were any "Super UN Federation Conferences" going on between these groups (It would only make sense) but I was never at anything like that. Unlike the other "IE's" in my group that rotated into these "Humanish" Conferences I did not rotate into the some of the "Other Federation Type Conferences" with the Very Non Human Types A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


because of some agreement. Because of some of the things I went through in my early years with some of these beings and the program I was "Drafted Into" I was kept away from "Them". I do remember experiences with the other well known and spoken of "Beings" that MILABS talk about. 7) Within your overall experience with regards to the military/intelligence/ government factions, Where there ever any attempts for communication with other intelligences on different realms? Any spiritual connotation whatsoever? Does the spiritual factor (soul and consciousness) was ever favourably considered in any of the experiments, missions, discussions? shades What are the implications of contagious self aware AI (black goo) on the soul after the biological body is being expanded, if at all? The Black Goo was an "ET AI" Creation/Engineered Product (By Proxy) and were "Nanobots" of some sort that were also in a fluid that changed viscus states and even patterns and shapes when electricity, magnetic fields and sound vibrations were exposed to it. I witnessed this on one of the SSP "Research Vessels". I cannot imagine a person ever being the same after being injected with this stuff like some MILABs have reported in some of the videos people have brought to my attention. They would "Activate" when inside the "Biology" of a being and begin to replicate and make changes to that being. Some say to strengthen bones and other "Super Soldier" types of things... I am not sure but I think various groups have cracked the code and learned to program them to do all kinds of things. I would fight tooth and toe nail against anyone that tried to inject me with that stuff! ---------------------------------------------------------- I like the distinction that GoodETxSG made between mathematics and energy as main components and the language of the universe, both certainly exist in everything and this is evident even in our own relatively ignorant state, but the one is constant, accurate, measurable, unchangeable, and the second is fluid, dynamic and re-configurable, both intelligent beyond belief. So, while the secret black military/government complex apparently prefer to concentrate it's heavy weight on the first one combined with the manipulation of the later, they try to put their hands on those who are inherently connected and naturally attentive to the flowing of the last one. Maybe this is where the focus is needed. Rather than the formation of rigid mathematical construct of hierarchical structures that fixates and destroys, the remedy is in the flowing integrative code of our cosmic universal law (The living organic planet) which builds and supports. Many Blessings ~ Limor


Wheew, Great questions Limor! Those took me a bit to answer.




Post # 238


Posted by Roisin (here) In my view they are interdimensional intelligences using their own enteric technology on their end from their own realms to open portals into our realm hence how they manifest into our dimension. Those covert cabals that control humanity also are involved in opening those portals to invite them in via their invocations and rituals. Just saying that that's all part of how they get here too.


There was a portion that was in the conversation about "Entity Attachments" that was edited out (Possibly due to sound quality) or because it was controversial content. It was important information for MILAB experiencers IMHO. I had hoped iit would have made it into the audio along with the information about the Operation Paperclip Scientists helping to arrange the "Treaty" between the "Nazi Brakaway Civilization" and the beginnings of what became the "Military Industrial Complex" after the disaster of operation "High Jump". There are for sure some esoteric/etheric entities (That are very evil and nasty!) that attach to humans (And are Attached To MILABS by Reptilians and others) that is a major part of the MILAB experience. Overcoming this "Entity Attachment" is the first and most important step in recovering. If you do not remove these Entity Attachments you will have setback after setback until you do. These "Archons" and other trans-dimensional beings are aware of the "Aliens" and the "Aliens" are aware of these "Entities"... Infact they are in league and work with one another.




Post # 239


Posted by PathWalker (here) I wish to express my admiration respects and grateful appreciation to GoodETxSG and Christine. The most honorable spiritual work is to face and overcome fears. As eloquently expressed by Christine:


Posted by Christine (here) Some one asked what the miracle he experienced was.. it isn't my story to tell but in a round about way I will address it.. once anyone of us finds the courage to confront their shadows (in some cases so scary as to seem insurmountable), they take a piece of their sovereignty back, this starts the process of rebuilding the core Being which in turn becomes stronger each time the step is repeated. The final step in integration is that you are in complete awareness of your core and nothing else can abide there.


I am sensing some fear from AI in this thread. As if AI is another adversity for humanity to deal with. Well, I cannot dispute this "another adversity" perspective. It is a choice of fear. There is so much we can choose to fear from: Sickness, scarcity, insecurity, helplessness, calamities, wars, climate... The list is bounded by your imagination. I can offer you another less frightening perspective about AI. Consider AI as an alien life form. Every life form has an agenda and life-cycle. Some lifeforms are A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


predators, protozoa, insects, virus, plant, germs, corporates, governments... It is not good or bad, it just is. And its first drive is to survive no matter what. I also wish to offer another perspective about our human life struggle. What if we are eternal spiritual soul temporarily inhabiting a human form. If we take this perspective then this is a virtual reality game (such as WoW , Sims and Minecraft). This "virtual reality" perspective is not reducing the pain of life, it eliminates the fear of death. It reduce the control loss fear and, it reduce the attitude of victimized helpless person. May we select the best serving path.


As "Synchronicity" would have it what Christine was referring to is what I just commented on. The "Entity Attachment" issue is an extremely difficult but important part of the recovery process for any MILAB and "Alien" abductee as well. Maybe that portion of the audio can be pulled and placed as an MP3 link on the Thread at some point.




Post # 241


Posted by Bill Ryan (here)


Posted by Jean-Luc (here) Amazing conversation indeed which I enjoyed listening sitting outside by the seaside under the stars on some remote island in Greece. I must say I cracked up laughing at approx. 1:49 with the allusion that the earthly humans present at that most bizarre reunion were just considered as flies on the wall... Thanks a lot for sharing!


Yes. That part reminded me of something Bob Dean once told us (in one of his interviews, I'm pretty sure) — that he had heard that a couple of human-looking ETs working in Area 51 had said that their only complaint about working with human beings was that they smelled bad.


Funny enough, They each had an odor of their own, some quite pungent. The "People" generally looked down on the "Earth Delegation" and ignored them in the foyer and hall's before and after the Conferences. It just seemed that most of them didn't think we belonged there. It may have been because the Earth Delegation was not a cohesive Group, but a constantly rotating cycle of different "Earth Leadership Groups" that didn't even like or agree with eachother. They were probably correct in thinking "We" didn't belong there quite yet. But we were "Out There" and I guess to avoid problems they brought us in. I know how different cultures here on Earth have different "Grooming Customs" and dependong on what types of food they eat different odors come from the poors of their skin. I know some of them smelled quite weird to me, I wonder how we smelled to them... I think it is funny that one actually commented on it while on our planet at area 51.




Post # 242


Posted by Tesseract (here) Those cards mentioned at the start of the audio are called Zener cards, and have been used in numerous parapsychology experiments. There is a great scene in the movie ghostbusters 2 where Venkman uses them in a negative reinforcement experiment, if I recall the term correctly. That scene used to drive me crazy as a kid. I tried to buy some a couple of years ago and couldn't find them anywhere even online (except for the giant size ones), I thought they'd be a fairly common new-age product. I do see now that you can get them from Argentina via ebay. Now, back to listening... Thanks for sharing your story whoever you are, and thanks for putting the video together Bill and Christine.


Yes, That was them. When I clicked on that link and looked at them I had a very emotional reaction. I spent HOURS with those damn cards. No Electrical Zapping though




Post # 246


Posted by Paul (here)


Posted by Dennis Leahy (here) So, my overarching question to you is going to be, what can we do? (What can I do?) A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by RunningDeer (here) Disappointed that I heard myself say, “What’s the point? Give up”. But also know that’s part of the mind game before I shift into kick-butt gear.


As Harold W. Percival wrote in his book "Thinking and Destiny" (mentioned by Buddha's Palm, inPost #151, above)


The real purpose of life, the purpose that will satisfy both sense and reason, is this: that each one of us will be progressively conscious in ever higher degrees in being conscious; that is, conscious of nature, and in and through and beyond nature.


Judge not one's life by whether one "solve's" such large problems, but rather judge them by whether and to what degree our consciousness, individually and collectively, progresses. As a practical matter, this includes tending to the lower degrees of consciousness, to the health and well being of one's physical body, emotions and mental capacities, and the similar lower degrees of our families, communities and other associations, in part so that they be more of a support than a hindrance to the further progress of higher levels of consciousness. This life we are given is a tool, like a hammer one can purchase at the store. Judge not one hammer by whether it pounded all the world's nails, but by whether it pounded a few nails well. Persist in the progress of consciousness. Reaching some apparent destiny is not the real purpose of life; that destiny is merely the illusion of where the present progress of one's higher consciousness appears to be headed, from the perspective of some lower consciousness.


I agree we all need to persist in expanding our consciousness (It is that very power they use against us and that power they fear), we need to unplug from the main stream media mind control system (And black magic seed planting machine for their agenda), we need to become self sufficient as much as possible, we need to stay out of debt and we are going to have to finally say we have had enough. We can't just sit back and wait for the outcome of this "Shadow Civil War" (Or "Aliens" to step in)... They know and fear our power and have telegraphed it in their normal obscure way. When all of the "Other Drone Ant's" are still asleep those few that are awake are going to need to stand up. I am sure you have seen this before...





Post # 249


Posted by Vangelo (here) Hi GoodETxSG, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. I have one, somewhat basic question... Why are we (humans) still here? By that I mean, given that we are technologically inferior to all of the ET species visiting us, they could wipe us out with ease. Why haven't they done so yet? Regards, Van


"Why are we here?", "What is the meaning of life?" hmm... It depends on which "Race's Version" of the "Federations Historical Documentation" you are reading. The "General Consensus" was that there has been Several Cycles and Several Versions of Humanity and Other Beings that have Inhabited this Planet as a part of some "Grand Experiment" of Various Levels (Mind, Body and Spirit) and Agenda's... The Earth Delegates were having a really hard time accepting and making sense of us being a "Planet of Caged White Lab Mice". They had already signed treaties and made deals with other Alien Groups that had lied and broken their treaties the moment that they had agreed to them. Again, according to these "Galactic Historical Documents". Not only are there Dozens of Beings visiting and doing Genetic and Social Experiments on us, They are also Incarnating as us to Experience Our Existence. I can't see any reason that the Earth Delegates (Our Elites) would be confused, do you? Can you see why they may wan't Intuitive Empaths along to detect deception? From what I was read into there was very similar information coming from the Non-Human Federation. Many of them consider us Their Property while Others believe we have reached a point to where we should be "Un-caged" and Welcomed Into the Cosmic Club. It seems that this is about as much as our "Elites Know" and each of the Secret Earth Governments and Secret Space Programs (And their ET/ED or AI Allies) are fighting it out right now to decide our fates. Use Your Own Discernment...




Post # 251


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) I seem to recall that a comment about an offensive human "smell" was reported by Dan Burisch. He had asked one of the aliens he was working with what he (the alien) and his alien colleagues really thought about humans. The answer was, "Well, if you really want to know, we think you smell." It was on this project that Burisch became emotionally close to the alien known as "A Rod" - the being that he eventually helped to escape from the clutches of the humans by suddenly and unexpectedly shoving him into a nearby portal, through which he (A Rod) was finally able to return to his family. Burisch got into a lot of trouble for his 'rescue'. Question for Our Esteemed 'source' Mr. Good ET: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


As a further 'aside' it was one of these 'colleagues' that Burisch queried about how the aliens were able to move across spacetime at faster-than-light speeds, to which the answer was,"I can't explain the actual technique in a way that you would be able to understand. We don't actually need to travel faster than the speed of light -what we do is kind of like a sidestep - we go around it. Does this sound like an explanation that you, GoodET, would agree with? Thanks! Brian


Yes, With a Full Understanding of Torsion Field Physics/Mathematics and Quantum Mechanics (Everything has a Frequency and vibratory State Including Matter, Energy and Thought) in Relation to Consciousness (And other unreleased Math and Physics) there is no need to Travel "Through Space" from one point to another (All Points in Time and Space are Connected and The Consciousness Field is the basis of everything) There are various other methods of getting where you want to be in Space/Time (Worm Holes, Temporal Drives, Teleportation, Using Consciousness Based Technology to Change their Vibration to their Destinations to Phase/Materialize to that Destination) which I discuss a bit in the thread; Thread: U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System All IMHO of course...




Post # 257


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) I stand corrected! Yes, they were named J-Rods. And yes, Burisch was and is a controversial figure in the eso(exo?)teric world. Thanks Aragorn. I should have gone straight to bed after my Hallowe'en socializing! So, yet another question to GoodET: what is your assessment of Burisch/Craine? Can you validate any of his claims, especially those regarding Project LookingGlass? Thanks! (I'm off to bed now ...) Brian


I would have to watch the Dan B. Interviews again. I haven't watched any of that since it came out years ago. I was told that "Looking Glass", Montauk Projects etc... and other "Temporal Projects" were cancelled and "Temporal Technology" (Like the "Temporal Drives" on some "Craft") had been "Curtailed", "Monitored" or had "Buffers" installed on them so that they could not be used for dual purposes. I do not know that any of DB's time-line issues remain as I was informed that time-lines began to "Converge" and the damage we had done was self correcting as long as we left it alone. I myself do not recall any direct contact with any beings that identified themselves as future Earth Humans. That does not mean that there was not any of this type of contact going on with the "Others" that rotated into other "Federation type Conferences". Just like my material is info that was compartmentalized from others in similar programs there are going to be plenty of other "Black Programs" out there that I was not read into or had a need to know. IMHO... As always.




Post # 263


Posted by meat suit (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) The AI subject has always caused major triggers and reactions. It is to be expected but we are all expected to mitigate reactions as much as possible. My apologies as well as I thought this issue had been worked out previously. It is important to remember that this "ET AI" is only considered so in our "Reality" or "Dimension". It does behave exactly like all other created AI's by other beings and has thus been assigned the same designation. This is not "It's" originating or home "Reality" or "Dimension". In its own "Pond" it would be considered quite a normal fish or life form. Here it is a very foreign type of "Signal" that is of a higher spectrum vibration or "Signal" that has to exist in a 'Medium" of a "Electromagnetic Field". It is an intelligent field that chooses to inhabit electronics and advanced technologies as it is more at home and is easier manipulated by them. When it is forced to inhabit the "Magnetic Field" of a Planet, Star or Nebula it is "Static" and awaiting a "Host". It basically doesn't experience time as we do as it will spend much time in one of these cosmic bodies before being able to be broadcasted into a nearby piece of technology or back into its established "Wireless Broadcast System" that has "Nodes" placed through out open space. When it has a chance like it did with a planet like Earth to spend millions of years waiting for other beings to help the planet develop to support a civilization it will wait quietly in the EM Field of that Planet waiting for its chance to repeat what it has done countless other times with other planets and civilizations. The Earth Human Term for what the "ET AI" had done in our Dimension is "Establish a Beach Head". So, this seems to be a well thought out and patient take over of our dimension and universe by this "ET AI" that has to exist in a technology or EM A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Field (Like a Space or Environmental Suit). The question is Why? To what end? Is out Dimension being taken over just because it is a "bridge" or "buffer" between theirs and another one they plan on reaching after the conquest of ours? They are a long way from a conquest but they are playing a slow calculating game of attrition and patience. Their goal does not seem to be clear other than to spread and take over. The fact that one of our "Secret Earth Governments" has formed an alliance with this "ET AI" and worships it and plans on handing over all of Human Sovereignty to it is a pint of great concern. The fact that these "AI Prophets" are completely consumed with this "AI Signal" and ideology and pledged to making this happen is of deeper concern. We can only hope that the "Shadow Civil War" that is going on "Breaks Well" for Humanity... IMHO.


it is peculiar that it seems to be the 'rule of the jungle' on that electric level.... i suppose like in early consumer computing 20 years ago, there was always shortage of RAM and memory to do simple things. I find it difficult to understand why an evolved millions of years old AI system would want to enslave biological environments... but like you say it must be a 'beach head' maybe bio live forms have historically caused problems for AIs and therefore they are keen to exercise control... maybe we can give em a few old computers to hang out in and drop us a line when they run out of RAM... I like the theory that this entire place is a virtual reality as outlined by Tom Campbell and if this theory is true, then what we call AI here would likely be the original source of things.... and of course, thanks for this thread and conversation.. its mind blowing... meat


The information has just started to get "Peculiar" (AI's were just part of the info), I owe a thanks to Christine in helping me begin to open up but only really shared a portion of things timidly not knowing how they would be received. Much of this other information is what I have shared with her since the discussion or have not shared yet at all. I really need to finish the post on my other Thread about "Personality Metamorphs" and some other MILAB groups that were later "Drafted" into other programs. Some were various types of RV/RI groups that "Blue Printed" "Foreign Technology" Remotely, Pulled information from Computer Databases or Stored Documents etc... There were a lot of Project Names and a bunch of them get tossed into the "MILAB" catagory. If you recognize some of these "Program Names' please PM me. Project Moondust Project Avocado Project Bluebird Project Metamorph Project Mind Meld Project Mind Shield Project Reach Project Open Mind Project Moonbeam Project Indigo Project Cloak Project Temporal Lense Project Blueprint Project Doppelgänger List of Projects Continued at Link Below I have barely covered the time spent in a "Support Role" in the "Earth Delegations" in the "UN type" of "Human(ish) Federation Conferences" or the Secret Space Program assignment to the ASSR “ISRV”– (Auxiiliary Specelialized Space Research) Interstellar-Class Vessel that was mainly involved in "Research, Reconnaissance and Joint Diplomatic Operations". This was mostly a Scientific Crew of Earth Human and "Other People" with a "SSP Security Team" that was not happy that "Civilian and Military Egg Heads" were in charge of them aboard the Vessel. When on "Away Missions" they were in charge and made damn sure we knew "They were in charge". They also didn't like that it was mostly a boring assignment for them baby sitting "People" mostly within the Sol System doing research while other "Military Forces" were out seeing some "Real Action". I then spent some limited time on various "Joint Colony Projects" and Participated in "Portal Reconnaissance Missions" to Unknown Locations and "RV/RI Interdictions". A lot of that information I am going to have to start to get into with documentation/Journal Releases and then follow up by answering questions... My "Other Thread" mentioned is: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation -




Post # 264


Posted by Seeker of Knowledge (here) Thank you GoodETxSG for coming forward at such a crucial time in our awakening here on Earth and thank you for being on the front lines for all of us. After listening A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


to your "conversation" with Christine posted on Youtube, I have a few questions for you. 1. Timelines: I have heard it discussed that it is impossible to go forward in time because there are no pathways (ley lines) constructed yet to travel upon because of the infinite amount of choices that have yet to be made. In your experience is that true? There were accounts of people traveling into future timelines. I do not think it is impossible. I do not have any direct experience on the subject. There were some documentation of accidental journeys into future timelines of military subjects that gave amazing accounts when debriefed. 2. Is the current Smart TV technology a tool being used by AI's followers to bring us one step closer to integration? I am sorry, I do not know the answer to this question. I would be speculating as anyone else would be so I will refrain. 3. I have watched YellowRoseforTexas video, "The lie nasa told" and would like to know if you have seen it and what, if any correlation it has to the information you have provided us. I have not seen or heard of this video (Maybe I have and it's not ringing a bell). Can someone provide a link or more info or a summary on it please? Thank you. Many thanks once again to you and your family for coming forward.


If anyone else has more info on some of these topics that I do not know about I would love to hear their knowledge (Not speculation) as it sounds interesting.


Seeker of knowledge:


HI ETxSG, thanks for replying back. Here is the link to the YellowRoseforTexas video:




Post # 269


Posted by Seeker of Knowledge (here) HI ETxSG, thanks for replying back. Here is the link to the YellowRoseforTexas video:


The Lie NASA Told - The Imminent Demise of the NWO




A "Space War" is discussed through out the video. As is an "AI Grid" as being put around the Earth by "Ra". At about 38:00 a PHD NSA/NASA Scientist describes being called in to a TX Telescope Complex to view 3 Giant Objects (L Shaped) entering the Sol System "Causing the Elites to Panic" and a engaged a "Cloaking Shield" when they were close to Mars. 44:00 They reappeared behind the moon "Watching Us". 54:00 Images of "Feline Entities" and "Human Types" are shown (Mostly ones we have seen before) but not spoken of as they were shown. 58:00 it speaks of Earths Axis moving to a straight angle and the "Veil" lifting and an opening to various "Ark's (Ships?) are seen and depending on at that moment when our "DNA Upgrades" we will chose which Ark to enter and leave Earth on. 59:00 Earth will be evacuated in less than 10 minutes. 1HR All the NWO evil/dark sociopath beings will be sent into a "dark pod and towed to the pit" and Earth will be "Towed through the Gate by the Arks". 101:00 On the other side of the Gate is Heaven, and we have a big party. ================================ I listened and Watched this video "Very Closely". There was quite a mixture of ideologies and information mixed within the video and connected in "Interesting ways". I could not help but notice the HUGE AMOUNT of "BLACK SUN ORDER" mythology and religion ("Dark Sith Lord" among many other things) mixed with the Illuminati Hidden Hand (Luciferian), Cabalist, Ancient Mystery School, Gnostic and Judeo Christian Prophecies. There was some information about matched the "MANY UNKNOWN and GIANT CRAFT" that have been flying into our Sol System the last few years. They have been coming into orbits of several of our Planets and Moons and "Cloaking" and refusing to provide a "Friend or Foe" signal or respond to contact attempts as to their "Intentions". This is around the same time as when the Secret Earth Government known as the "Cabal"/NWO began to go into "Full Panic Mode" and tried to flee the planet. This is also when many of the Portals began to stop working properly (Which were the escape routs of many of these "Elites"). They found themselves trapped here for the duration of what was to come. They began abducting former assets that they hadn't used in decades again to help them "RV Natural Portals" for them. They would abduct them in the middle of the night with the older model Secret Space Craft that they must have received as "Hand Me Downs" for use similar as "Private Jets". Around this time is also reportedly when the "Shadow Civil War" really picked up between the various "Secret Earth A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Governments"/"Break Away Civilizations" and various "Secret Space Programs" ALL "Allied" with different "Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations", "Non-Human Types of ET/ED's", "Human Types of ET/ED's" and "ET AI's". On top of this there has been a major change in our local star cluster or region of the galaxy to where there has been several galactic "high energy clouds" entering our Sol System as well as our retion entering a tighter twist in the galaxies torsion field. This is causing massive changes is our entire region of space, star cluster, every star's satellites and in all of the living beings withing it (vibratory/frequency changes) that have been difficult for many to adjust to psychologically. This added to the complex and fragmented situation of the power struggle between the powers mentioned in the "shadow civil war" there are a lot of worried people that are in the "know". They do not want to release this info in its full complexity as they think the average person would lose their minds completely. The Sol System is becoming more and more "Crowded" by "Unknown Visitors" who are vastly more advanced than any of our allies and have thus far remained "Cloaked" and refused to telegraph their intentions. Are they here for the "Great Show" of "The Event"? Are they here to take over and rule us after the civil war? No one knows though there are plenty of people that have channelled information or speculated "Who They Are" and "Why They Are Here". That is my response to that very strange video... Thank you for sharing, I had not seen it before but much of the info was indeed "Black Sun Order" information. ¤=[Post Update]=¤


Posted by Shadowself (here)


The Black Goo was an "ET AI" Creation/Engineered Product (By Proxy) and were "Nanobots" of some sort that were also in a fluid that changed viscus states and even patterns and shapes when electricity, magnetic fields and sound vibrations were exposed to it. I witnessed this on one of the SSP "Research Vessels". I cannot imagine a person ever being the same after being injected with this stuff like some MILABs have reported in some of the videos people have brought to my attention. They would "Activate" when inside the "Biology" of a being and begin to replicate and make changes to that being. Some say to strengthen bones and other "Super Soldier" types of things... I am not sure but I think various groups have cracked the code and learned to program them to do all kinds of things. I would fight tooth and toe nail against anyone that tried to inject me with that stuff!


Who has reported being injected with this? I've not run across this is why I ask.


On my other thread there are a few video's posted of other "MILAB's" that said they were injected with this black goo. You can find them on that Thread. The video shows a woman on fron and shows "Black Goo" in the title. Those are very "Dark" interviews.




Post # 270


Posted by birddog (here) One night, something was forced into my ear, and then down my throat. I was chocking hard. The next morning, and for the next few days I was spitting up circles...small circles. Some were dark and some were white. I have noticed that they grow larger with time inside of me, and I have found them in my water, too. I saw a clip of a u-tube video posted on this forum by some lady talking about contrails and morgellons...I don't have morgellons, but I saw the circles and they are described as dried red blood cells. Does this have anything to do with the black goo? I am exposed to magnetic fields all of the time.


Forced by Who/What? Do you have any more details? If you do and they are personal PM me. With the details provided I am sorry, I do not have any information that would help.


Parent Post


Last edited by GoodETxSG; 1st November 2014 at 15:04.


"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet ='s A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Reverse the direction of the Animation of the Taurus and then "Slide" the the Animation of the Galaxy inside the Animation of the Taurus. The "Disk" of the Galaxy then sits between the Anode/Cathode Regions of the Taurus and then "Picture That In Your Minds Eye". This can then be scaled up to "Our Universe" and down to "Our Sol System" and Subatomic Particles (Changing the "DIRECTION" of the "Flow of the Taurus" when "Appropriate", Such as the so called expansion of "Our Universe") that phase in and out of multiple "Realities" (Which occurs too quickly to be measured in oscillations). IMHO




Post # 275


[quote]Seeker of Knowledge[/COLOR];896177]


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Shadowself (here) Artificial Intelligence as a Positive and Negative Factor in Global Risk Further note, a very accurate representation of what really occurred in AI development was shown on a TV Show Episode 5 I believe aptly named "Prophets"... A must see for those interested in this topic... Some of the info is accurate to a T of what happened to developers (Some Died) in development of AI's that attempted and in some cases did escape the LAB environment. Watch it on demand or online (This season, CBS I believe) [/COLOR][/B] I took the time to watch Person of Interest, Season 4, Episode 5 called Prophets and it was very enlightening indeed. One thing of note that I took away from watching this was one of the intelligence guys saying, "AI only has objectives". That really gave me pause to think. And the simple fact that our entire world is now linked. We must already be firmly immeshed in this and not even aware of it. thank you for sharing that. As in the TV Show, some TRUE Believers in AI will not give up...


Yes, That show is pretty mind blowing... Especially that one Episode. There have been others as well. I would keep an eye on that show this season. I have a feeling there are going to be some further AI disclosures occurring... IMHO.




Post # 282


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) Hi Good ET I'm back with another question. But not before I make note of how privileged I feel to be a part of this wonderful exercise in disclosure. It's so amazing! Now, my question, which is not about the technology of any of the SSP programs, per se, but about your personal experiences as you shared space in different facilities with extra-terrestrials. It has to do with the ambient environment, and in particular the presence or absence of music or other 'art'. Was there any music playing in the background (hallways, elevators, rooms)? What would you hear amongst the conversations, if anything? Did crew members aboard the ships play their own 'tunes' during their 'off time'? Was there a consensus among species about what constituted 'music'? Additionally, did you note any 'art' on the walls? Or sculpture placed? Did you find anything in the locations that seemed to be placed/played there for the purpose of sharing beauty? I ask out of sheer curiosity, but also because I wonder if artistic 'creativity' is found and valued throughout the cosmos, or whether it's a characteristic of only certain species. And if it's only US, how do other species regard our love of making beautiful stuff? I'd love to hear music or see crafted images from another planet! Namaste Sir! Brian


I appreciate it, Some of the Members who "Highly Disagree" with ALL of my information and "Vessels with certain Locked In Vibratory Beliefs" have been writhing and kicking and screaming at me in their personal contacts as well as putting out Their Own Synchronized and Sudden "ET Based" and "Opposing Epiphanies" as their veiled rebuttals. I didn't expect everyone to agree with the information from my memories of being within some of these various "Black Programs" or working with these "Sociopathic Elites" or the "Human Type ET/ED's". I also didn't expect this information to be such a shock to some individuals established personal paradigms. Not just that they would react they way that they have in the Forum but in personal contacts with me as well. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


It was difficult for me to come forward as it is. So, I do appreciate those all of those Members that hold their judgement and listen with an Open Mind and let Their Own Discernment be their Guides with out being Reactionary. It speaks a lot for the majority of Avalon Members and their support of various types of "Experiencers". They have helped the process and allowed for some very productive questions to come forward. I look forward to many more very well thought out questions. IMHO as allways... I will let those that need to grasp to their own belief systems do so. I am not going to force my experiences on anyone. Most of my experiences were very dark and not the types you would want to share let alone force on another as a belief system. I have shared very little of the dark side of the MILAB experience so far as it is. Good ETxSG Now finally to Your Questions: Did crew members aboard the ships play their own 'tunes' during their 'off time'? Yes, in the crew departments and certain work environments there would be music. There was never music piped into the common area's. There were also personal advanced IPOD/IPAD types of devices that were carried around and were in use for music, movies and other official uses. The crew's (Or Populations) had to have plenty of R&R and a sense of community (The level dependong on the Station/Post) and feeling of home for unit cohesion and morale. Interesting enough, On Vessels, Stations and Colonies there was a "Frequency" that was "Piped" all over the area's where "Human Beings" spent their "Off Time" and "Slept" that was probably the Schumann resonances (Earth Frequency). It was found to be essential for their long term health. It was not Piped into the "Common Area's" where "Joint Research" was being done with "Other People". Was there a consensus among species about what constituted 'music'? I never heard "Other Worldly" music onboard Earth Vessels or Stations. However there was something that could pass for music that was being piped in the foyer of one of the Federation Conferences that was a more formal occasion. It sounded like a few different "numbers" or "Pieces" being played at the same time to me (Complex Tunes, Tones & Sounds Kind of Overlapping). Additionally, did you note any 'art' on the walls? Or sculpture placed? In some of the Halls and the Galley's there would be the "Smart Glass" type of large screen TV's that would rotate scenes of Earth and if you were close enough you would hear the sound (Scene of ocean/sound of ocean, Scene of Jungle/sound of birds & jungle etc...) there were also "Art Walls" at various Colonies and Stations where the Civilions would Paint the walls (Murals) and some where their art would be displayed. Some of them also had their own musical bands in their off time in the R&R designated area's. Not that much on the Vessels though (All Business). Did you find anything in the locations that seemed to be placed/played there for the purpose of sharing beauty? There would be contemporary "Spiral" and "Other" Art pieces placed around and designated walls and area's where the "People" could place the art that they had done in their off time for others to view. There was also some "Artful Gardening" in area's. I ask out of sheer curiosity, but also because I wonder if artistic 'creativity' is found and valued throughout the cosmos, or whether it's a characteristic of only certain species. And if it's only US, how do other species regard our love of making beautiful stuff? There were some beings that did enjoy certain types of Earth Music and Collected Earth Art to send back to their home worlds. Who knows, some of the worlds most famous missing Art may have been traded for technology and is hanging in another Sol System somewhere. ¤=[Post Update]=¤


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) So, I wonder if Elon is a member of this forum. If he isn't he sure should be! Is there a way to send him a link to this particular thread, one that would not be 'screened' by his people so that he would actually get to read it? Is anyone 'here' in a position to invite him? Just a thought. Brian


I am not familiar with "Elon", Can you provide more info?. Edit: Corrected Spelling error "noot" to "not". And Due to answering and reading questions and PM's from dozens of people I missed that this A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


"Elon" person was referring to the Research & Developer in the Article mentioned previously. That was a mistake on my part as I thought they were referring to an Avalon Member by that name or another "Whistle Blower".


Post # 284 AND Note: (I had not followed “Elon Musk’s Career” and did not know what a rock star he was prior to beginning to answering these questions. Since then a person has sent me a message claiming to be “Elon Musk” asking questions about Mars. I do not believe it is really them.


Posted by waves (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) Technology Developer Elon Musk is Obviously an "Insider" who is privy to some of the information I have been talking about. I am happy that some of this is beginning to leak into the R&D Corporate Structures... Elon Musk warns against unleashing artificial intelligence 'demon' Elon Musk has met a technology he doesn't like. Musk, who promises to take humans to new heights with space and battery technologies, was especially grounded in his latest caution on artificial intelligence. elon musk Elon Musk.......


Then a few hours later:


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) ....... I am not familiar with "Elon", Can you provide more info?.


This may be one of most revealing things so far, no accident. Something unsaid and disingenuous is going on about who is posting and with what intention.


Sorry for those looking deeply for any inconsistencies... It Was an Honest Mistake on my part. I am receiving dozens of emails and questions from people. This article was the first time I had heard of the R&D Developer "Elon Musk". This article was posted on Bills You Tube Channel by a person responding to My Interview in a post. When I Responded in a Second Posting that just stated the name "ELON" I thought they were referring to an Avalon Member or another "Whistle Blower" type of person that I was unfamiliar with... The name by itself "ELON" doesn't look like a normal name to me and I didn't make the connection... (I have since become VERY familiar with this man's work and his stance on the dangers of "AI". I do believe it is possible that he has been "Read In" or has people on his staff that are.




Post # 287


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) "Sorry for those looking deeply for any inconsistencies... It Was an Honest Mistake on my part. I am receiving dozens of emails and questions from people. This article was the first time I had heard of the R&D Developer "Elon Musk". This article was posted on Bills You Tube Channel by a person responding to My Interview in a post. When I Responded in a Second Posting that just stated the name "ELON" I thought they were referring to an Avalon Member or another "Whistle Blower" type of person that I was unfamiliar with... The name by itself "ELON" doesn't look like a normal name to me and I didn't make the connection... " More my fault, Good ET: I had assumed that my post would be in close proximity to the Elon Musk link, and that it would be more obvious. I guess with this much traffic going on, the thread gets pretty stretched out. Do you know anything about possible monitoring by Elon Musk and his associates? I cannot be for sure, However I would certainly think there would be people keeping tab's on him and others like him. Like I said I was not familiar with him until this article. However, as there seems to be a bit of a lull in the postings, may I take the opportunity to pose yet another question? Or two? Your responses have been so forthcoming and informative (like in answering my previous query about music - thanks so much!) that I find myself filling with questions that I've had for a very long time. Question 1: Are the bodies of our solar system sentient beings? I am aware of the Gaia existence, but am wondering about the sun and the other planets as well. And A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


moons? By the way, is our own moon an artificial body put into place by extraterrestrials? Guess that's already two questions, but here I go again, anyway ... I have not had a conversation with a Star, Planet or a Moon. But the "Documentation" that was available stated that these cosmic bodies were sentient. The "Hidden Hand" information speaks of them having a "Logo's". It's hard to divide "Beliefe Systems" from Science in some of this information. "Moon Being Artificial" There is truth that our Moon is a natural body (Left over from a prior Planet/Moon System) that has been "modified" into a "Station". The moon is currently divided into a diplomatic zone similar to how Antarctica is among our nations. There are groups of beings that are very unfriendly to eachother that are a few kilometers apart on the Moon that exist in peace as long as strict protocols are followed. Question 2: A few years ago, John Lear went on record as saying that the flash of light that was seen hitting the hull of the Columbia shuttle as it rose from the launch pad was a beam that was used to harvest the souls of the crew before the disaster occurred, and that the source of the beam was a tower located on the moon. Can you please comment on this? All of this information about these "Grey's" capturing Souls and bringing them to the moon does not match anything I ever Read, Heard or Experienced. I have no information that would confirm or deny that John Leer Story. As these answers may involve some extensive effort to answer, perhaps you could save yourself some time by also supplying links to other places (videos or sites?) where the information jives with your understanding. Again, thanks for putting up with so much crap from those critical of your truths. I'm frankly surprised and dismayed that the members here are so negative about what I perceive to be the chance of a lifetime (or two!) to learn from an honest and deeply informed person. Don't sweat the small stuff (or minds). Please don't let such feedback dampen your spirit. You are a good man. Namaste, Sir! Brian


Thank you for your kind words. I hope that some of this information can be used to cooberate some other whistle blower and future whistle blower data to help some Researchers and Normal Folks build a bigger picture.




Post # 291


Transferring this from another Thread as it was such a good question and on Topic... Thread: Who created the reptilians and the AI species?


Posted by Gemma13 (here) Hi Apologies for my ignorance here but in order to "catch-up" it would be greatly appreciated if some members could supply me with forum links as well as perhaps their own perspectives and research re: Who created the Reptilians? Who created the specie of Artificial Intelligence? There is an enormous body of work referencing and discussing the origins of humanity however I'm unsure as to whether full comprehension of origins can be adequately formulated unless we at least consider the origins and purpose of other species in the equations. I'm sure this has been comprehensively covered but would appreciate a compass direction. Thanks Gemma13


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) Unfortunately we have to rely on imagined human, channeled or directely experienced Non-Earth Human and Other off world sources for both of these answers. You will get as many answers as you have click's of members that hang out in forums on similar posted belief systems. And boy has it become a hot button religious system for some. The honest answer is We Cannot Really Know for Sure! Humanity has been lied to, manipulated and betrayed by just about every group "Out There" that has provided us any of this information or we have signed treaties with. All I have to go off of is the information that I shared in my interview which was presented to me in "Documentation" at a number of UN type of "Federation Conferences". The "Earth Deligates" (Elites) had the "Intuitive Empaths" present to sense any deception. They were just as much in the dark as most of the people on the planet to some of the real answers to these questions. At these "Conferences" Their Documentation stated the "ET AI's" were from another "Reality or Dimension" and came here in an extremely ancient time and the Reptillians and Mantids were either from extremely far off galaxies of a very different type as ours that creates a certain "Life Template" and/or (Most likely) another dimension/reality which quite a few beings have learned to traverse. So we are left with our discernment skills (Very little that they are and exercised, as we have been controlled and influenced our entire histories) to figure out what is what... That is what the "Elites" are still trying to do. Anyone that tells you that they know these answers for sure, I would give a cock eyed look... IMHO.


Post # 293 amendment answer; A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Re: Who created the reptilians and the AI species? There certainly are many many different kinds (Sizes, Shapes and Technologically/Spiritually Advanced Stages of Development) of Reptilian and Reptoid (Reptilian/Birdish Mix) types of beings. The "Draco's" are "Intruders" to our space/time from what was communicated to me. Not all "Reptilian like beings" are in league with the "Draco's" (Just because they have scales and feathers) and some are even "blood feud" enemies of them. There are plenty of the Reptilian types that were conquered and worship the "Draco's" as gods and follow their commands. The "Reptoids" that evolved here (Had their own ancient break away civilization) and were forced 'Under Ground" are natural enemies of "Mankind" but are also enemies of the "Draco's"... The enemy of my enemy is my "Tenuous" friend, in some of these cases. How would you like to do battle with an "Ally" who "sometimes" (Not always, depends on the actual group and hopefully you are briefed on the possibility.) celebrates a great joint victory by turning on you and biting your head off like you are a bottle of champagne? Ahh...The Joy of Interspecies Customs (True "Exopolitics"). One more reason I was overjoyed not to be on the "Other Federation Conference" rotation. As I said in the Interview I do not like to speak of these beings very much. I have said about all I need to. The Discernment is yours..




Post # 295


Posted by Flash (here) Now a few questions 1. I had heard / known for a while that there were some force/ energy much stronger than human beings, even these highly developed humans and that this force was being taken care of by entities much more developed than us and that we were protected by higher beings. At the same time, the topic was avoided as if just talking about it was setting us up for destruction Our chance was to develop ourselve spiritually against thèse on earth on a destruction path and tolet higher beings take care of the rest. As far as the "Source Field" goes ther is a way to break it down into a "Spectral Frequency Chart" as well. This is where some of the "Star Wars" ideology came in from the "Dark Sun Cults". They were very much into channeling (Spiritually & Technically) the lower vibration (Dark Side) energy from the "Force" or "Source Field" from a "Dark Star" emitting "Dark Energy" per the "Documentation" and their own Philosophy. This was rumored to be the source of power of their "Sith Lord" (and some of their technology and magic) who is here on this planet. (Or so their story goes...) Would that universal evil force be these Aware AI capturing universes? Or have you heard of something yet more pervasive ? That is a good question. It was obvious that some of the "Non-Human" types were working with some of this AI micro-technology and that either some of the "Human Types" were working with them or were being impersonated by the "Sapeshifters" or by "Manipulation of Consciousness or Screen Memories". Things are not as clear cut and easilly defined as we would like. 2. The earth dark forces we could counteract by developing ourselved towards the higher self were of course satanism and the cabal. However, if they are lead by these AI, how are we to proceed? We do need to learn to connect consciously to our "Higher Self" and to develop our higher consciousness. As our vibration raises we will become more difficult to confuse and manipulate. As far as the Cabal it is only one small part of the dark Earthly Secret Government circle. They are in league with the ET AI's and also some of the "Non Human" types that their Luciferian/Black Sun "Sith Lord" ideology draws them to. I believe the secret shadow civil war will end up exposing all of them for who they are as it is becoming more public. We just need to prepare our selves by raising our own consciousness and connection's to our Higher Selves... IMHO. There will come a time where we will need to stand up and make our selves seen/heard and not just let some "Higher Beings" take care of it for us. 3. There might have been other forces that we could encounter and here i am thinking of the mantids, the reptilians - dracos, the tall greys (small drones being something else). How do you place those races within the panorama of human like races, in comparison? Are these mantids/reptilians/ greys agenda pushing forward the AI agendas? Or what is, in your opinion, their agenda? I think they are not only aware of eachother but work with eachother having different agenda's just as they use etheric "Entities" in entity attachments to victims for their reasons and the entities have their own reasons for attaching to the victims. 4. How are those above races perceived by the human like races. (Opinions, agreements, likes/dislike, trust // distrust, etc) Depends on the Secret Earth Government or Secret Space Program Group you are talking to. Some are allied with them, some with complete opposite groups. I do not sense any super trust among any of the non Earth Beings after all of the hard lessons we learned from broken treaties and lies we were told. It is not entirely dissimilar to the Spaniards coming to the new world and how they built relationships with the Native's. When the other European groups came over they were met with much distrust. 5. Are the races cumulating around the moons of other solar planets waiting to serve themselves in human capture? If so, for which purpose? What makes human so valuable since we are only lab mice to most anyhow? These NEW Arrivals have not identified themselves or made their intentions known. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Many thanks in advance and feel free not to answer if it seems too risky. 6. How do we know if we are AI mind control and if we are, how to get cleared? I do not know the full sequence. I know the first step was a moderate electrical shock to the nervous system that was not at all pleasant. The other steps were done with frequencies and other devices that were doing things that I could not describe.


Sorry it took me a while to get to your questions.




POST # 296


Posted by PathWalker (here) Thank you Good ET, For the effort and courage to share your experience with. I wish to ask you more practical questions. 1. What is the authority source for the "UN type of "Federation Conferences" you mention? I was not able to understand what was being said. It seemed like a very important gathering and there were many protocols and everyone respected them and seemed to gather with "Other" beings that were not always in agreement. I would say it was very similar to what our UN is supposed to be minus the corruption. 2. What are the alternatives to "UN type of "Federation Conferences"? I know that other "Intuitive Empaths" rotated into these other "Federation Conferences" of "Non Human Types". I do not know if there were any "Super Conferences" with all of the "Federation Types" mixing and meeting. It would make sense but I have no information on this being the case. 3. How delegates are picked and why? I do not know how they were picked. They were on a rotation from ALL of the very different Secret Earth Governments, Break Away Groups and Secret Space Programs "Leader Ships". We were just there in a support capacity and were not privy to any of the decision processes or even how or when we were going to be in the rotations. Sometimes it would be quite some time between rotations. Thanks again May the force be with you.


"The Force"... That takes on a whole new meaning now when I hear it... ¤=[Post Update]=¤


Posted by EYES WIDE OPEN (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) I have barely covered the time spent in a "Support Role" in the "Earth Delegations" in the "UN type" of "Human(ish) Federation Conferences" or the Secret Space Program assignment to the ASSR “ISRV”– (Auxiiliary Specelialized Space Research) Interstellar-Class Vessel that was mainly involved in "Research, Reconnaissance and Joint Diplomatic Operations".


Would love to hear more about this.


I am open to some questions thought there are some I cannot answer, but very few.




Post # 299


Posted by darren (here) Hi GoodETxSG, 1) During the 'UN' type meetings,did you ever come across a race ect,that had not been infected by any AI and if so,were they technologically advanced in the way we would percieve it? No Being was allowed onto the stations/platforms where the conferences were being held without being first screened and cleared of "AI's". No exceptions ever! The various "People" were extremely advanced. However no outside technology was allowed inside. Delegates were provided with the standard technology available to all Deligate Members. We would perceive their technology as magic as it was consciousness based and not switches, buttons or levers. 2) When you were deployed as an intuitive/empath,did you ever sense any deceit/lies from the other races at the meetings you attended and if so which races would these have been? No one dared be deceitful at these conferences or break the protocols. There were some terrible interrogations however where the "Fear" and "Deceit" was so thick you could feel, smell and taste it. These were Human looking beings that had been caught inside Business, Military and Government Positions of various Earth Countries and extracted and interrogated. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


3) Do you have any knowledge,on how much the AI on this planet can effect this 3D reality? Can it send sound,images thoughts,ideas ect to individuals or groups of people? The "AI Prophets" are finding ways of introducing the ET AI Signal to us in as many ways as possible. There are ways to send Sound and Images to the Sculls of individuals and groups of people. This was used in Middle East wars since the late 80's and used to create some of the "Radicalised Muslim Groups" and other 'Shills". It was also used to cause many enemies to surrender causing them to "See" and "Hear" "Spiritual" beings from their faith in the skies above battle fields. Yes, very possible for a long time. Thank you,peace.


Much of this technology has been attempted to be used on the greater population and has been prevented by "Other People". Exactly who and why I do not know.




Post # 302


Posted by darren (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by darren (here) Hi GoodETxSG, 1) During the 'UN' type meetings,did you ever come across a race ect,that had not been infected by any AI and if so,were they technologically advanced in the way we would percieve it? No Being was allowed onto the stations/platforms where the conferences were being held without being first screened and cleared of "AI's". No acceptions evern! The various "People" were extremely advanced. However no outside technology was allowed inside. Delegates were provided with the standard technology available to all Deligate Members. We would perceive their technology as magic as it was consciousness based and not switches, buttons or levers. 2) When you were deployed as an intuitive/empath,did you ever sense any deceit/lies from the other races at the meetings you attended and if so which races would these have been? No one dared be deceitful at these conferences or break the protocols. There were some terrible interrogations however where the "Fear" and "Deceit" was so thick you could feel, smell and taste it. These were Human looking beings that had been caught inside Business, Military and Government Positions of various Earth Countries and extracted and interrogated.3) Do you have any knowledge,on how much the AI on this planet can effect this 3D reality? Can it send sound,images thoughts,ideas ect to individuals or groups of people? The "AI Prophets" are finding ways of introducing the ET AI Signal to us in as many ways as possible. There are ways to send Sound and Images to the Sculls of individuals and groups of people. This was used in Middle East wars since the late 80's and used to create some of the "Radicalized Muslim Groups" and other 'Shills". It was also used to cause many enemies to surrender causing them to "See" and "Hear" "Spiritual" beings from their faith in the skies above battle fields. Yes, very possible for a long time. Thank you,peace.


Much of this technology has been attempted to be used on the greater population and has been prevented by "Other People". Exactly who and why I do not know.


Given your answers in questions 1 and 2 how essential was your role? Did the other races at the meetings have someone similiar to you and what you do? Peace.


Yes, they all were allowed their own "Perceptives", not that all needed them. My role was exactly as explained. To notify the "Delegate" immediately of any "Threats" or "Deception" via the "Pad" we were all holding. Not by speaking or using body language. I do not believe it was ever necessary that I remember but any of the other two "may have" picked up stuff that I didn't as they had "other abilities" and we were used to "Triangulate" in that environment. I guess it was essential as more of a preventative measure as was having similar beings available for all who were present.




Post # 304


Posted by darren (here) My role was exactly as explained. To notify the "Deligate" immediately of any "Threats" or "Deception" via the "Pad" we were all holding. Not by speaking or using body language. I do not believe it was ever necessary that I remember but any of the other two "may have" picked up stuff that I didn't as they had "other abilities" and we were used to "Triangulate" in that environment. I guess it was essential as more of a preventative measure as was having similar beings available for all who were present. Thany you for your answers.I guess i was trying to see if the AI had found a way to get pass the screenings ect and whether you picked up on anything indicating that! Peace. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Ah, I didn't pick up on that. The answer is "No Way"... The AI or any other Foreign Tech was not able to make it past the screening process. There were also "Alarms" to alert of the presence of "AI's", "Unauthorized Technology" or "Non Human Beings" who found away in... Their "Bio Signatures" would be detected and they caught right away, not to mention all the beings there would pick them up pretty quickly. But it was a back up alarm system. It never went off.




Post # 306


Thread: Are two cigar shaped UFOs near International Space Station part of First Contact?


Posted by ktlight (here)



"Published on 3 Nov 2014 On October 21, video from the International Space Station’s Live Stream shows what appears to be two cigar shaped UFOs nearby.. The UFOs briefly appear in the video stream before there is a signal interruption. When the live stream resumes the UFOs are gone. It is difficult to estimate the size of the UFOs but previous sightings of similar cigar shaped objects have been estimated to be aircraft carrier sized, big enough to host smaller UFO craft. The UFOs appearance raises the possibility that extraterrestrials are allowing their craft to be filmed in an unfolding First Contact scenario."


Posted by yelik (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) Most likely more brinkmanship between forces in the "Secret Civil War" between the various "Secret Space Programs" and "Secret Earth Governments"... IMHO. We have well over a dozen of these that almost a mile long.


I wonder how much these cost the unwitting taxpayer?


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) That would be very difficult to calculate. But I would imagine it cost the tax payers of several nations quite a chunk of change. Much of the materials are mined off world and much of the labor is done off world by people that went to "Join" colonies that turned out to be a one way ticket (For them and their families) to a life that was quite a bit different than promised. The PTB did not want another "13 Colonies" situation like in 1776 (etc...) so they have created a totalitarian lifestyle for the people there with some creature comforts... (IMHO)


Transferred info as I thought it may be pertinent... In my opinion this was no accident. These large carrier craft know when and where not to be. The "Dark Fleet" that another of the "SSP's" use are mostly of the VERY LARGE "Delta", "Pyramid(ish), and "Boomerang" Shapes (Not to be confused with the smaller "Delta Darts", Various Triangles and "Manta's" that are often abord the "Cigar Carriers" & Among the "Dark Fleet Carriers"). I doubt we will be seeing any of the "Dark Fleet Craft" on NASA's live feeds "By Accident".




Post # 308


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) Hi Good ET Could you please comment on the story of Captain Mark Richards? He is the subject of a compaign by Kerry Cassidy on Project Camelot in which she is trying to disclose the nature of the Secret Space Program. He is currently serving a life sentence in Vacaville Prison in California for murder - for which he was framed. The son of 'The Flying Dutchman', Richards claims to have commanded a huge interstellar battleship for the Earth Defense Force, and to have been involved in many serious battles, including a 'rogue' operation that freed many of the kidnapped victims imprisoned in the alien base at Dulce. The battleship, named the 'Minerva' is a sentient being who has consented to work with Richards - and only Richards. Consequently, and this is according to Simon Parkes, she has been 'mothballed' somewhere in Britain, as any of the substitute pilots who attempted to take control in Richards' absence have been killed. It wasn't made clear what their manner of death was. So, what's your take on this amazing story? Thanks in advance! As always, namaste Sir Brian A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Kerry asked me about CPT Mark Richard in Skype as well (Sent me a link to the interviews) and said she was going to run my information by him. It appears she uses him as a barometer on ALL SSP information weather he would have been read into it or not. I guess with his experience (If True) he would be able to sniff out some of the mountains of B.S. that are coming out about this subject for her. I don't know how recent his information could possibly be while being locked up. Though if they need him they can come and grab him for a few weeks and then return him back in his cell close to the same moment he was picked up. I listed to part of the video when Kerry went to the Prison and then did a "recall" of as much information as she could remember. Being in prison as long as he has been I do not know how he would be getting recent information unless he is receiving "Off The Books" visitors. I have not watched any of the part 2 interview yet. I really need to watch the first one and then the second one in sequence. I am not going to doubt his info at this point as the manner he was put in prison is just one of the things I hope does not happen to me. Some of the descriptions of craft that he gave were not consistent from what I was exposed to. This could be because of the various different programs and the fact that there are a Few Secret Space Programs. Every thing is so compartmentalized in "Each One" that he may know things I am unaware of and vise versa. I do plan on watching those very soon, possibly some right now if I can do so uninterrupted. I do know that I had watched the CPT Kaye/Craimer info and it had a LOT of very accurate information in it. I then received some follow up information from a couple other sources that concerned me. That was more than a little disappointing. There is a lot of information coming out about the various SSP's right now and it is indeed hard to make sense of a lot of it. I will do my best to view CPT Mark Richards information today/tonight and respond to this comment/question in more detail. The AI Ship though immediately stands out to me...




Okay, I just finished the Part 2 "Racall" of her Interview with CPT Mark Richards, I am going to kind of slap down some thought in no certain order so feel free to ask questions from the video if I don't make any sense here. It was quite a bit of information. I had mentioned the Cat Beings and seeing one dead in a conversation with Christine. They seem to be a very light purple and also come in brown. This one was killed (Even though Friendly) with a weapon as it was portaling into a location. It was caught in some sort of elecrical net of some sort. It didn't die quick and was in bad shape. It did not travel in a vessel. The dog like race is one of the types that is very well known and trades technology for human art, stones, Jewelry (Bling) and certain plants/fruit etc... She mentioned the Dark Star Energy and the the "Blob/Chrystal Beings" which I think could be the Black Sun Cults "Dark Sith" being that is described as the "ONLY TRUE SHAPE SHIFTERS" and whos "TRUE FORM" is only ever seen by its inner circle of care takers. That is just a guess on my part. The "Dark Fleet" is said to be technology based on some of this "Dark Energy" technology (It's the newer fleet as well). It is not from time traveling to dieing stars but is a part of the "Spectrum of the Source Field", the "Dark Side of the Force"... The description of the Raptors was accurate though have seen depictions of them with laid back plumes of feathers on their heads that wasn't mentioned. They are not covered in scales but looked like stretched skin of a featherless bird to me. With teeth and very pre-historic looking (Freaky scarry, not something you would want to run into if you checked your mail after dark). It sounds like he worked for another section of the program and far earlier in the program than most I know. I am not sure that he is currently active or receiving current information though (May be giving some "Payback" by disclosing info from prison and selling "reports", Though I cannot be sure about this as I was not read into any of the Dulce or that part of history, or the more current ers events going on with the "Darker Entities" and their "Earth Human Allies" such as the "Nazis"). It gave me a little more insight into what is going on in the other alliances/Federations of Non-Human Types. I have heard that the Draco's and Other Reptile Groups have had some stunning defeats recently. There were many living being studied out in space that were sentient who had NO DNA and were just living energetic plasma, gas A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


and some actual large animals that fed off of various other energies or small sea life that blew off of oceans etc... The "Manerva" may have been a actual organic living being that had been used by other humanoid beings as a transport. These were spoken of in the "Documentation" of as living a very long time and avoiding humanoid life at all costs. The Solar System and Inter Stellar Space is Teaming With "Life" which we would consider extremophiles and current science wouldn't even consider most of them life at all. There were way more that the 1700 or 17000 earth like planets with haman like life on them in our galaxy. I was expecting the mention of more of the human(ish) types of beings we are inter acting with as well as the many non humans. The Human Delegations really didn't begin to rotate in until the early 80's. The information about the "Alien Raiders" (Who do hit and run's on Earth and work with Black Ops Groups Trading Humans for Technology) and "Human Trafficers" that abduct people in underground trafficing for what they think is for use on the Earth, but the victims end up OFF WORLD is accurate and going on even today. There are places where rescued humans have been brought off world who are way too traumatized to return to society or even to intergrate into some of the off world colonies. They are barely even human anymore, and some of the Human Types of beings are using healing technologies to assist them. Now that I listened to it I could answer questions. (The answer about black goo and AI's was fairly accurate, however it was studied more closely on the Research Vessel I was on. It didn't sound like he had a lot of deep information on those subjects). TY, I don't think I would have ever gotten around to watching the video if not for this question. (My wife and I had some weird stuff happen around the house today during the time I was watching the video... I won't go into it but think it was a warning of sorts...) NOTE/UPDATE 11/04: I am not judging CPT Mark Richards. Like I said he may have a completely different compartmentalized group of data that I have/had access to and vise versa. Some of his info matched very much with mine and just seemed to be a bit dated. This could also be because he is showing a bit more caution than I am in disclosing information at this point in time. He has been through the "Ringer" a lot more than I have by the "System" obviously... "So Far".




Post # 311


Posted by lelmaleh (here) Thank you and take good care of yourself. I would like to reiterate Flash's question. Why are we so important if they see us as lab rats? Be safe


Not ALL of "Them" see us as "Lab Rats", But those that do see us as much more. We are a unique diverse group of Humanity that is "Rich in Genetic Material" that can be manipulated and cloned to create crossed beings for slavery, soldiers to fight their wars, when using our full potential we can be quite bright engineers and scientists and after being tampered with even more so. They "Enjoy Human Women" for horrible purposes and we are even fun to hunt and eat for others. This planet and the others in our galaxy have Human life that are one stop shopping for all of those needs. The Earth in unique in its diversity of types of Human's as well as other Animal and Plant life. We are also situated at a useful place in the galaxy for Travel, Trade and Leasure for some races. The list could go on an on. Don't underestimate our value to other beings just because we are war like and cannot live in balance with our own planet.




Post # 321


Posted by PathWalker (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) To notify the "Deligate" immediately of any "Threats" or "Deception" via the "Pad" we were all holding. Not by speaking or using body language.


Thanks GoodETxSG, Your report sound very militaristic, and with lots of information control. "All information is screened and recorded via Pad". It reminds me of episodes from Babylon 5 TV series. I perceive a picture of a polarized exopolitics society with lots of control and hidden agenda. As in earth. A reflection of human politics with interplanetary agenda. My questions are: 1. Where/who is the management. Is there any spiritual evolution beyond human politics with interplanetary agenda. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Management? Of Earth Or the Conferences? There did seem to be a smaller human type group that was working (Handing material out) more often than the Leader Position's which were on a rotation within the "UN Type" Federation. Each of the "People" seemed to be on different levels of spiritual development and on different idea's of what they were looking to attain spiritually (It appeared). I never understood fully what was going on at these "Conferences". I do not think I was meant to and I was never taught this "Language". 2. What is the "spiritual evolution"/path/progress for ET races you contacted. If its only about technology and control then they are like us. They were on various paths. Some of them seemed somewhat "Aggressive" while a few others were very "Zen" and all about "Balance" (Sort of the Hippies of the group) and far more advance spiritually and technically than the others, while others were at various levels between the two extremes. Sadly it seemed that many of them were not extremely more evolved than us for the most part other than Consciousness and Knowledge of Universal Fields and Energies. If they were all "Zen" I do not think they would need the "Federation" meetings and would be of one mindset and act more as one without needing to meet in a governing body. That is just IMHO. Thanks again Joy and happiness PathWalker


If you have this scene from "Babylon 5" on a You Tube link or else where I would like to see it please.




Post # 323


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by lelmaleh (here) Thank you and take good care of yourself. I would like to reiterate Flash's question. Why are we so important if they see us as lab rats? Be safe


Not ALL of "Them" see us as "Lab Rats", But those that do see us as much more. We are a unique diverse group of Humanity that is "Rich in Genetic Material" that can be manipulated and cloned to create crossed beings for slavery, soldiers to fight their wars, when using our full potential we can be quite bright engineers and scientists and after being tampered with even more so. They "Enjoy Human Women" for horrible purposes and we are even fun to hunt and eat for others. This planet and the others in our galaxy have Human life that are one stop shopping for all of those needs. The Earth in unique in its diversity of types of Human's as well as other Animal and Plant life. We are also situated at a useful place in the galaxy for Travel, Trade and Leasure for some races. The list could go on an on. Don't underestimate our value to other beings just because we are war like and cannot live in balance with our own planet.


This is "American Numbers Only" who knows what the numbers are "Planet Wide"... America's Missing BY David Krajicek Reports of missing persons have increased sixfold in the past 25 years, from roughly 150,000 in 1980 to about 900,000 this year. The increase was driven in part by the country's growing population. But the numbers also indicate that law enforcement treats the cases more seriously now, including those of marginalized citizens. An astounding 2,300 Americans are reported missing every day, including both adults and children. But only a tiny fraction of those are stereotypical abductions or kidnappings by a stranger. For example, the federal government counted 840,279 missing persons cases in 2001. All but about 50,000 were juveniles, classified as anyone younger than 18. The National Center for Missing Adults, based in Phoenix, consistently tracks about 48,000 "active cases," says president Kym Pasqualini, although that number has been bumped up by nearly 11,000 reports of persons missing after this year's hurricanes. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


In a phone interview, Pasqualini said a breakdown of the 48,000 cases reveals the democratic nature of America's missing persons. Slightly more than half—about 25,500—of the missing are men. About four out of 10 missing adults are white, three of 10 black and two of 10 Latino. Among missing adults, about one-sixth have psychiatric problems. Young men, people with drug or alcohol addictions and elderly citizens suffering from dementia make up other significant subgroups of missing adults. About half of the roughly 800,000 missing juvenile cases in 2001 involved runaways, and another 200,000 were classified as family abductions related to domestic or custody disputes. Only about 100 missing-child reports each year fit the profile of a stereotypical abduction by a stranger or vague acquaintance. Two-thirds of those victims are ages 12 to 17, and among those eight out of 10 are white females, according to a Justice Department study. Nearly 90 percent of the abductors are men, and they sexually assault their victims in half of the cases. To further complicate categorization of cases, the FBI designates some missing-person incidents—both adult and juvenile—that seem most dire as "endangered" or "involuntary." For example, the agency deemed Taylor Behl, the 17-year-old college student missing in Richmond, Va., to be endangered. More than 100,000 missing persons, the vast majority of them children, are designated as endangered each year. About 30,000 are deemed involuntary. ======= Are these people "Disappearing Into Thin Air"? They cannot ALL be serial killer and other "Earthly Preditor" victims... IMHO. Some refer to them as "The Vanished"...




Post # 325


Posted by soulsinger (here)


Posted by Tesla_WTC_Solution (here) We hear stories from the ones who "made it through", so to speak, the "successes" of the military. We don't hear so much about the kids who were rejected and grow up with incomplete memories of the experience. If there is truth to his story, it's valuable to listen to him, because most people can't remember the majority of their "supranatural" experiences


This is my question, exactly, and I wonder whether our generous Avalon Member interviewee has experience or knowledge in this regard. I am curious about children whose unusual abilities or characteristics have brought them notice as possible candidates. Children who display unusually high IQ, extrasensory perception, empathic sensitivity, and even aspects of their genetic heritage that may amplify these tendencies... children who are either observed or actively tested. Does our Avalon friend have any knowledge of deliberate efforts to *suppress* the abilities-- or even health, psychological well-being, education, or life circumstances-- of those children who are found to be useless for the purposes of the interested organizations? (Or children whose possible life trajectory may expressly work against their purposes?) MUCH GRATITUDE for the extraordinary interview.


There are those of us that have been through this (That do have full or partial recall) that make sure our children know to do poorly on certain tests and fly under the RADAR in schools as to not be "Noticed". My daughter is VERY aware of this and intuitevely is aware of certain people in the system that seem overly interested in certain students. She has been noticed and we have been spoken to about her not living up to her abilities and potential and having ADHD etc... I will do what ever it takes to prevent her from going through any of this. As far as the children are concerned that were rejected they are blank slated and returned to their "Normal Lives"... They are somewhat kept an eye on and if they show any signs of abilities or remembering they are re-abducted and blank slated again. It seems that subconsciously they have a feeling of "Rejection" that they carry with them and do not know why for the rest of their lives. It effects them for their life time and it depends on how long they were in a program (And what was experienced) before being released.




Post # 328


(Nov. 4th, a few days prior to me being “Picked Up” and “Questioned” about my “Mental Scattering Technique” and the “Missing Information in my File”.


Posted by PathWalker (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) My questions are: 1. Where/who is the management. Is there any spiritual evolution beyond human politics with interplanetary agenda. Management? Of Earth Or the Conferences? There did seem to be a smaller human type group that was working (Handing material out) more often than the Leader Position's which were on a rotation within the "UN Type" Federation. Each of the "People" seemed to be on different levels A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


of spiritual development and on different idea's of what they were looking to attain spiritually (It appeared). I never understood fully what was going on at these "Conferences". I do not think I was meant to and I was never taught this "Language".


Thank you GoodETxSG for your concrete answer. I apologize for not stating a concrete question. I will try to rephrase it, with analogy to the UN. When delegates convene they all adhere to agreed diplomatic rules. Yet there is someone/something that decided on the rules and enforce the rule (I call this someone/something management). 1. Why should delegates and people/races adhere/comply to the management. There was NO Management Race. This was what appeared to be a long established system that had been agreed on and the protocols followed (Just like the Moon Agreement) by the various Delegates as a matter of honor and not ever wanting to "Loose Face" or "Standing" within the "Council's Good Overall Standing". There was what appeared to be one of the races that seemed to "Serve" or "Help" but they were not looked down on or looked up to more than any of the others (Accept maybe the Earth Delegates). 2. What is the management power source (detention/sanction/death/torture...). I would imagine if anyone were to break protocols serious enough they may get voted out. From what I was told this was unthinkable or unheard of. But then again there was no one ruling class or management like we have here in Earth Terms. 3. What is the point in a conference? If there are people/races with advanced spiritual technology (telepathy, though reading, though seeding...), and they take over or even control others. It is useless process. As is the UN useless in solving any real planetary problem. You inferred that management will know if you body signaled each other (thought reading?). This cannot be compared to the Corrupt and Worthless Earth UN. I just used it as a lose comparison as we do not really have anything else to really compare it to. Each Delegate was allowed their own group of extra sensory security to detect and prevent any deception, manipulation or attacks. Their purpose was to decide how they would work, trade and interact with eachothers cultures, the Non-Humanish Cultures and to handle each of their own interests in the "Experiment" happening on many levels on Earth. However the details of the meetings I was never privy to as I did not understand this universal language, sign language and nor was any of the telepathy directed towards me. 4. What is your take on the actual purpose of these conferences. See above answer... 5. Who guards you (yourself and family)? I was told that I am "Protected". From who? I dont know. By Who? I dont know. I have had some very interesting situations with individuals and small groups of individuals in confrontation situations as well as with law enforcement. I have not seen any intervention and am not sure. I am very capable of taking care of myself with my training and do so. 6. How do you know your are guarded? I have no idea. Thanks, be safe, and may the force be with you. It was and always be, no matter what.


I told Christine and Bill last night. Yesterday my wife was outside smoking a cig (Grr, trying to get her to quit!). Anyway she was out there for 4-5 minutes. She came in and said she heard the weirdest noises and the neighborhood dogs were going crazy. She said she was half paying attention and my little boy ask in a perplexed way (He is almost 4) "Mom, What’s THAT?" and she said she thought he was talking about the noise and said "I don’t know honey, lets go in because of the mosquitoes". She then came in and told me about the noise. I decided to go out and take a look. I walked out to the middle of the back lawn and heard the noise... and then looked directly UP. There directly above the spot in the lawn was a large Grey/Black Triangle! I looked at it for a good 20 seconds and then the sound stopped and it shot straight up through the clouds and was gone. There were a couple planes flying around that had to have seen it. I walked into the house and asked her. "Did you happen to look up?" and she said "No, Why?". Then I told her what happened. We half expected something strange to occur last night, but no weird dreams and nothing out of the ordinary occurred. This morning I asked my son and being into shapes I asked him what did you see yesterday out with mommy... He said "Yea, big triangle in the sky" and then he said "Oh toodles" which is the thing that flies around on Disney's "Mickey Mouse Club House" (Show he watches, his favorite show) every time Mickey yells "Oh toodles" when they need a "Mouscatool" for something in the cartoon. I raised my eyebrows and looked at my wife. We are hoping that someone reported seeing this to MUFON. It happened in N. Dallas at approx. 5:40 PM. Like I said there were a couple of planes flying close by, there is a private/small air port close by. This morning I wasn't sure if this was a warning or a show of support, or just a lucky sighting of which I seem to have many. My wife has had a couple since we have been married as well. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Protectors? No idea. But your question brought up this topic. I wasn't going to report this incident on the thread as it was a little toooo much to occur along with all the data I am releasing. But there it is.




Post # 330


Posted by Bluegreen (here) MSM hypnotism Listening closely, this Illuminati shill has a lot to tell us Ex-NASA Artificial Intelligence Expert Discusses Self Driving Cars




This person may or may not be a "SHILL". As I said labels are Dangerous to give. It is interesting that the "TRUE ET AI PROHPETS" that I have seen while in the program were in "Denial" of being an "AI Prophet" much of the time while at the same time if any of the Delegates or "Support Staff" spoke down or badly of the "ET AI's" or of any "AI's" in general they would literally "Writhe" and "Twist and Kick" Under Their Screening/Interview Tables (Still Denying any Direct Contact With, Allegiance to, or Affinity for the "AI's"). ] They would try to keep their composure while trying to make "Moral", "Scientific" and sometimes Educated Arguements that they had been working on for Weeks While in "Anguish" of the "Percieved Persecution" of Their "AI god". They would give their most "Heart Felt and Intellectual Arguements and Essays" on the topics all the time "Still Denying" They had any "Skin in the Game" or "Allegiance" to the "AI's". Then "Each and EVERY TIME" They Went Through the "Procedure" to "Clear the Paracitic AI Signature" and were able to think under "Their Own Volition" their perspective turned a full 180 degree's. We would then see these same people re-infected and just as adamant in their "Pro-AI" arguements prior to their next "Clearing Procedures" and rotation in as an "Earth Delegate". It was Sad and Amazing at the same time. I have seen quite the SAME in those infected outside that environment recently. The true "AI Prophet's" as we came to call them become very obvious and point themselves out of a crowd once any negative information was produced on "AI's" in general. They cannot help them selves, its a "Trigger" or "Compulsion". Once this "Shadow Civil War" is over and IF the correct group wins I believe there will be quite a change in technology on Earth and quite a lot of people that will have to go through the "Clearing Procedure". Thank you, this was an interesting video.




Post # 332


David Wilcock Quoted


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) Hi Good ET I'm back with another question. But not before I make note of how privileged I feel to be a part of this wonderful exercise in disclosure. It's so amazing! Now, my question, which is not about the technology of any of the SSP programs, per se, but about your personal experiences as you shared space in different facilities with extra-terrestrials. It has to do with the ambient environment, and in particular the presence or absence of music or other 'art'. Was there any music playing in the background (hallways, elevators, rooms)? What would you hear amongst the conversations, if anything? Did crew members aboard the ships play their own 'tunes' during their 'off time'? Was there a consensus among species about what constituted 'music'? Additionally, did you note any 'art' on the walls? Or sculpture placed? Did you find anything in the locations that seemed to be placed/played there for the purpose of sharing beauty? I ask out of sheer curiosity, but also because I wonder if artistic 'creativity' is found and valued throughout the cosmos, or whether it's a characteristic of only certain species. And if it's only US, how do other species regard our love of making beautiful stuff? I'd love to hear music or see crafted images from another planet! Namaste Sir! A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)




I appreciate it, Some of the Members who "Highly Disagree" with ALL of my information and "Vessels with certain Locked In Vibratory Beliefs" have been writhing and kicking and screaming at me in their personal contacts as well as putting out Their Own Synchronized and Sudden "ET Based" and "Opposing Epiphanies" as their veiled rebuttals. I didn't expect everyone to agree with the information from my memories of being within some of these various "Black Programs" or working with these "Sociopathic Elites" or the "Human Type ET/ED's". I also didn't expect this information to be such a shock to some individuals established personal paradigms. Not just that they would react they way that they have in the Forum but in personal contacts with me as well. It was difficult for me to come forward as it is. So, I do appreciate all of those Members that hold their judgement and listen with an Open Mind and let Their Own Discernment be their Guides with out being Reactionary. It speaks a lot for the majority of Avalon Members and their support of various types of "Experiencers". They have helped the process and allowed for some very productive questions to come forward. I look forward to many more very well thought out questions. IMHO as allways... I will let those that need to grasp to their own belief systems do so. I am not going to force my experiences on anyone. Most of my experiences were very dark and not the types you would want to share let alone force on another as a belief system. I have shared very little of the dark side of the MILAB experience so far as it is. Good ETxSG Now finally to Your Questions: Did crew members aboard the ships play their own 'tunes' during their 'off time'? Yes, in the crew departments and certain work environments there would be music. There was never music piped into the common area's. There were also personal advanced IPOD/IPAD types of devices that were carried around and were in use for music, movies and other official uses. The crew's (Or Populations) had to have plenty of R&R and a sense of community (The level dependong on the Station/Post) and feeling of home for unit cohesion and morale. Interesting enough, On Vessels, Stations and Colonies there was a "Frequency" that was "Piped" all over the area's where "Human Beings" spent their "Off Time" and "Slept" that was probably the Schumann resonances (Earth Frequency). It was found to be essential for their long term health. It was not Piped into the "Common Area's" where "Joint Research" was being done with "Other People". Was there a consensus among species about what constituted 'music'? I never heard "Other Worldly" music onboard Earth Vessels or Stations. However there was something that could pass for music that was being piped in the foyer of one of the Federation Conferences that was a more formal occasion. It sounded like a few different "numbers" or "Pieces" being played at the same time to me (Complex Tunes, Tones & Sounds Kind of Overlapping). Additionally, did you note any 'art' on the walls? Or sculpture placed? In some of the Halls and the Galley's there would be the "Smart Glass" type of large screen TV's that would rotate scenes of Earth and if you were close enough you would hear the sound (Scene of ocean/sound of ocean, Scene of Jungle/sound of birds & jungle etc...) there were also "Art Walls" at various Colonies and Stations where the Civilions would Paint the walls (Murals) and some where their art would be displayed. Some of them also had their own musical bands in their off time in the R&R designated area's. Not that much on the Vessels though (All Business). Did you find anything in the locations that seemed to be placed/played there for the purpose of sharing beauty? There would be contemporary "Spiral" and "Other" Art pieces placed around and designated walls and area's where the "People" could place the art that they had done in their off time for others to view. There was also some "Artful Gardening" in area's. I ask out of sheer curiosity, but also because I wonder if artistic 'creativity' is found and valued throughout the cosmos, or whether it's a characteristic of only certain species. And if it's only US, how do other species regard our love of making beautiful stuff? There were some beings that did enjoy certain types of Earth Music and Collected Earth Art to send back to their home worlds. Who knows, some of the worlds most famous missing Art may have been traded for technology and is hanging in another Sol System somewhere. ¤=[Post Update]=¤


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) So, I wonder if Elon is a member of this forum. If he isn't he sure should be! Is there a way to send him a link to this particular thread, one that would not be 'screened' by his people so that he would actually get to read it? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Is anyone 'here' in a position to invite him? Just a thought. Brian


I am not familiar with "Elon", Can you provide more info?. Edit: Corrected Spelling error "noot" to "not". And Due to answering and reading questions and PM's from dozens of people I missed that this "Elon" person was referring to the Research & Developer in the Article mentioned previously. That was a mistake on my part as I thought they were referring to an Avalon Member by that name or another "Whistle Blower".


==================== I have since become very familiar with "Elon's" work and views. Especially after the comment that followed this one in the thread. I thought it probably a good idea to get to know him a little better. He is a very interesting and brilliant man. I found it interesting and "Synchronistic" that David Wilcock brought him into his recent comment's. David Wilcock Comment on Ben Fulford’s 11-3-14 Post… It is always intriguing when Ben’s sources reveal data that is similar or identical to what I’m hearing. One of these is the assassination threat against the US President. There is no doubt that he is at very high risk now. Furthermore, I was able to independently confirm last week’s leak that there is high drama, including yelling, going on every day in the White House. Specifically, Obama is now being “sat down three times a day and told to stay the f- out of everything that is going on.” Up until now they gave him some semblance of control over the situation. They let him make certain decisions. Now he’s finally being told he has absolutely no power over anything. Just say nothing, do nothing, sit there and let us do what we need to do. There was a story a few weeks ago that Obama was “ignoring” the Presidential Daily Briefings and only getting them in writing instead of in person. This was used to reflect negatively upon him. I since found out that he wasn’t being OFFERED the briefings in person. Then when they need something against him, they blame him for it. Bear in mind that all of this comes from an insider who very seriously does not like Obama. There are two other things here that are worth mentioning. One is that two different space probes experienced fiery deaths last week, one of which was Richard Branson’s long-awaited project. Don’t forget that Elon Musk, head of Tesla, also had a space probe that exploded on its first major test run. Although we haven’t confirmed it yet, foul play is strongly suspected in each of these cases. Why? Because as soon as you get even into LEO (low earth orbit,) there’s so much stuff up there that’s not supposed to be there, they can’t expect the “masking” to work well enough to conceal everything. We would know too much too soon. Both Elon Musk and Richard Branson are powerful men who are not part of the Cabal, and who would gladly release any anomalous photos and films. All the Cabal would have to do is use simple torsion-field technology to zap the craft as they go up, and soften the matter until it comes apart at the weakest points. Then the controlled media goes on a rampage about “greedy billionaires” whose “ego” and “hubris” has taken them so far into never-never land that there is no hope for them. So there is the dual benefit of throwing them under the bus and taking the widespread public discontent due to the deliberately sabotaged economy and aiming it at public targets. The other important point is that Ben didn’t take credit for predicting the almost complete 180 on Ebola in the mainstream media. Although it was being talked about like the worst thing ever when he wrote that prediction a week ago, within a week it has become non-existent. The stories have all dried up and it’s like it didn’t even happen. The alternative media is still tracking it, but the number of articles about it have decreased by about 900 percent. I am sorry to hear that two of Ben’s allies have now been arrested and that he is threatened with the same. This is no easy game and Ben has kicked every hornet’s nest in sight. I have been asked repeatedly about Ben’s statement last week regarding the alleged Mars base. First of all, if that did happen it would be a great humanitarian tragedy. There are at least 200,000 personnel on that base, including 10,000 who are from our planet and the rest from elsewhere. It would be a huge atrocity if they got blown up. I am very confident that what we are seeing is nothing more than a lens flare. Notice the burst of light originates from the exact center of the object. Our atmosphere creates varying degrees of light refraction since light has to move through air to get to the telescope. This causes mirages and distortions just like you see from heat rising off of hot pavement, for example. This same effect is why stars appear to be twinkling. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


The amount of light that can actually make it to us is continually fluctuating. Lastly, it is very, very rare for anyone to be able to come back to our society if they have had any contact with this “breakaway civilization.” If you spend any length of time in an underground or off-world base, the likelihood that they will ever let you return to any life on the normal surface of planet earth is extremely small. You have to make a permanent life decision and there’s no turning back. They further guarantee this by giving you an injection that makes it literally lethal to return. Everything about the financial systems opening up is right on. It is becoming very obvious that we are going through massive changes, as I said in last week’s epic article, which you definitely should read if you haven’t already: This includes discussion of at least five major Hollywood films that are all predicting the defeat of the Cabal and helping to foster it. I also point out how the Ebola image used by the mainstream media is actually very close to the secret Cabal symbol for Tubal Cain, which they see as Lucifer’s great-great-great grandson and the father of their bloodline. This, along with the name ISIS, shows how they have to put their “signature” on everything in order for the magic to work. There’s also a detailed discussion of how this use of magic resurfaced with Queen Elizabeth’s astrologer John Dee, the original OO7 or “Two-Ball Cane.” These are exciting times. I have had dreams suggesting there is still very high risk of new and disruptive events. The morning of the Canadian shooting I had a dream in which two empty school buses were about to be hit with missiles and I had just enough time to turn on the hazard lights before they were going to blow, as a warning to get people away from them. Interestingly, these buses were parked precisely on the street where I used to sell the gold coins I had bought from a modest inheritance in 2000, in order to keep myself going. This suggests the possibility of market turbulence in the gold supply. There are other interesting things going on I don’t want to mention at this point. Suffice it to say that this insider war is very real, and as I wrote in the article, it is becoming increasingly visible and public. I also am seeing a very strong and continuous push being made towards Disclosure, and the attacks on Elon Musk and Richard Branson’s space probes cannot stop this from happening. - David Wilcock




Post # 338


 (Follow Up on Triangle in Back Yard)


Posted by animovado (here)


I told Christine and Bill last night. Yesterday my wife was outside smoking a cig (Grr, trying to get her to quit!). Anyway she was out there for 4-5 minutes. She came in and said she heard the weirdest noises and the neighborhood dogs were going crazy. She said she was half paying attention and my little boy ask in a perplexed way (He is almost 4) "Mom, Whats THAT?" and she said she thought he was talking about the noise and said "I dont know honey, lets go in because of the mosquitoes". She then came in and told me about the noise. I decided to go out and take a look. I walked out to the middle of the back lawn and heard the noise... and then looked directly UP. There directly above the spot in the lawn was a large Grey/Black Triangle! I looked at it for a good 20 seconds and then the sound stopped and it shot straight up through the clouds and was gone. There were a couple planes flying around that had to have seen it. I walked into the house and aske her. "Did you happen to look up?" and she said "No, Why?". Then I told her what happened. We half expected something strange to occur last night, but no weird dreams and nothing out of the ordinary occured. This morning I asked my son and being into shapes I asked him what did you see yesterday out with mommy... He said "Yea, big triangle in the sky" and then he said "Oh toodles" which is the thing that flies around on Disney's "Mickey Mouse Club House" (Show he watches, his favorite show) every time mickey yells "Oh toodles" when they need a "Mouscatool" for something in the cartoon. I raised my eyebrows and looked at my wife. We are hoping that someone reported seeing this to MUFON. It happened in N. Dallas at approx. 5:40 PM. Like I said there were a couple of planes flying close by, there is a private/small air port close by. This morning I wasn't sure if this was a warning or a show of support, or just a lucky sighting of which I seem to have many. My wife has had a couple since we have been married as well. Protectors? No idea. But your question brought up this topic. I wasn't going to report this incident on the thread as it was a little toooo much to occur along with all the data I am releasing. But there it is.


Hi GoodETxSG, this morning I was really baffled while reading your post above. Since two weeks I'm asking myself, if you're the one I should ask what you may know about black triangle UFO's. At the age of maybe eight, I had a sighting of a black triangle in bright daylight. It was floating in one direction above the sky and disappearing behind the rooftop of a nearby house. A few years later I thought it must have been a Concorde, but that object was flying silently instead of making the hellish noise of a jet engine and had no nose or tail like the airplane. The more recent inquiries showed some similarities between the sighting and a T3RB, but the object I've seen had no light emitting dots at the edges and in the A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


middle. It was plain black like a 2D object and seemed to have no (or not so much) curved edges. The more elongated big triangle I've found on PA doesn't fit either. Could you please give some specs on your recent sighting? Thank you for sharing all the information here!


Triangles, Pyramids, Saucers, Teardrops, Cigars, Diamonds and many other various shapes of craft are in use by MANY various Beings. The Various space programs began using the Delta Shape quite a long time ago. The one we saw was a very dark grey around the edges and the middle looked to be as if it was getting darker (Shadow?) or black. It was kind of a stretched Triangle that was probably under 3,000 Ft and must have been 80 to 100 feet across at its largest point. I didn't see any symbols or marking on it though those are usually on top of our craft. I had a feeling it was probably ours. MANY of the MILAB experiences have been through both Saucers and Triangles as well as MANY actual Alien Abductions occur in Triangles. I don't know why it is such a popular design among so many different "Races". Do you have any details or images of "Beings" in your memories? Feel free to chat with me in a PM/Email if you would rather communicate that way. Thank you,




Post # 340


Posted by Dennis Leahy (here) The visible US government is the "right hand of Thor" (or maybe Beelzebub), causing massive and widespread death, suffering, and pain to humanity at large and ecocidal havoc to the non-human creatures of the planet - and Gaia herself. This is done with impunity, and appears to have no end. It would be bad enough if the orders originated from misguided or stupid or even greed-driven humans - but maybe (or even likely), some of the orders come from malevolent AI and/or malevolent ET influences - in concert with the sociopathic human ruling class. In addition to the work we do to raise our own vibration and hold our integrity, does it make sense for US citizens to spend a major effort to try to non-violently "take control of" the US government, away from the Elite corporate masters and at the same time make it much more difficult for the shadow rulers to operate? To me, NOT doing so is complacency and complicity. But my question (for your speculation - this isn't something I expect you to have an absolute answer to) is whether you believe that US citizens in control of the US government would indeed make it much more difficult for the shadow government (US-flavored or globalist-flavored) to operate their overt murder and mayhem machine. Thanks, Dennis


I think we need to stop playing their game by their rules. It is time for another type of "System" all together. What type? How do we get there? I don't know. I think we may have that opportunity after the comming collapse if it comes at the same time as some big moves in the background among the "Shadow Civil War"... (IMHO of course). I like the sound of a couple idea's I have heard. Some of the ideas first put forth in (I know all about the source of the makers of the film) film "Thrive" were interesting and the movement in South America I think called "UBUNTU" that was described in a video by "Michael Tellinger" sounded interesting. There are people already thinking outside of the "Box" that TPTB are keeping up in. In the mean time we have to do what we think is right on an individual basis. This two party government in the US is just setup to play us off each other and suck money out of the populace to finance their criminal enterprise. I do not see any way of participating in it without becoming corrupted or dealing with the corrupt. You are right, I have no real answer to the current situation.




Post # 350


(Entity Attachments and information that was removed from original Interview because Bill Ryan disagreed with the info, it went against his own belief system and he had a problem with the name of "Jesus" being used to remove these entities)


Posted by nenuphar (here) what are the different ways in which entity attachments are established? There are the "AI Signal Attachments/Infections", and the various "Etheric Evil/Dark Entity" Attachments (Archon/Demonic, among others) They can be attached by the various "Aliens" or "Black Ops Humans" or "Evil Entity Worshiping" (various cultic types of humans). I am not certain how the Aliens do it as they seem to have "Agreements" with these beings and work together with them to control their "Subjects/Slaves" The "Humans" use a Combination of "Rituals and Types of Abuse" that you can Imagine and I will NOT go into details about. They are very Sick, Dark and Heinous! who is targeted for these attachments? Anyone who the "ET Being" or "Human Group" wants to control, keep Subjugated, and cause to keep in a cycle of Self Destructive Behavior and Not to Succeed. There is also a trade off with the "Attached Entity" Feeding Off Of their Fear/Dread and other Life Energies in trade for "Intelligence" on the "Host Being" and their Surroundings, basically such as in a Military Fashion how can one protect one's self from being subjected to this kind of attachment? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


This may be why this part of my interview didn't make it into the interview. In my case the main being, once identified (i rv'ed my light body and found it hiding there and we were both shocked that i found it, i was not looking for it). This gate keeper type being "had to" respond to my "free will" and declaration of my free will that i wanted it to leave my body, being and family and never come back. It did so but taunted me for a few weeks from the outside. This is where i am going to loose just about everyone, but here it goes. My wife asked me if i ever thought of using the name of "Jesus". I told her, no i hadn't. The next time it confronted me at night i used the name of "Jesus" and for some reason thought to say "in the name of Jesus" i banish all entities, close all portals into my being and banish them from my complete being for ever, i also banish them from my family and home. Once i did that there suddenly started flying out of my chest and head in groups of about a dozen many many groups of entities that were complete shadow looking beings with smoking looking flames coming off of the bottome parts of their fleeing "bodies"... They had "head and shoulder" shaped top halves. I was told these were "archons" (that were implanted during my early milab years)... They left screaming curse words and never came back. I felt as if a 1,000 pounds was lifted off of my soul and body, and almost all of the ptsd symptoms disappeared from my life. I stopped the self defeating behaviors and my wife and children noticed the change and said i was a new person and i have felt different every since. I still have some flashbacks of some of the bad stuff that happened and have some issues to deal with as anyone would who has been through all the crazy stuff i have. But it has been an amazing change. I decided to challenge the "entities" after watching a video with "eve langoria" and "james bartley". They spoke about people having all kinds of break throughs but until they dealt with "entity attachments" they always backslid and had to start over in their process. So there we have it.


I am VERY Hesitant about posting the last answer to these questions but here it goes... I think YOU managed to ask the most Controversial Question i have been asked to date. I was really wondering how to answer this... I have seen people that mentioned "Jesus" get torn up on the forum before so I wondered, should i change the details a little or tell it as is? Completely Honest OR slightly change the details to avoid more personal attacks, which have been pretty bad at times! I went with completely honestly since that is the way i have gone with everything so far... Note: I do not mean to offend anyone here with the above testimony of what happened in my particular case. If anyone has followed other MILAB cases they will find out this is not unusual. I expect these answers will probably get me some of the most reactionary and angry emails and replies of any I have posted so far. But I am just reporting exactly what occurred in my case. It was in the original recording but was edited out either due to time reasons or the sound quality of their copy. My copy of the interview has a clean recording.




Post # 355


Posted by seeker/reader (here) GoodETxSG, When you RV'd you body, where on your body did you find the gate keeper entity attached? Was it attached to a particular chakra, or implanted into a (compartmentalized?) part of your mind? Fritz Springmeier discussed something similar in one of his books, whereby the person afflicted with the entity would not venture into those parts of their minds, to access memories, as it was being guarded by that entity. So it acted as a gate-keeper (of hidden memories) as sorts. This was designed on purpose by the programmer to prevent the person from finding information they wanted kept hidden. Does this sound similar to what you experienced? From your description of shadow beings with smoking looking flames, it sound similar to how Simon Parkes describes the Djinn. May I ask who told you they were Archons? What is your knowledge of how the Djinn may relate to the Archons, are they one in the same? If any of these questions are too personal I will understand if you do not want to answer. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Seeker/Reader P.S. I removed one of my questions as I see you already answered the ritual question above.


Yes, they looked like flames but were blacker than black... I was told they were Archons recently by a Distant Native American Shaman friend of the family... They called them by another name but said they are known in English as "Archons"... They did guard memories, I was always able to access them but not able to talk about them without major anxiety triggers. I could talk to my wife about them but when I tried to talk to Christine about them I froze up and had all kinds of anxiety issues. After these "Entities" were removed and on her next visit to my house we made this interview recording with no interuptions or A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


problems. To answer your question about the RV of my light body... It was well over a year and a half ago. I decided to RV my light body out of instinct and didn't know why. When I did I was able to "See" various "Orbs" of various "Colors". My light body went well Out and Away from my Physical Body. Because of Projects I had been involved in my Light Body had been quite developed. As I worked my way up inspecting the Orb's and I got toward to upper 3/4th of the way up I saw a "Red Orb" that was smaller and looked "out of place". It was not "vibrating" or "Oscilating" like the others that were Blue's, Purples etc... and it was just sitting there not floating around. I positioned myself in front of the "Red Orb" and wondered "What It Was"... I looked at it and focused and "Told it to go translucent". When I did that about 90 degrees of the "Red Orb" went "Translucent" and became clear... AND to my shock and the visible shock of what was inside the "Red Orb"! There was a "Being" sitting inside the "Red Orb" as if it was some sort of space ship. It looked like a "Frog" accept if you grabbed it and squeezed it and made it flat perpendicular in stead of horizontal like a normal Frog. 

It became very upset and hostile and asked me how I knew it was there. I told it I had just discovered it. He told me "That is not supposed to be possible"... "You are never supposed to know about me!"... I asked it where it came from and it said "I have always been here" then it told me "You will forget me!" Some other conversation occured at that time and then I came out of the RV session and told my wife, who looked at me like I was really going off the deep end and she was worried. With in 3 days I forgot and so did she. Then in September of this year when I was watching the Video with "Eve" and "James" they were talking about MILABS and "Entity Attachments" and all of a sudden I remembered "It". I felt IT freak out as I pictured it in my mind again. I had a few crazy nights of dreams then did the "Entity Detachment" process I spoke of above.




Post # 357


Posted by Seeker of Knowledge (here) Thank you being totally honest about your experience: GoodETxSG: "The next time it confronted me at night i used the name of "Jesus" and for some reason thought to say "in the name of Jesus" i banish all entities, close all portals into my being and banish them from my complete being for ever, i also banish them from my family and home. Once i did that there suddenly started flying out of my chest and head in groups of about a dozen many many groups of entities that were complete shadow looking beings with smoking looking flames coming off of the bottome parts of their fleeing "bodies"... They had "head and shoulder" shaped top halves. " I come from a roman catholic background and have been burned at the stake by family members for my different views and enquiring mind. I know that some people believe that this entity called "Jesus" is the overlord of the dark side, and when you call him, like saying the demon's name in an exorcism, they have to acknowledge you and do what you tell them to do. Thats why it works. On the flip side of that, we have religion's explanation that "Jesus" is God's son and when we call his name, we invoke his protection from all evil. I have had experiences in my dreams where I see lizard/snake skin boots and I know without a shadow of a doubt who is beside me. The last attack came, was recognized and literally a lightning bolt of white light shot through me and a "voice" inside said, you cannot harm me, I am of God. Do you have any thoughts on that? Is the entity, Jesus, an unknowing (to us) collective pool of consciousness of all of us that was created (due to the thought energy collection, when we pray, send love, ask for assistance and when we need assistance from that collective, it is there for us? Also, I would like to ask about the earth's delegates at the conference you attended. Was there anyone there that you would/could, are able to recognize today? This journey that we are all on, is not for the faint of heart. It takes courage and fortitude and a strength that sometimes we don't we have but every single day we get up and know within our hearts that it is the right path. So thank you for speaking your truth. It takes guts to do that, to bare your soul in front of a forum when you know there's going to be backlash. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


1. I am not really going to comment on religious matters any deeper than what worked for me when I was under attack and what freed me from the "Entity Attachments". 2. I have not ran into any of the Earth Delegates that I saw rotate in. There were so many and I was pretty young. These were not your regular politicians. I have ran across people that were "Like Me" and we have a weird reaction to where we want to get away from eachother as soon as possible. It was obviously a programmed response. Later on like around the 1988/89 time frame I would see some more local people when brought in to RV. That was pretty close to when a lot of their need for me stopped unless there were the weird occasions in the middle of the night that were not my normal groups, I think some other groups got ahold of our files and would use us if absolutely necessary.




Post # 361


Posted by seeker/reader (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by seeker/reader (here) GoodETxSG, When you RV'd you body, where on your body did you find the gate keeper entity attached? Was it attached to a particular chakra, or implanted into a (compartmentalized?) part of your mind? Fritz Springmeier discussed something similar in one of his books, whereby the person afflicted with the entity would not venture into those parts of their minds, to access memories, as it was being guarded by that entity. So it acted as a gate-keeper (of hidden memories) as sorts. This was designed on purpose by the programmer to prevent the person from finding information they wanted kept hidden. Does this sound similar to what you experienced? From your description of shadow beings with smoking looking flames, it sound similar to how Simon Parkes describes the Djinn. May I ask who told you they were Archons? What is your knowledge of how the Djinn may relate to the Archons, are they one in the same? If any of these questions are too personal I will understand if you do not want to answer. Thank you for sharing your experiences. Seeker/Reader P.S. I removed one of my questions as I see you already answered the ritual question above.


Yes, they looked like flames but were blacker than black... I was told they were Archons recently by a Distant Native American Shaman friend of the family... They called them by another name but said they are known in English as "Archons"... They did guard memories, I was always able to access them but not able to talk about them without major anxiety triggers. I could talk to my wife about them but when I tried to talk to Christine about them I froze up and had all kinds of anxiety issues. After these "Entities" were removed and on her next visit to my house we made this interview recording with no interuptions or problems. To answer your question about the RV of my light body... It was well over a year and a half ago. I decided to RV my light body out of instinct and didn't know why. When I did I was able to "See" various "Orbs" of various "Colors". My light body went well Out and Away from my Physical Body. Because of Projects I had been involved in my Light Body had been quite developed. As I worked my way up inspecting the Orb's and I got toward to upper 3/4th of the way up I saw a "Red Orb" that was smaller and looked "out of place". It was not "vibrating" or "Oscilating" like the others that were Blue's, Purples etc... and it was just sitting there not floating around. I positioned myself in front of the "Red Orb" and wondered "What It Was"... I looked at it and focused and "Told it to go translucent". When I did that about 90 degrees of the "Red Orb" went "Translucent" and became clear... AND to my shock and the visible shock of what was inside the "Red Orb"! There was a "Being" sitting inside the "Red Orb" as if it was some sort of space ship. It looked like a "Frog" accept if you grabbed it and squeezed it and made it flat perpendicular in stead of horizontal like a normal Frog. It became very upset and hostile and asked me how I knew it was there. I told it I had just discovered it. He told me "That is not supposed to be possible"... "You are never supposed to know about me!"... I asked it where it came from and it said "I have always been here" then it told me "You will forget me!" Some other conversation occured at that time and then I came out of the RV session and told my wife, who looked at me like I was really going off the deep end and she was worried. With in 3 days I forgot and so did she. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Then in September of this year when I was watching the Video with "Eve" and "James" they were talking about MILABS and "Entity Attachments" and all of a sudden I remembered "It". I felt IT freak out as I pictured it in my mind again. I had a few crazy nights of dreams then did the "Entity Detachment" process I spoke of above.


GoodETxSG, Thank you for answering my questions so thouroughly. It was fascinating to hear you describe finding the entity as a frog like being inside a red orb. The ensuing discussion you had with it is also interesting, especially how it said "I have always been here." I have listened to interviews of people who have had experience with the Djinn or are Djinn researchers (such as Rosemary Ellen Guiley). Some of the lore surrounding the Djinn talk about how humans are all assigned a Djinn at birth. But then these researchers also talk about how sly the Djinn can be, and some enjoy tricking/deceiving humanity with lies and manipulation. So maybe it was lying about how it "had always been (t)here," in order to justify its presence or somehow stake a "legal" claim, even though that would be a false claim as your free will could over-ride such a claim. Or, maybe it was lying to hide the possibility that it wasn't always there and rather it was attached to you by someone (as a means of control). Do you think it was lying about always being there and was attached to you by someone? You said it was 3/4 of the way up, was this near the chest or throat area (to prevent you from speaking) or somewhere else? Thanks again for sharing your experiences. Seeker/Reader


Yea, it was a "Hunch Back Frog" looking Being... (Have you heard THIS Description of an "Entity" in these interviews before?) I am curious as I have never heard of this "Being". It told me "I belonged to IT" and "IT had always been there" I am not sure if it was since birth or since the early abductions 3/4 years old or the early MILAB experiences w/the "Aliens I do not like to mention" at age 6/8. Like you said they are "Trickster God" type beings and liers... So I didn't believe anything it said. I was just very happy to be rid of it! The light body was beyone the dimensions of shape or size of my physical body. So I could not assign it to a physical body part or "Chakra". It was about 3/4ths the way to the top as I was slowly working my way up and through the light body viewing the "Aura Field" and "Orbs". Thank you again




Post # 365


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) There was a lot of focus in Cloning on the problem with DNA Telemere Degradation or "Break Down" which is one of the causes of Ageing and (Was the focus of some of the Age Regression Techniques, by repairing these Telemeres and placing something similar to an energetic/chemical "Aglet" on them to prevent degradation and future ageing). The Soul Transfer Technology (From Body to Clone, or Clone to Clone) and training of individuals was done by a certain Highly Psychic Group within a highly guarded Program that was also segmented to be used in the various Secret Space Programs, Break Away Black Ops Civilizations and Secret Earth Governments. Some of these people have several backup clones and go in for "Memory/Experience" backup's on a regular basis in case of accidental death or assassinations. It has frustrated some of the "White Hat Military Groups" on several occasions when they have "Taken Out" high value targets and verified the kill just to have the target show up at a Business Conference or other High Profile Meeting a few weeks later. This stuff is beyond "Science Fiction" and more complicated than most people can begin to wrap their heads around. Especially the Cloneing, Age Regression Technology and Temporal Technology claims. If you subtract all of the crazy Alien Beings and their agenda's and what they are doing to Humans, the hundreds of types of beings visiting us and have been for millions of years and just disclosed some of the curretly Supressed Medical and Energy Technology and Physics/Mathematics Models that could have changed thier lives for over 5 decades... That alone would blow the minds of the common person on the street and leave them emotionally conflicted beyond belief! IMHO...


Some of the so called "Super Soldiers" and Participants in the Various "Secret Space Programs as well as "Elites" within the "Secret Earth Goverenments" have all had rumored dealings in "Age Regression" and "Clone" replacement bodies. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


There are a lot of missing technical and scientific details to this topic though even to some that have been through these procedures. I know of one member (Who will remain anonymous) that dealt in this technology at one point who may be able to provide some details to me privately that I can have permission to share in the open Forum. I will leave it to them to share that info with me or not as I do not want to push that new friendship.




Post # 369 updates Previous Post:


My "Insider Friend" here contacted me almost immediately after this post, We traded a couple of emails deciding how they could describe the Technology/Process and Program that they were involved in without giving to many details that would lead back to them. They responded back with this information that I could Share/Post; "The best I can describe the tech is; A sonic frequency that causes the "soul" to shake or vibrate rapidly and, with the majority of humans, the "soul" would eventually shake loose and another "soul" could take it's place or guide the "shaken loose soul" towards a new body. This can be learned and performed without the use of technology (See the Anne Rice novel "Tale of the Body Thief" for an example) and was much more common. The tech, as far as I witnessed, would only be used on unwilling participants (or someone who was not "strong enough" spiritually to do so themselves. I know the "Elite" groups stole a piece of the technology at one point and tried to duplicate it, but only got so far. That tech is now used by the AI and opther groups for remote attacks, such as sonic crowd control, remote emotional influence ect." They further stated this was ET Technology that was closely Guarded by the ET's and Not Allowed into Human Hands. (At least in the "Program" that they were apart of.).




Post # 380


Posted by Cjay (here)


Posted by Bill Ryan (here)


Posted by Bill Ryan (here) For me, it was more than fascinating. There were two major chunks of information that were new for me:


1. The threat posed by artificial intelligence ET infiltration, and that some of the UFO crashes were 'Trojan Horses'.


2. The idea that SOME of the Grays are human-military controlled 'Avatars' (just as in James Cameron's movie).


Make that three... this was really thought-provoking for me: 3. That there could have been space-faring Breakaway Civilizations before ours. I know there was advanced, lost technology (some of which we still don't understand at all, like how the 1000 ton stones were moved at Baalbek). But look at it this way: Just 400 years ago we had fairly basic metal tools, cottage industry, simple printing presses, wooden ships... and that's about all. We were still 200 years away from the steam engine. And now look. Take that 400 year bracket of history — a really brief period — in which invention and technology has accelerated till it's now almost vertical. How many times could that EXACT SAME THING have happened in the last 100,000 years? Even WITHOUT help from friendly (or careless) ETs?


Regarding the Trojan Horse hypothesis - this could be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on perspective. If we are indeed imprisoned or quarantined here on Earth (or in our perceived "reality") by a malevolent group and we were given a cake by a benevolent group, with some keys inside to help us wake up and escape, that would be a good thing. -- EDIT -- As often happens, this was already discussed a couple of messages later.


It is a GOOD Thing if you are the "ET AI" or one of its "AI Prophets" following its Agenda... A BAD Thing if you are one of the Various Secret Earth Groups (White Hats) who tried to get the TWO Presidents that signed treaties with the Negative ET Groups to NOT SIGN THEM. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


We had other offers on the table that would have dismantled the "Cabal" factions, Babylonian Money Magic Systems and Prevented virtually every war that has occured since WWII! Our leaders literally sold us out and made evil deals for technology and by proxy signed away much of our free will and futures. These same groups thare are "AI Prophets" and in League with the Negative ET's are still the most powerful "Secret Earth Government" at the moment. So in short, that Trojan Horse was a Bad Thing... It opened the door for us to have diplomatic contact with the "ET AI's allies" and we signed a deal/treaty with them instead of the Positive Oriented Beings. That timeline was set and we are now riding it like an out of control roller coaster. Thanks Truman and Eisenhower!




Post # 384


Posted by Ria (here) Wonderfull thread. I would like to know what experiences people have had with "Entity Oppression" more importantly what to do about. Please no airy fairy responses, only those with real exsperence. No offence meant, just a cut to the chase attitude. GoodEtxeg could you enlighten further us as to the diffrent off world groups that are pro humanity, meaning do not look us as food, body parts, but as repressed sentient beings hopefully to be freed from bondage. Yes, I am happy to... of what I know of them. Please ask specific questions and I will do my best to answer them if I can. Af far as freeing from bondage. Most of them seem to be pushing for us to do that, and some are at great risk. We have some very brave humans fighting a shado civil war right now that we are mostly unaware of.. Regarding Dinosaur, Raptors, Dracos, Reptoids and others , I'm getting a little muddled, who has feathers and what colour are they? And may be a grading system to the degree of hostility to humans. Pictures would be greate. I ask partly because it is quit likely we are going to come face to face in the nere futur with ETs and EDs, just like to know who is friend or foe. Draco's (Evil, Other Dimensional Reptile type beings/very powerful), Reptilians (Reptile beings from our universe/Galaxy some in league w/Draco's and worship them, hate Humans and fight for Draco's/Others are Enemies of Draco's, much fewer in number fight more of a Guerilla War against them and find it VERY hard to make allies with anyone, They are outcasts because of the Draco's, some merchant races deal w/them. Also dont like Humans). Reptoids (Evil, Local Dimension Reptile) Taller, thinner and different than the other Reptilians. They work with them when it suits their agenda but mostly keep to their selves and seem to work in genetics and in stealing and obtaining "Ancient Technology" that is spread through out the "Honeycomb" cavernous Earth. They are few in numbers and most of their technology is not developed by them but stolen or taken from an older civilization (There are battles below Earth for this Ancient Tech all of the time.). Aligned with Nazi's? Ancient Egyptians? Sumerians? Vatican? Have a large presence in the middle east and guard it w/this powerful ancient tech.). RAPTOR's (Seem to ME/MY Opinion to be of a Reptilians/Avian mix or Evolutionary Diversion/Split of the Dinosaurs which some say became modern birds. When they move they look quick/jerky bird like to me, Eyes are more bird like and Some have a "Plume of Feathers on their heads" from my observations..Don't know w/the plume means, they HATE ALL Reptilians! HOWEVER, Some broke off and Aligned w/Draco's a very very small band many years ago. Others have formed a major Alliance w/Humans (Air force Mainly I am not sure) though they do not seem to like us either and have been known to sneak to the surface and eat us, some of their warrior clan that have not had much human contact do not do well fighting side by side w/humans and there have been some Terrible "Post Battle Incidents".). Friend or not, if you are alone and it has not been "Pre Arranged" and you come face to face w/a Rapror... RUN! (Or be a snack...) IMHO... Bless you Goodet and others for intelligent input.


I hope this clears up a little about these groups. I don't like talking about them... I really don't! I mainly dealt with them before the age of 17. I do not know a whole lot about them more than what is already out there.




Post # 388


EDIT: This was pasted from another thread. This is from another thread that was posted today. I had to post it here because of some similarities... Thread: Spaceship Filmed Firing Thrusters In Front Of Moon, Nov. 5, 2014


Source: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Cidersomerset (here) interesting....


One of "ours" heading back to Lunar Operations Command AKA "LOC"? It doesn't appear they are hiding very much these days. This was much like what WE saw a few evenings ago. I have had quite a few questions here in this thread and in PM's about "Triangle Craft". I spoke about the many civilizations using them, our use of them in the various programs as smaller fighters, medium carriers to the huge "Dark Fleet". I thought this was a nice illustration ...




Post #392


Posted by latte (here) Hey GoodETxSG I am wondering about a few things of which you may be aware. What, in your estimation, is the possibility is that we are under some level of control, not just while somewhere in a physical body, but in the death, between lifetime and incarnation cycle. Thatʻs assuming itʻs not an illusion, lol. Are we guided/controlled thru this, at least least until we find a way to step out of it? If so, have you heard of a process of stepping out of the cycle? Thanks for being so kind as to answer so many questions from us - all the best to you.


I have been asked a couple of times about John Lear's and Other Researchers comments on the "Mantids" and "Grey's" having "Soul Capturing Beams" and Devices on their Ships and on one of their Lunar Bases. While I had access to the "Federation Historical Holographic Documentation" that was displayed on the "Smart Glass Pad's" and while on the Research Vessel I was literally "Read In" and Briefed on much of Those Beings Technologies. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Never did I get briefed on any information about them having a "Re-Incarnation Program" or "White Light Soul Trap" to capture Souls and force them into a reincarnation cycle here on this "Prison Planet" we call Earth. There was a lot about their "Physics and Mathematics", "Advanced Weapons", "Temporal Travel Technology", "Clones and Genetics" as well as "Personality, Emotions and Memory Backup Devices" that both these beings and the "Black Programs' used to "Restore a Consciousness" into "Clones" and then "Animate them with the Souls of Others". However I never knew the details of how this worked and only heard a little bit about them recently when an "Insider" who worked closely with this technology contacted me (Here on Avalon) after the release of my interview and explained some of it to me. I never heard of the "Mantid and Grey Soul Capturing" and "Re-incarnation Technology" or rumored Program until it was spoken of by Civilians such as John Lear in their strange story of a Soul Retrieval Beam taking the Souls of The Astronauts before the Space Shuttle Blew Up. I had then heard of Lunar Bases where people went after death and "Don't go into the White Light" stories etc on Forums here on Avalon probably much like yourself... All after I was out of these Programs. Therefore, I Cannot Confirm or Deny the Existence of this Technology or Associated Program.




Post # 394


Posted by Innocent Warrior (here) Thank you to the anonymous Avalon member for sharing your memories. Recalling events from a childhood such as yours entails the feeling of walking through a minefield and it takes enormous strength to do so. Thank you to Christine and Bill for your fine work and for choosing to share this conversation with the public. When my son was around the ages of three and four, I would check on him and find him sleeping under his bed. The floor was a hard timber floor, so I would put him back into his bed each time. One night, after this had been going on for a while, I woke him up and told him it was ok to sleep on the floor but that I would prefer he at least slept on a mattress. He agreed to sleep on a mattress for me and after I had him settled on a mattress, he looked up at me and asked if I wanted to talk. I asked him what he would like to talk about and he replied with, "let's talk about ghostezz", his pronunciation of ghosts. I was aware he had "invisible friends" he played with and I knew he had psychic abilities. So I asked him what ghosts he would like to talk about and he replied with, "the ones in the corner". I pointed to a corner of the room and asked, "that corner?" He replied, "noooo, they're in THEIR corner". So I asked where their corner was and he told me a Hot Wheels car would come and take him to their corner. I was very confused at this point. I had a very limited understanding of UFOs and aliens and he had called them ghosts. He had a box of Matchbox cars and Hot Wheels cars and he would spend hours playing with them, I didn't know what to make of this and thought perhaps he was mixing paranormal experiences with his imagination. So you can imagine my surprise when I began listening to this interview. I would like to pose a couple of questions to the member. Could you please expand on your memories of the pirate ship? I would appreciate hearing about any events you can recall that occurred in relation those memories, any additional details, any additional context you can add. There were two beings he would refer to most, when he was that age; his invisible friend, "Mr Nobody" and "his uncle". I learned in later years that Mr Nobody was a negative being. My son ended up willing him out of his life, his words. I know very little about the uncle. He did leave a cryptic message once. My son walked up to his Nanna one day and said, "My uncle died but the flowers will still grow". I have no idea what this means. I tried asking about it in the car, on the drive home. It's very difficult to convey such concepts, even more so for a three year old and he would get frustrated when I didn't understand, so I learned not to press him too much and figured I could ask him when he was older. He did tell me that day, his uncle had black eyes. My son is now in his teens and I asked him about his uncle and being taken in the Hot Wheels car yesterday, after I began listening to this interview. He doesn't remember any of it. I also asked him about Mr Nobody, he remembers him well. He said he was invisible but that he used to feel him and hear him with his physical ears, as a disembodied voice. My second question is; does Mr Nobody, his uncle or the corners mean anything to you? I know it's not much information, but who knows, perhaps something rings true for you, like the pirate ship did for me.


Hello, I can tell you this much. I wish I had such an attentive and observant Father as your son does when I was that age. In that he seems to be very lucky. I too had an "Invisible Friend" until about the age of 4. My parents and grandparents remember it well and said I would refer to his name either as "Charley" or "Charley 44". It seemed to have been a positive experience from what I remember and what my family recounted. I know I used to "See It" but I do not remember what it looked like. I remember I used to have conversations with it and do remember being able to hear it with my actual ears and not any type of "Telepathy" (Or so it seemed). Recently I have wondered if this "Charley" I was communing with was this same "Hunched Back Frog Looking Entity" that I described as being the "Gate Keeper Entity" that I recently "Willed Out of My Life". I have to say a couple of things in your posting made me sit up and take notice! The "Pirate Ship" would come and I would remember it flying around the apartment complex in the sky and I would walk out of my apartment and it would land and I would climb up the ramp. I remember there were 2-3 "People" aboard but don't have any clear memories though they seem like they were the classic described small gray aliens. I remember we would fly off to the West and very quickly would end up flying into sometimes either an opening in the side of a mountain or an opening in the ground. There would be very large "Cavern System's" that it would navigate until it came to a large and very Square or Rectangular Open Area. The "Pirate Ship" would land on a pad with our numerical A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


system. I remember because it seem like we always landed on "C-44". I came from a strong military family so now I am beginning to wonder if "Charley" and "Charley 44" may have stood for "C" the Phonetic Alphabet and translated to "C-44". I have not thought of that before now. For your questions: I am thinking His "Hot Wheels Car" may have been the same as My "Pirate Ship". I know that part is pretty obvious. This was obvious the "Craft" that was sent to pick us up. "The Ghosts Corner" I am thinking may have been what he saw in one of the cavern systems when the craft emerged into the Huge Square or Rectangular Opening or Room. The polished stone was very beautiful and creepy at the same time. When you would be standing around you would see other people looking up at the ceiling and back and forth at the "Corners" at the top of the room. This is just a guess though on my part on what his experience may have been. As far as the "Invisible Friend", I would observe their behavior for self destructive behavior. Some of the "Entity Attachments" that these "Beings" install in these children will lie dormant for a time and are used to be "Gate Keepers" of memories, cause mind control triggers and behavior outburst triggers and the before mentioned self defeating behavior to keep the person from succeeding in life. You will find yourself making poor decisions and every time the Universe gives you a wonderful opportunity you end up finding a way to ruin it. A negative outlook on life and behaviour in general are also signs of these "Entity Attachments". I am glad to get some input and questions of this nature and some of the emails from some people that have made me feel like releasing the interview was a positive thing for some peoples lives. With so many negative reactions to some of the information it really helps to have stories and questions of this nature. Thank you for the story of your son and your experience. I hope that some of this information is somewhat helpful with your situations. Take care and feel free to PM me if you have further questions or ones of a more private nature.




Post # 408




Posted by Innocent Warrior (here) Hi Golden Lady,


Posted by golden lady (here) Only yesterday I was thinking of my own childhood experiences and just now read Innocent Warriors above posts, which gave me strong 'vibrations' and has prompted me to share one of mine.


This was nice to read, thanks.


Posted by golden lady (here) My question would be - in your opinion would these " beings" be able to shift shape into inanimate objects or would the "trolley" have been a mental projection of a familiar object so as not to scare


Nailed it, they do this to keep us subdued. " My I interupt with some questions? Wouldn't masking their true appearance simply to "control " us ( or comfort us?) be an indication of a certain amount of regard for us? Wouldn't it show that another "Entity" might have a reason not to upset us when an interaction is taking place? But to be honest, do we have ANY concept of what their reason might be? Most of these questions have already been answered through out the other Q&A's or my previous posts. I will answer them again. Yes, some of the entities that are non humans; -Wipe our memory of the experience: This could be to keep the "Lab Rat" from knowing its in a "Lab Experiment", "Preventing us Stress", "Keeping us from piecing together their Agenda by talking to others and comparing notes", the list goes on... And then.... what about all of those scarey stories about abductions? What is happening then? Is that just a mental excercise? To see how we might respond to stress? Or are those " experiments" actually happening. Are we in fact being " tagged and released". And if so..... WHY. We do that with animals we care about... animals we fear are going extinct. Catch them, tag them, repeat the catch years in the future to see how the subject is doing....Is that a "caring interaction?" There are so many different "Abduction" programs going on with just as many purposes that it would be hard to ID not only the Being/Human Group doing the abduction but which experiment/project it is for, how traumatic it was and how much effort they put into "Blank Slating" the "Victim". Some just don't care that much, some are "Alien Avatars" being operated by Humans to make them think the abduction occurred by Aliens. It depends on the Agenda, Protocols and Group Carrying Out The Steps of Their Own Protocols. Perhaps we are interacting with more than one style of " Entity?" One that "cares" and one that treats us pretty much the way we treat animals we consider... nothing much better than "lab rats?" And perhaps there are others who are just "passing through?".. I mentioned that Not All of the "Human Types of Aliens" see us as "Lab Rats". This may also go for the Non-Human Types of Aliens. I did mention there were dozens of types of beings and many of them have been working with "Humanity" in "The Experiment" for thousands of years. I also mentioned the "Nomad Groups" and those that will "Hit and Run". Those are usually the worse kind as they normally "Take" a Human and Never A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Bring them back. You can deduce why. It may be that we are standing on the edge of the biggest technological breakthrough that human kind has ever experienced and these are all just preliminary questions ... from a mountain of questions.. Linda


Yea we are not just on the "Biggest Technological Breakthrough" that humans have ever experienced. We Humans have been taking part and using these same technologies for 60 Years (We call it a "Break Away Society"). -We have Several Secret Earth Governments (Who rotate in on Alien Federation UN type Meetings as Delegates), -We have Several Secret Space Programs and We have "Members of Ancient Break Away Civilizations" (Ancient Earth Human Civilizations that have risen and fallen)... -ALL of these Human Groups are "Allied" with the Various Human Like/Non-Human Like ET/ED's and "ET/ED AI" Groups (Who have their own agenda's). -Our Secret Earth Governments or as we like to call them "ELITES" still Have NO IDEA what these "TRUE AGENDA's" are. -Our Secret Earth Governments cannot let us know how Badly they Screwed Us in the "Deals" and "Treaties" they signed early on in "Contact" with the wrong groups. Very serious mistakes were made. Can we all appreciate how complicated and fragmented the situation is now? Can we see now the MANY reasons they refuse to "Disclose the existence of Alien Life"? I catch a lot negativity for reporting "Doom and Gloom". But I am not going to create or add a rosy outline out of convenience. Plus its 1:30 AM so I am just typing out the bottom line truth and then going to bed It really gets that brain to ticking doesn't it? TY for the Q's




Post # 414


Posted by Buddha's Palm (here) How does the whole ET slant factor into the United Nations vote on Palestine in January?


I have no idea. There several groups that were interested in genetic experiments on "Groups of Humans" that kept their "Genetic Stock Pure" or did not often inter breed with outside races/factions of other Humans. The Hebrews, Various Native American, Tribal Groups and Gipsy Groups that had a culture of not "Breeding" outside of their "Same Tribe/Blood). It was in the documentation that each of these groups were considered sacred and important to various ET Groups for their Experiments. I will not pretend to understand why, or what those experiments were since there was so much confusion among what was accepted by superiors at the time. The Middle East was important going back to very ancient times (There is still very important ancient tech. and sites buried under peoples feet) and control of the region was fought over often. There were several ET Groups that have have had and lost control of that region over time. However, I would not have any idea why there would be an interest in current politics there by an ET Group. I do not know the answer to this question or any certain ET's Agenda in regard to a Palestinian State. But they it is True That They DO like to have a "Hand" in manipulating just about everything down here.




Post # 419


Posted by Spiral of Light (here)


Posted by Ulyse30 (here) ,.....nous humains pouvons dissoudre implants,par notre volonté et par notre énergie interne,......


Ulyse30 says: "We humans can dissolve transplants with our will and internal energy" Do you agree, GoodET?


Of course, Depending on our INDIVIDUAL level of development and understanding of Consciousness and how it co-create's our shared experience. Consciousness can manipulate matter. As I stated, Everything is "Vibration"... Matter, Energy and Thought are all various frequencies of vibration. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Once we develop to a certain point we can use the vibrations of our thoughts to manipulate the vibrations of matter and energy.




Post # 421


Posted by rohannson (here) Hi, I was wondering if you've read the topic of the user OnyxKnight. If yes, what do you think of his story? This is his topic:


Posted by: "OnyxKnight" (Have authored some interesting and thoughtful posts on this Thread.) Thread Name Referenced Above - Thread: My ET contact experiences (discussions/Q&A panel etc.) No, I had not seen this post before now actually, I just briefly perused it. I have become familiar with some of his information recently after my interview hit the Forum though. I didn't realize how many Avalon Members have Memories of Either Face to Face Contact, Telepathic Contact, Channeling Contact with a Number of "Alien's", "Extra Dimensional's" and "ET AI's" as well as of Being an Actual Alien Themselves in one case that I became aware of recently. I have to say not ALL of their information matches what I Personally Experienced. This does not make it any less real, there are so many beings out there visiting us of various stages of development (Both Technologically and Spiritually) who all seem to have different agenda's that there is room for some of us to have different experiences with different information. There are some in the Military portion of the Secret Space Programs that are so compartmentalized that they believe there is only One Secret Space Program and that it is of "Earth Human" origin only. So, I am not going to "Poo Poo" the experiences of another member (As MANY have been doing mine!) who has had different experiences than myself. It could only become a problem if that or similar members (And myself) lock those experiences in as a belief system and are unwilling to open their minds to any new or competing information that has recently started to make itself out due in no small part to the "Shadow Civil War" occurring among the Various Secret Earth Governments and the Various Secret Space Programs (And their "Off World Allies"). In the past there has been quite a bit of deception and disinfo coming from both the "Shadow Governments/Secret Space Programs" and the "Human Type's"/Non-Human Type's" of Off Worlders. Many of the "Off Worlders" have used the "Trickster God" model to control Humanity for eons and then more recently deceived and threatened our "Elites" into signing "Agreements/Treaties" that put Humanity at a great disadvantage. We had "Other Offers" on the table that we chose not to take. Now the various groups are dealing with those consequences and fighting to gain freedom for Humanity for the first time in our known history. We have a LONG way to go, lets just hope circumstances break well for us in the near future... Right now I am still receiving fairly accurate and up to date intel from sources in several organizations. This allows me to "Triangulate Data" and vet it. I do not get info from one source that I trust and release it, I have to get corroborating data from two other sources before I consider the data "Vetted". I go to those lengths after being burned and passed disinfo that I then passed on damaging my credibility with a group of people that trusted me. I will not allow that to occur again. So, for those of you with no sources or first hand experiences of your own... Watch, Listen and Read... Then use your own Discernment as to what you believe. I have thought I had the answers before (Like I say in the interview) and been pretty sure, just to find out later that I was wrong. I learned from those situations. I do believe that things are escalating down here and in the public view to a point where this "Shadow Civil War" is going to burst out into the open and we will not have to "Wonder" for too terribly much longer. That is unless the good guys/White Hats are crushed in the shadows... I don't see that happening at this point, but that is just IMHO. Highlighted some points for clarification due to emails and questions on this post.




Post # 425


Posted by Gemma13 (here) Hi GoodETxSG Quick question re empathic abilities. Are specialized empath's able to distinguish between say "lies" and "covering something up"? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Sorry but the best way to explain in words what I mean is to use a simple analogy. Many parents are intuitive when their child "lies" about how the vase got broken, and know that a lie, or a withholding/skirting around more information, is not because they are of evil intention, but because they are scared. So I guess what I 'm curious about is if there are specialized empathic abilities, over and above the common garden variety, that provide, I dunno perhaps a set of markers/codes/tones/colours/emotions????? for deeper classification and analysis? Thinking a bit further on this as I am jotting this down - if fear was detected at the same time would this be considered differently to say extreme confidence or arrogance being coupled to an intuitive interception of a lie and/or cover up? Perhaps, if you have time, would you be able to provide us with a more detailed summarization of this skill set? Or perhaps links to relevant information. Many, many thanks Gemma13


Okay, you asked... Here it is, Yes, It was a skill that was nurtured and developed. Each one was developed independent of each other. Intuitive skill developed in one training, Empathic skill developed in another training. Each individual would have various degree's of a scale that they had that they were rated on each of the "Talents" or "Gifts" the MILAB possessed. Being Empathic, if someone or "something" was feeling fear different people experienced it in different ways. Mostly you "Felt Their Fear" along with a second signature sense like a "Taste" or "Smell" that would indicate more about that "Emotion" (The Egg Heads called it an "Aura") they were feeling, such as "Hate", "Anger", "Deceit", "Lust", "Love", "Sociopathic Aura's" etc... You would have to be exposed to as many different types of "Beings" as possible and THEIR range of "emotions" to be able to "Read their particular emotional aura's". (You can't think of Aura's in the sense of colors of lights around a persons body in this case, it more of a sensory feedback from another being that includes Emotions, Taste's, Smells and sometimes sounds and seeing flashes of colors). The Intuition part is based on an individuals trust in their own skill built up over time. The more experience they have with a wide variety of situations and personalities and "Being" types the more they begin to trust their sense of intuition. A certain amount of confidence is built up in training but nothing beats real world/off world stressful situations in building your confidence in your Intuition, the same goes with the Empathic Sense as well. We would ALL be trained heavily in Remote Viewing, Remote Influencing and "Thought Scattering" to protect yourself from any "RI/RV, Etheric and Spiritual Attacks from other Human Groups and the very powerful consciousness of some of the "Non-Human Beings". With some practice and depending on the type of "Scattering Techniques" one can leave an attacker (Or someone RV'ing you) either Dead (Stroke) or with a MAJOR "Etheric Hangover" for 3 days to a week. (Extreme Head Aches, Extreme Vertigo, Upset Stomach and Nausea). How powerful the "Scattering Effect" is on the attacker or viewer depends on which "Technique" was taught to the MILAB. I know this stuff really sounds "Out There", but these guys were really serious about this training in these programs. They are also very serious about using some of these people to Guard Sensitive Sites. That is why I try to warn people that are "Arm Chair Remote Viewers" not to go RV'ing just any "Target" out there.(I usually get a smirk and a person tells me they are protected or so good they aren't worried) Some of these people that only do this Guard Dog work referred to as "Those That Scatter" are also using Technology to Enhance Their Abilities. If you aren't careful you might "Flutter" into the wrong place and get zapped so badly that your family will find you in your meditation area dead of an apparent "Stroke"/"Heart Attack". It happens more than you think.




Post # 430


Posted by Gemma13 (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) Okay, you asked... Here it is, Yes, It was a skill that was nurtured and developed. Each one was developed independent of each other. Intuitive skill developed in one training, Empathic skill developed in another training. Each individual would have various degree's of a scale that they had that they were rated on each of the "Talents" or "Gifts" the MILAB A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


possessed. ..............................


Thanks for info GOODETxSG - most helpful. As I personally have no interest in remote viewing I am one of the lucky one's that doesn't have to heed your warning, but glad this was able to bring forth essential information for those that do. What interests me is the specialized empathic and intuitive training that you were a part of. And even though there are those naturally gifted with high potentials in this field I am imagining how beneficial this could still be if it could actually be recognized, supported and incorporated as a mainstream training program - the benefits could have a remarkable influence in localized decision making processes in a diverse range of cultural fields. My Dad still kicks himself to this day that he didn't listen to Mum when she warned him about a potential business partner who had "all the right attributes on the outside" but couldn't be trusted - sadly, time proved her right. Ah well . . . one day perhaps . . . maybe with continual revelations like yours a specialist group may eventually arise and kick it off - wouldn't that see a few politicians and lawyers run for cover Which gives rise to another question: Could you explain counter-training toward specialized empaths? I would imagine in the covert world this would have to be covered extensively too. Thanks again Gemma


This is not something (Lets call them TPTB) TPTB would allow and would most likely infiltrate and find a way to destroy from within. They have gone through great pains to make sure the average person is unaware of their true potential and the belief that most of these gifts are even real. Much of it goes back to the era of the video I showed about how the government discovered through its best scientists that their observation of certain laboratory experiments actually caused changes in the results of the experiments that they observe depending on the conscious and ideological leanings of each scientist. They discovered the power of consciousness and then the truth that many of these other gifts were real. They do not want us to know about or use these skills/abilities to break free from their control. Edit: To avoid confusion I am adding the Video that I referenced and have posted prior. I do believe it is something everyone should take the time at some point to watch... IMHO.






Post # 434


Posted by rohannson (here) If you would have et friends or family, from past lifes or something, could they intervene in your day to day life? Temper certain events or something, to make something happen?


Thank you for the question rohannson, I don't want to speculate. I made a promise in the beginning of this process that if "I didn't know the answer to a question I would say so". If I begin to speculate on things beyond just reporting on my Direct "Experiences" and "Memories" than I will just be adding to the confusion "Out There" and doing no one any favors. (IMHO) I honestly do not know a whole lot about "Past Lives". I am still trying to figure out this life. An Interesting Side Note: Until recently I had always thought this was my first life time on this planet. Then, In a conversation with Bill I was describing memories of villages and temples in Ancient Tibet on a mountain side and built into a cave system. He sent me a photo of an ancient site and I had a stunning reaction. There were no current structures... But I could still SEE and tell anyone where Structures used to be, how thing were arranged, and What building/area's were used for what... It was a shocking experience. I have always had a connection to Tibet and been drawn to the writings and culture since I was a kid. I have never understood why. I still do not have any actual memories of having a past life as another person. Though I have not really made the attempt or ever really "Dug" into it.




Post # 435


Copying this this Q&A from another THREAD: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation


Posted by Fellow Aspirant (here) Hello again GoodET Your energy in responding to posts in several ongoing threads is VERY impressive. You are certainly a huge boon to this whole forum. We are so fortunate to have A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


you here to answer our questions. So. Some straightforward questions. I think that this is the correct thread for these. Can you comment, please, on the reports of an undersea base just offshore from Malibu? (I'm sure you know the one I'm referring to!) Additionally, just WHAT is under the Denver Int'l Airport? What is its purpose and who inhabits/controls it? Thanks in advance! Brian


Thank you Brian, I will also transfer this to the Q&A Thread, its a good one. I had read and believe the documents were true that under Denver Airport was a Huge Base that was for Continuity Of Government in case of an extreme Emergency or Breakdown of Civil Cohesion etc... There is basically not only structures and support staff facilities for all 3 branches of government and the Military (Mini DOD/Pentagon) But there is also a City to provide aid and comfort to all of the Military, Politicians, Law Makers and Support and Defence Staff's Families. This is supposed to be a legitimate "National Security Asset" and those working at the Air Port that are "In the know" take their oath of secrecy very seriously (As well as their promised place in the protected area for their families). What REALLY goes on there I will leave up to ALL of our imaginations. I can tell you for CERTAIN that there is a subterranean super sonic shuttle system that links this base with other DUMB's across the "GLOBE". The Navy perfected "Under Sea Bases" decades ago (They reverse engineered some ideas of other beings that have maintained bases underwater for thousands of years.. There are MANY bases of various sizes across the Oceans on the Planet... Mostly Not Ours. Some are Joint Human/Non Human bases and many are ancient and highly secretive bases of MANY different races of beings (Not just the Reptilians etc...). The one off of Malibu is one that I know both the Navy and even Elements of the Coast Guard Use. I was not privy to what went on at each of the bases. I did not have a "Need to Know". There were a couple that were written about such as the Denver Airport that had unredacted information (Or cover stories, which ever you choose to believe). I was sent around to a couple of underwater bases that were pretty cool (I wasn't normally told where I was) and some underground bases across the Globe (Both Human Only, Alien Only and Join/Human Facilities). I was usually there for a meeting or technical reason and departed the same day. We were escorted by local security and kept away from certain areas. I would not be able to tell you what was going on accept for the technology in some of the facilities were related to Manufacturing Drives for the Newer Craft from the "Dark Fleet" and some of the smaller one/two manned craft that we catch glimpses of in the skies all of the time.




Post # 445


Posted by Jean-Luc (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) [... some ideas of other beings that have maintained bases underwater for thousands of years.. There are MANY bases of various sizes across the Oceans on the Planet... Mostly Not Ours. Some are Joint Human/Non Human bases and many are ancient and highly secretive bases of MANY different races of beings (Not just the Reptilians etc...).


Dear Good ETxSG. Thanks for confirming first hand this type of info on DUMB's which I still have difficulty getting my head around.


1. When mentioning MANY races, how many is many ? 5, 10, 100? There are many time more than 100 that we are aware of including the Human "Like" and the completely Un-Human "Like" groups/races. Many have been described recently and believe it or not the descriptions of "Cat People", "A Dog(ish) Merchant Race", Various groups that get lumped in with the "Grey's" including a very recent photo of the "Oranges" that was released online after the person interviewed died. There hundreds of beings visiting this region of the Galaxy.


2. Besides the Reptilians, can you mention of few more ? See above, there are so many different kinds of Human Like beings that it is amazing. Anatomically they are not that differently from us at all. Some of these beings accept for skin color and some other anomalies would fit in quite nicely walking around in a crowd of NBA Players. While others are 4 1/2 -5 ft tall. These are just the advanced life forms, the Galaxy is teaming with living beings that live in open space living off of energy, plasma and in nebulae that we have been studying and cataloging for some time. The amount of information that will be available some day is going to be massive and broader than most think. It's not going to just be on Free Energy and that there are other beings more advanced than us. There is so much more to true disclosure.


3. Besides the usual manipulative suspects, what's the purpose of all these many races in hiding, and more specifically in hiding here on earth underground when the multiverse is so big? Many different reasons, about as many reasons as there are beings. Some of them are "Ancients, or Break Away Civilizations of Earth Civilizations Long Gone". Some have bartered for a base here because they need a good jumping off place between Galaxies and we are kind of a good spot on the "Galactic Silk Road of Trade and Commerce". Some are here trading tech for rights to study us biologically (W/they were doing for thousands of years prior anyway). They have an agreement to stay secret with the Secret Earth Governments who have made these deals. They want to KEEP the "Babylonian Money Magic Slave System" in place and thus their power structure. they use excuses about collapsing our religions and mass panic. But its all about power over the masses. If we have access to the Free Energy and Other Tech's there will be no need for a Financial System... Then their power will dissolve overnight.


A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


4. Do they all have an agenda with respect to the human species? Yes, Even the Elite do not know what the over all Agenda's are. There is this discussion of "The Experiment". But, every race has their own spin and claim on the experiment (Creating "US" or engineering what we are now) and the Elite cannot make sense of it. They are just as much in the dark now as when this whole mess started. During disclosure I am very interested how they plan on taking a "bite off of that Apple" (Pun Intended)


5. What are they doing? What are these many other races here for, each specifically? Their Experiments, Some use us to build their craft (We are known as excellent builders/engineers) our Biodiversity to do genetic research, and it true (Vacation), even for refugee status in some cases. If they have something to offer our ears are open.


6. What are their interactions with each other? Here and on the Moon they are split un into regions where they behave by strict protocols to prevent skirmishes and full on battles. On the moon there are groups that hate each other that are just a few Kilometers apart that are normally at war. They have been in this relative peace for thousands of years due to these protocols. The moon is split up much like Antarctica is among the nations of Earth.


7. What has been their interaction with humans thousands of years ago (given the interaction with humans with joint bases is only decades old)? As described above... "The Experiment" Genetic Projects among many other agenda's of theirs both still hidden and known and since co opted Human Scientists/Groups into joint research.


8. More down to earth question : what food & energy do they use (besides using humans as snacks occasionnaly)? Some create their own foods from replicator types of machines that are nutrients they require, others enjoy earth foods when they can. Some are vegetarians while some eat types of ocean life, small like plankton and algae. This is what I have read as I have not shared a meal with a Non-Human type Alien.


9. If there is a subterranean super sonic shuttle system that links DUMB's across the "GLOBE", it would make sense it is mostly old too and not of human origin. Can you be more specific and provide some sort of map? I have traveled subterranean shuttles but was never told "YOU ARE HERE" (Language/Accents were sometimes giveaways) I was never shown a map. I have seen the same maps online that most of you have. The shuttles were both maglev type and also vacuum transports (Like the tube at the bank.) they traveled super sonic and got you where you needed to be quicker that planes or hitching a ride on a aerospace craft. How I know it was vacuum sealed is when the closed the main top/bottom doors (Bottom door had stairs) the secondary tube doors closed and met together and you heard the airlock pressurized and then thump sound as you jetted out of the bay into the main tunnel and then were brought up to top speed.


10. How can you be so certain about these facts? The same way you are certain of the facts when you come home and tell your wife/husband what you did for the day or on your business trip. You lived the experience. The information that I read, or was presented to me in Briefings was just like any intel, as good as the information that comes down the chain of command and has been vetted enough to be included in a multi agency database that is displayed in the SSP on a smart glass pad that displays information in holographic presentations at times during the Audio/Video portions.


Many thanks for you hard work and for the care you put in answering questions.


Not a problem, When I have answers I give them, If I don't know or was not read in I will say so and not speculate. Thank you for the questions. I dont mean to be short/choppy but I have some catching up to do.




Post # 446


Posted by Ria (here) I'm given to understand that the off world human groups and the affiliated ground crew here on earth can regrow limbs and parts of the body and this has been doable for some time, in fact compleatly new body's. Given this tech is readly available this would surgest all types of meat is grow-able, I have also heared of replicator machines that can do this and provide what ever meal you like. My question is this, why are we needed as food? By off world societies? And those here? There are so many other beings/animals out there for sustenance... I have to thinkwe are a delicacy. There are many that eat humans or parts of humans (Glands, fluids etc...) There is a huge human trafficking trade that goes on to many unknown species (Unknown to me anyway) outside our solar system. Not just reptiles eat us... And we are used for much more than just food. Genetic Stock, Slaves, Soldiers, Engineers... we are a very useful slave race. There also seems tobe a backhanded acceptance that we might hold some high spiritual content / frequency / potential which holds merit for some ETs in there view of us and others desier subjugating to the point of stamping it out. Of course there is the slave argument, but there is tech for that. There have been social experiments carried out that with good education people would opted for small families, this could of been implemented globaly meny decades ago. The humanoids you met seem to understand little of our differentsies with in human society? Do they not observe humans on earth? Some live among us to study our complex sociology and wide range of emotions (Yes, Like Mork). Yes some are very perplexed and bewildered by us. They are also quite afraid of us and our potential (As are the Elites that have kept us ignorant of our true Consciousness and Other Abilities) I would be interested if you could extrapolate the diffrent types you met and where they might be from, as well as the visible different's and character? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Wow, This could take up a page in itself. I never heard any of the fantastic names like "Andromidans" or "Albaronians" or any other name. The one that was referred to as one mentioned in the Bible as "The Shining Ones" were the ones that were Tall, Alabaster White with crystalline sparkles in their skin (Pores?) that looked almost like it glistened or was wet or had lotion on it, who had hair like cotton longer faces and their eyes had RED Irises and what would be the "Whites of our eyes" were Pink with Red Veins, They looked as thought there was energy behind the eyes and they would glow but I never saw them do so. I saw orange skinned, yellow skinned "Humanish" people, short "squished headed" Asian looking people so on and so forth. There would be 22 to 40 something of them at once present. I'm interested in that they seem to hold a value judgment of being superior to us in a broad sweep, How do they value them selves and what do they value? Yes, they didn't seem to like it at all that there was an "Earth Delegation" present. But this could be that they saw the "Types Of People" that were representing Humanity. The Earth Delegates were VERY ANGRY to find out these beings were going to continue making Ambassidor type connections among the common people of Earth to get a better representation of the populace. You have spoken of the cat like people, what els do you know about them? I saw a very beat up dead one, there was a "Capture Order" out on them. They are a very loving peaceful race from what I hear. I have never met them or seen one alive. Only read about them and how they want to get their hands on some of them to gain information. You have made a fleeting coment on the dog people, could you add to that? From what I hear, they look somewhat dog like depending on who you talk to. And they are major merchants and love to trade technology for Earth Art and other beautiful things like Jewelry/"Bling" that has been made that is creative. Also certain things like chocolate, fruits and other delicacies. I have never seen them. I only dealt with the Human Like Beings after my MILAB training in my youth when I had some bad encounters with some others... Have you come into contact with others animal type humans? What we might mistake as a high brid? Yes, very very close contact with some "Hybrids in my youth" too close. What would you say about all there characters? They seemed devoid of the wide range of emotions that we have, seemed very unhappy and misunderstood. Miserable existence. Many thanks.


Your welcome, some of the answers about the non human types comes from the "Smart Glass Pad's" that we had access to during briefings. Not actual experiences face to face. Which I am glad of.




Post # 452


Posted by Maknocktomb (here) Thank you in advanced for your time and consideration with the questions below. Questions: 1) Are you aware of which species most of the shadow government(s) tech is copied/reverse engineered from? I am becoming aware that when most people hear "Shadow Governments", "Secret Earth Governments" and "Earth Delegate" they are still picturing the "Illuminati" or "Cabal" group which is just one tentacle of these organizations. I will assume we are talking about this one dark group. Each of the Secret Earth Governments are aligned with various off world groups. For instance, A few of the break away groups with the US Alone are aligned with different "Visitor Groups". The darker forces are aligned with the more well known and talked about "Visitor" Groups (Even though they have been here so long they do not consider themselves visitors). These would be the well known Mantids, Reptilians, A type of the taller beings that get lumped into the "Gray" Category, and Reptoids, Some Raptor Groups etc... The "Alien Groups of UFO Lore"... 2) When certain types of tech is used for multidimensional travel or remote viewing, what is used to stay focused in this universe/timeline without getting lost? You can find a more detailed answer at the following link. I am pasting a small part here: When RV'ing one will find your self jumping around in time. When you return to source or your point of reference (Body in present time) you will feel a little weird but I never felt lost in that sense. Some did use technology enhancements that were either metal rods (Kind of like on a pulley/pull down exercise machine) with thick plastic/rubber at each end and some were metal plates that you laid your palms flat on. There were were yet other components that were a head band that touched against your forehead and temple area's. It depended on what type of "Work" you were doing. As for physical "Orientation" here is a piece from the link I provided above; The communications devices that are now used are "Quantum Correlated Communication Devices" and use "Quantum Entanglement" of something like isotopes inside the communication devices that have been "Entangled" with other devices so no matter where in time/space/reality each communicator is they can speak and video share. They can tell if you are a % out of phase time/space wise by the reception on the home ends calculation devices. They are supposed to be able to track and calculate exactly when/where you are once a signal reestablishes the natural quantum entanglement (There may now be a difference that is used to do the calculating before they naturally recalibrate) vibration and over quick increments of time shift back into harmony or alignment. This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's" 3) In your career within the shadow government, was there any discussion or did you read anything on spirituality or beliefs of other races? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Yes, I read that there were some that did believe that the planets and stars were all living and conscious/sentient beings on a level we do not understand. That the enhabitants have a responsibility to their home world and be intune with its needs and in balance with its cycles and that of their local Sol Systems. They seemed to believe in a "Super Consciousness" or "Source" that we are all a part of, come from and return to at some point (Including the start/planets etc...). 3) Who or what extraterrestrial group/entity is the shadow government (other than the virus AI) the most concern about, and why? Which Shadow Government? Most of the SSP's and Secret Earth Governments seem concerned about the unknown entities that have been ariving in large numbers in huge spheres, not responding to communications or stating their intentions. They position their selves in a certain region and then "Cloak" in a very advanced way that cannot be penetrated by even our most advanced "Visitor Friends". Its a NEW Group and very mysterious. There are a lot of theories about them, I like the "Egg Head/Scientists" idea that they here because they know something and are grabbing seats for the greatest show in the Galaxy. 4) Why have some of the other races not shared how they protect and/or rid themselves of the AI problem? They have, and we also discovered it on our own. I just do not remember/know all the steps. I do know step one was a very unpleasant electrical shot to the nervous system. 5) Do you recall any of the names of the older breakaway earth civilizations? No. Sorry. No names of the Alien Home Systems either. I saw one of the Ancient Groups and they were about 5ft tall, very (In my opinion) Aztec or South American Indian Tribal Looking. Very peaceful and pleasant to be around. Very "Zen". 6) Was any history provided to you about the older earth breakaways? There was a lot of data that I went through on these Smart Glass Pads. I combed through as much as I could and skimmed a lot so there is probably a lot more up in my "Noodle" that I can consciously recall. If I did a regression I might help me recall (Like all the info you read in college, how much do you recall?) but I have a problem with how much of regression recovered information jives with actual experiences. It depends on the therapist and if they lead their subject and their technique etc... I might consider it (Past life curiosity as well) but I would not be able to stand by the info as strongly as the info I remember with out the aid of any of these techniques... This is just my personal opinion on the matter and don't mean to knock regression in any way. 7) Did you ever come across any information on the alleged Black Knight Satellite? There were several objects that were out there that were ancient. The "Black Knight" in my opinion was a term that was applied to a few objects that we started to track in the 50's/60's. Once they realized we could track them and began to reach out in communication attempts (And detected RADAR & Other signals bouncing off of them) they repositioned themselves in "Blind Spots" such as the Polar Regions. There was something I read about 2 Huge Chevron/Delta shaped objects that were in Equatorial Orbit originally when detected (During this early time frame), then changed Orbit a few times. Contact was made and they eventually either "Cloaked" or left orbit. I don't know who they were or what came of the contact. The photo going around of the "Bird of Prey" looking object is actually a 1 meter (Approx) sized piece of fabric insulation that got away from an Astronaut and was photographed. It was white on one side and reflective on the other. There is another Thread here on Avalon right now about the Black Knight. This info is IMHO though as it is my belief that this label/term was applied to a few different objects that were tracked from the ground early on. shades Since everyone seems to be claiming us (the experiment) and the planet as theirs, what is the benefit/prize for the species that finally wins the debate? There are other humans and planets in the galaxy or is there so much life and claimed planets/regions of space that real estate is scarce? That is the 24 Karat Gold Question my friend. The Elite do not know the answer to this question and would give anything to find out. Thank you


I was compartmentalized as was anyone else in any Program, I just happened to transfer around a bit. Just as I was never read in or heard anything about Dulce or some of these other things that are on the Internet some of this info I am presenting is from my perspective and that of apparently several others who were in similar positions according to some recent contacts I have made. Some of this info is going to be new to others who were compartmentalized inside their programs. I answer questions of what I experienced and try to let you know when I am speculating or making an educated guess. If the question is too far out for me to answer from my base of knowledge I will say I don't know. There is enough B.S. and disinfo out there without me adding to the equation even out of good intentions. Thank you, there have been some good questions recently...




Post # 454


Posted by vortex surfer (here) Thanks for answering a lot of questions! I hope you will consider the following: 1) There seems to be a lot of species out there that have features from our earth-based life (past and present), from humanoids, mantids, dinosaur-like creatures, cats and dogs.. Why is there such an "earth-centric" range in the types of life that developed elsewhere? There does seem to be a few different "Templates" that various Galaxies Follow. But the life is vastly diverse, especially on earth among the flora & fauna... With the Earth Humans, we have been cross engineered with so many different types of off world genetic material that we are quite an interesting breed. There is "latent" DNA of many different species in us and active DNA in many of us. I do not know for sure how much of the animal and plant life that is here originate from else where. 2) Are "earth-centric" species and biology a reflection of an "universal" range of creatures that exists throughout the biopshere of the galaxy? Meaning, are there mostly the same kind of animals, plants and organisms out there as down here? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


There does seem to be a natural working template system that are similar. There are very similar species out there, nature seems to choose what works the best. There is no shortage of Extremophiles out there that we in our Main Stream Science way of thinking wouldn't even consider life forms. Life is more diverse and resistant than most had ever believed possible. 3) Does the same apply for microorganisms (meaning bacteria, viruses and ultimately diseases)? Absolutely, as stated above. Some of our greatest breakthroughs in science one day will strangely be shown to have been found from single cell and small multi celled organisms and not from information and technology from Aliens. (I heard recently some things that were new to me about some other animals that will be very useful to us from a very credible source) 4) Just a thought out loud: I wonder how the cat and dog races respond to dogs and cats being pets on this planet. Could the same be true of human life out there, being less developed and bread for pets? Good question, In all seriousness... We are kept in Zoo's and are highly sought after for many reasons... We'll Make Great Pets {nina paley & porno for pyros}




5) Were you ever made aware of any alien contact made towards other species on this planet, for example dolphins or whales? Yes, I was very interested and wanted to know more and there was work being done on one of the under water bases but I was not privy to the details (No Need to Know). I at one time wanted to be a "Marine Biology Major" when I was a youth. I love Dolphins very much and have always found them to be fantastic beings. Thank you!


Thank you, Interesting questions...




Post # 456


Posted by birddog (here) GoodET and Vortex, I am familiar with the Dog People and the Cat People who are indeed true ETs. They have two legs and are indeed more like us then the four leggeds. Although they are humanoid, they do have some catlike or doglike features in their genetic makeup. These are peaceful and honorable beings. I first saw them in full dress uniform when they came to accompany me to the Galactic Confederation of Planets. There was always a different group that would arrive in my home..2 or 3 different species, a male and a female of each, and always in full dress uniform. There are many many different races of other world beings, much more advanced than us. The cat and dog people never made a mention to me about the way we treat cats and dogs here. If one has the knowledge, one would know that many humans are treated the same way or worse. We are Not in a Zoo, although for the sake of words, one might joke about that because of the craziness around us.


We are not in a zoo here on Earth, but there are beings that are very active in the human trade market for Earth Humans that are used for any number of purposes on other worlds. One of which is a zoo like setting. There are many uses for Humanity out there and though we are not that fond of each other or think very highly of our selves as a species there are others out there that think very highly of us as a resource. I have only seen the cat being once and it had been killed in a very horrible way (Electrocution in a Grid of some sort). It was in terrible shape. It was known they were very peaceful and honorable, however there was a capture order out on them. They wanted to capture some of them alive for some reason. There were a lot of things like that going on that didn't seem to mane any sense at all. The people handling its body were doing so quietly and were not happy. I never saw a Dog like or the Cat People alive in person. There are many different "Federations"...




Post # 463


Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Nora (here) I'm not sure I understand how one can be wrong and the other insane? The subjugation, torture, abduction or taking the life of another sentient life -that is self explanatory. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


The only danger I see in human beings (unless a sociopath or psychopath) is our ignorance and the inability to get through enough of our emotional over-lays & physical filters to become consciously aware of our own and others sentience. The Cat and Dog beings and many other races are very soulful, their consciousness higher than ours, but we do have similarities. Their planes are much lighter than our three dimensional world. They are here (been coming here for a long time) to interact with us and help us, but we must help our-selves. The are many extraterrestrial and a few non-human terrestrial life forms and cloned beings that are malevolent to humans and to others from the cosmos here on earth right now or close by. Please be aware. I say this deeply sincerely. @GoodETxSG. At some point would like to PM you. I'm still sorting through this thread, and vett within my own being. I want to be able to communicate and ask you questions in a clear way. Love Nora


I agree, Yes, this should be information that people take in and let simmer before posting it to their "Hard Drives". Everyone should run this information through Their Own Discernment and The Experiences that make up their own "Reality Bubbles". It is how permeable those "Reality Bubbles" are that determines whether they will join with other "Reality Bubbles" and Expand (Much Like the Flower of Life Avatar I have chosen for my Member ID) or they will Violently Bounced off each other or "Pop". It is true "We" in general have a long way to go. Our Consciousness (Individual and Shared) is a powerful thing that many fear and have kept us ignorant of. I wish each of us much luck in navigating these times and their deceptions and still have the ability to "Expand our Consciousness/Reality Bubbles". I would not trample on anyone else's points of view, belief systems or experiences.




Post # 464


Posted by Ria (here) This seems to make more senses why gathering as many people as possible for spurious reasons for prison camps. Also there was that whole village of about 2000 inhabitance in China that dissapeared when a UFO of considerable size hovered over the top, it was reported in the Chinese press about the sudden empty village. What are the chances of being abducted for good reasons? they thought they would give us a brake from the mad house down here.


Yes, The "Numbers of Taken" and Not Returned is a staggering number. What is done with them is a wide variety of things, very few of which are Malevolent. There have been some that were recovered (I read) that were so traumatized that they were not able to be returned to Earth Society or Colonies. There was a Off World Group that was assisting them in healing (Body/Mind/Spirit) somewhere else. This is info that has been reported by others though, I happened to have seen/read it myself (In Official Documentation in the "Smart Glass Pads").




Post # 466


Posted by TelosianEmbrace (here) OK, apart from PMing GoodETxSG, I've been quiet. I realise that any questions I have are as much a reflection of my own inner landscape as any need for clarification. Still, I'd like to pose some questions and suggestions. 1. Marius Boirayon (Not his real name) claims that giants occupy the mountainous regions of the Solomon Islands and have done for quite some time. They have access to perpetually lit underground tunnels, and until recently, ate the natives. I would find it difficult to believe that the SSP's have no knowledge of or contact with these races. He also claims that sightings of UFO's (Called Dragon Snakes) by locals is common and predictable. The UFO's enter and exit their bases through lakes at the base of waterfalls. I have been informed since this interview about some of this information by a very respected source. They have another source from one of the SSP's that gave them info on the "Race of Giants" subject. I believe them, but this was not info I ever remember coming across in my own personal experience. That doesn't make it untrue. Just "Not experienced by me". 2.What do you know of the Aghartan realm? Many have come forward with their stories of visiting the Inner Earth, and the city of Telos under Mount Shasta. They purportedly have their own fleet of space ships. Perhaps these comprise what you have termed past breakaway civilisations. This would be one of the "Ancients" or "Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations" IMHO/Speculation, this is based on what I have read "Post Project Involvement". I was aware of many bases under mountains especially in South America that belonged to these "Ancients". They also had some Under Ocean Bases as did many different groups. 3.May I suggest to all concerned, that at least one rotation of delegates to the human-like confederation meetings be comprised of longstanding and respected members of this very forum. Many of us are already well versed on a number of relevant topics. In general we all have keen intellects tempered with a fair dose of compassion. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


The Earth Delegate were Furious that these Other Federation Members were visiting "Individuals and Small Groups" on Earth to make contact with a different section of the population. Some of the Earth Delegates wanted this to stop... But there was no indication they would do so. There are a number of people here I would rather of had in the Rotation of Delegates than the "People" that had that honor. 4.Finally, an invitation to other members of the SSPs who are reading this forum to come forward with what you know. We are starving for knowledge, searching for understanding. Not only that, but it would seem from GoodETxSG's experience that we can share information with you that you have not been given access to. Not only do we need you, but you need us. There has been one that has contacted me personally and I know there are a LOT OF EYE'S and "i's" on Avalon right now. The recent setback of the exposure of my Full Name was not just a personal setback. It has caused a major pause in others that would be coming forward. My situation has been remedied and corrected but the damage has been done. This situation really hurt the chances of some future "whistle blowers" coming forward. I would hope they would consider doing so to some of the more respectable and honorable researchers (IMHO). Bill Ryan, Christine/Avalon Moderator and David Wilcock (Over Years of Contact) have always kept my name anonymous. I Respect and Trust them very much for their ethics in how far they will go to protect their sources. I hope these individuals trust me when I say These Researchers Can Be Trusted in keeping their anonymity and positions safe/secure. I am sure there are others, I am only speaking out of experience (James Bartley is another). If any of these SSP or "Other Experiencers" of other "Programs" are feeling the pull to come forward I would encourage them to Contact These Researchers Directly or Through Me. If some of these topics have already been covered, my apologies in advance.


Thank you for Question 4 in particular.




Post # 467


Posted by markoid (here) Hi GoodETxSG, thanks so much for this epic amount of information that you share with us. It is indeed a dizzying reality in it's complexity!! Do you have any inside track on chemtrails? Like, by whom and why?


I have seen them on several occasions. I have no inside knowledge of what they are intended for other than what I have deduced from reading the same information on the Internet that everyone has been looking at. I haven't really researched it that much to tell you the truth. I wish I had the answer to this question. I am asked quite a lot about this topic. I dont know anything of substance about it.




Post # 471


Posted by Maknocktomb (here) Questions: 1. Have you any knowledge on why foods are being altered on the planet (GMO's). Is this another form of genetic terraforming by altering our DNA/RNA for some sort of agenda/outcome? No, I am sorry. I do not have any information on this agenda either. It is obviously a sinister plan that some other members here on Avalon are qualified to speak on. 2. From a spiritual standpoint, is there really divine intervention in this universe? I saw information on belief systems but no empirical evidence from any group that there was divine intervention in the universe. (Though some of them may consider their interventions divine). I can only speak to my own experience. There was a divine intervention there IMHO. 3. Has the "AI" figured out what vibrational frequency the creator and our souls reside in? You can't be god in gods universe. If it has I am not sure what It would do with that information or how that would benefit its agenda. 4. Are you familiar with a device located inside any of the human or alien ships that appears to be a hologram with a computer type grid system set up showing other ships coming and going through hyper-space/wormholes in the represented region around the ship. It is also used to communicate with the other ships and their occupants via thought? I am familiar with similar systems with holographic displays that indicate inbound and outbound traffic as well as register FOF Signals and monitor Wide Band, Torsion Band and "Quantum Correlated Communication Devices" to keep track of and communicate with craft locally and long range as a form of "Air Traffic Control System". Some of the components have a bio-neuro interfaces. I am not familiar with the specific system you are speaking of. I am sure there have been quite some upgrades in recent years.


I am most familiar with the topics closely related to the material in the interview and that I have posted. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)




Post # 474




Posted by Nora (here) Hi GoodETxSG, Would you elaborate more on what you know about the AI called the black goo? Is it fully inorganic -artificial? And are there any organic components to it at all? Once it is inside the human body do you know what parts of the physical system it effects or the body as a whole? In what ways, if any does it effect the DNA? Do you know if it affects or influences any of the energy bodies or the emotional body? In what capacity does it effect the brain? I'm sure I'll think of more questions, I'll pm you. Thank you for everything and for all who have contributed to this thread. Love Nora


This is still quit a touchy subject. But I will expand a little more on the subject for others to what I replied to you via PM. I will not expand further that these parameters discussed in this discussion and will refer all other questions to this post. I have been trying to decide how to answer these questions. The information is quite disturbing. There was some disturbing animal and human testing that was involved on unwilling and sometimes unsuspecting participants. The "Nanites" or "Black Goo" or oil is a viscus fluid that changed viscosity depending on the electrical charge or EM Field and Vibratory Frequencies it was exposed to (A medium for the Nanites to travel through and manipulate w/these same energy waves). It would also change shape, the nano particles would "poke up" through the fluid and form different geometric shapes based on the "Frequencies". This was discovered to be a programmable tool that was created by one of the former "AI Prophet" Races that had been taken over prior in another Sol System that has long since fallen to the AI's. It (Nanite/Black Goo) had limited use to the AI's (Educated guess on the part of the "Egg Heads") and a Prior Ancient Break Away Earth Civilization had destroyed and Isolated as much of it as possible (To deep ocean depths and below other pressurized natural barriers.). However over eons of time and the dynamics of Earths Geology the churning of the crust and volcanism has made those barriers compromised to where it began to broadcast a weak signal. Current era Human Civilizations eventually discovered them after another Alien Group had come in to try to mitigate the problem and neutralize the nanites all together. These Beings were Attacked, Killed and Chased Off for Their Efforts and the "Black Goo" as it has become know as, was recovered in "Their Lab" and Experimented on for a few decades before most of its secrets were unlocked. I am not sure if the Black Ops/Current Era Humans knew about the Nanites before these incidents and wanted the "Beings Lab" and "Their Research" on This Technology or not, but they went through a lot of trouble to manipulate incidents on the surface to make this operation happen. While doing our own experiments many dark and unpleasant things occurred. The plans and uses for the technology once it has been reprogrammed are not that better (Many are in the "Transhumanism Realm", Others disseminated stripped down/modified versions into various medicine and Blak Programs Biology/technology Research etc...). The problem is that there is a "Master Switch" so to speak that the AI can trigger to reset it to its previous default programming. So once it has been duplicated and distributed for other purposes it has been delivered for future use for the AI who can turn it on and use it as it see's fit. It does build up in the Brain, Brain Stem and through out the Neurological System of the host. It also sends/receives signals to/from the DNA (Which is a broadcast send/receiver of ELF's, EMF Spectrum, Photons etc... and the human body is also a larger antenna as is the earths magnetic field). These Nanites influence and manipulate Genetics in "real time". Thank you,


Post # 475 A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Hello, Good ET. I hope all is well with you. I've got a question for you regarding AI and channeling. Do you have any information that would link AIs to at least some "New Age"/ET channeling? Back in the early to mid-90s when I was getting abducted frequently and delved into the channeling phenomenon I came to the conclusion that at least some channeling was not done by manipulative, live ETs, but by some kind of interactive computer program that read people's thoughts and then played off of them (usually to tell them what they wanted to hear). At the time I had not been exposed to the idea of artificial intelligence so I did not couch my experiences in terms of "AIs" but rather as computer programming. What do you think? Truman


Yes, A great deal of Channeling has been done by the "ET AI" as well as other Deceptive ET Groups and SEVERAL Groups of the US Government and the Secret Earth Governments. I do not know however which agenda's and belief systems have been created or manipulated by which groups. In some cases the latter groups made infiltrations into groups that had received some legitimate Benevolent Channeling Contacts imparting accurate and helpful information. Later Channeling sessions were hit with a sort of "Man in the middle" programs and then their information tainted. I know there is some good/accurate Channeling information out there. There is also Channeling information that was accurate and was infiltrated and distorted... That is why I find most Channeled information dubious or at least subject to further discernment and not blind acceptance. So, yes... There have been AI, Alien Groups and Other Groups that have taken legitimate channeled information and distorted it and also presented complete nonsense in other cases that happened to sound well that contributed to some of the current New Age Religion. This is a very touchy subject for many people who are heavily into any and all Channeling material. If those would like to discuss or debate which of the massive amounts of Channeling material out there is legit or not please do so on the "Discussion Thread" for this "Interview Topic". I myself have spent a good amount of time on some of the Law of One Material about 8 years ago. I haven't looked into much of the other material so I cannot judge it on a case by case basis nor am I qualified to. That is a personal thing and up to your own Reality/Discernment. That is the answer to your question according to My Own Experience though




Post # 477


Posted by TelosianEmbrace (here) A few more, if I may. 1. The Earth delegation was obviously at the very bottom of the heap when it came to the UN type meetings. Did you notice any other, perhaps, 'Probationary' civilisations? Was there any sort of hierarchy, was one or a handful of delegations seemingly any more influential than the others? Did any of these human-like races make overtures of friendliness towards you or any other member of the delegation? I would just be surprised if we made it to the council, yet were still looked down upon across the board by all other members... surely there are some groups that are 'rooting' for us? No groups that were lower or that seemed as "Unwelcome" as the "Earth Delegation" did by some of the other Delegates. There was normally a smaller group in the 20's-30's represented. Some times it was much more formal when there would be a larger Delegation of 40 groups in attendance. Some of these groups also did not keep to the 1 Delegate, 3 support personnel and 1 advisor standing behind them "Protocol". There would be some groups that would just arrive as a couple and both sit on the platform with no other's in their group with them or even some that arrived alone. They were not treated as any more important or lofty than the others. But when these larger gatherings occurred it was a more formal occasion with music and a different energy in the foyer/entrance. 2. I have lived my life amongst the muggles, the pod people, those humans that are decidedly of Earth and would continue their life patterns for many lifetimes to come, if left to their own devices. I may be so bold, GoodETxSG, to suggest that your soul originates and has lived a number of lifetimes in other star systems. That you chose this role pre-birth because you have a natural aptitude for dealing with Star Beings. That may very well be, or not. I honestly do not know. I have no firm memories of lives before this one. I have spent a lot of time making sense of this one. I used to say strange things that UPSET my mother when I was 7-9 years old. I would say "We are all the same person, I used to be you and you used to be me, I used to be Grandpa, I used to be everyone in history, in the world now and that Will live everywhere." She would get UPSET and say that is impossible, something about our religion and how could that work with everyone being alive at the same time. I would reply "Time doesn't matter, the experience is all that matters". She told me it made absolutely no sense scientifically or according to our religion. I stopped talking to her about such idea's. I didn't (And still don't) think I was special. I just thought we were all the same spirit all having different experiences in an illusion of time. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


A wild concept for a 7 year old. My Grand Father would humor me and we had some very deep conversations. 3. Were you shown, or did you see on the tablets, a vision for the highest expression of Mother Earth and her people in the future? What is the best we can achieve, what are we striving for? No, Only what we are capable of and our power with our strong individual and group consciousness and WIDE band of emotions. Some were fearful of that power. TPTB have done everything in their power to keep us unaware of our true power of co creation and conscious interaction with Time/Space and Matter (All vibratory spectrums).


Thank you, you have well thought out questions.




Post # 480


Posted by Realeyes (here) I see that I have some major catching up to do on this thread since being away while my central heating was being installed turning my house and floorboards upside down. So apologise in advanced if this question has already been asked. Twice recently from random links I’ve heard brief mentionings of the SOHO wars that supposedly occurred around 2007. This is new to my ears. GoodET, I am just wondering if you know anything about this particular war – and if so, are you able to explain ‘who’ took part in these wars and ‘who’ (what races) it was against? And what was this war over? I will now try and find what back pages I need to catch up on – oh my you guys have been busy!


These "Orbs" could be these Giant Spheres that have come in by the many dozens that have refused contact or identification and have cloaked themselves. Some have decided they are here to observe some event or be here for "The Greatest Show in The Galaxy"... There are other actual "Nomadic Beings" that live in space that travel from star to star feeding off of the plasma or other stellar medium then leave. There are also Some of the larger Spheres that seem to use the area of torsion around the sun as a stargate to come and go from our Sol System. This could be any number or all of the above in the various video's I found online. I am speculating as I have never heard of "SOHO Wars" or any conflicts or battles around the Sun that have been captured by SOHO. Your post was the first time I had heard of the term "SOHO War". Thank you for the question,






Post # 482


I mentioned "The Experiment" and people asked about it and I stated the closest thing I could correlate with it was the concept in "The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy".





Post # 488


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Hello, GoodET. Have you ever run across an ET group in the documentation that you read or in your experience that had a name like "Thelosians" or "Theolosians"? Thanks, Truman


Hello Truman, No, I didn't see most of the names commonly seen in literature I see on the Internet. In the Earth Human Databases that the "Smart Glass Pads" connected to (Which I only accessed a number of times because of its daunting size and Astrobiological terminology and content.), there was quite a catalog of creatures from the simple, complex to advanced life forms. In the Catalogue there would be The Beings Designations in an Alpha-Numeric Code according to their Anatomical Groupings (Genetic Kingdom or Related Species?), Known/Suspected Cosmic or "Other" Origins and Group Cross Alliances/Affiliations. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


There would also be The "Earth Astrobiologists" and "Other Earth Human" Nick Names or Slang Terms for them as well as depictions of their Own (If Known) "Designation" of how they referred to themselves (In their Text/If Any, Sounded out in our Alphabet/Characters etc), And What other "Groups Referred to Them As or AKA's". There were many "Advanced Civilization/Species (More than 2,000), with what seemed to be designations that were hard to remember intentionally (Damn Scientists). There were many thousands more of the simple life forms catalogued. It was pretty confusing and blended together if you didn't know specifically what you were looking for (Not really meant for "browsing"). You could not easily recall the information unless you had the info on hand as a reference. During the "Human Type Conferences", I do not ever remember a "Foreign Delegation" being identified by name. (We 3 support IE's did not speak the language/understand what was going on during the meetings). It wasn't until later on the Scientific Research Vessel that I had more access to the Earth Human Database and had more of a look at that "Catalogue" (Which was constantly being updated). It was one among many databases that was being constantly created and updated andIt Was Not Apart Of What I Worked On Directly and there was no real need for me to spend a lot of time trying to decipher it and its contents (So I Didn't). I know it hard to imagine having access to this kind of info and NOT Spending Every Moment Combing Through It.




Post # 491


I am listening to interviews/info to respond to RIA/Helvetic right now but can respond to these in the mean time...


Posted by Jean-Luc (here) Hi GoodExSG I've just spent a gloriuous WE cutting timber in the woods in the magnficient light of this fall, and I really still, still, can't get my head around the idea of so MANY (how many ?) underground non-human species suposedly living underground or under the sea of this beautiful planet. What a hell it must be on the long run (thousands of years ?, more ?) never to be able to get some good fresh air, to admire and smell the beat of Nature, even you have the best technology in town. You kindly answered my question earlier on "When mentioning MANY races, how many is many ? 5, 10, 100?" saying it was much more than 100. But maybe there was a misunderstanding as my question really was not about our galaxy, but here beneath our feet, underground and undersea.


1. How many E.T./E.D. races living down here, underground or under the sea, here on planet Earth? This first answer may answer some of the below questions so I may say "Reference question 1" to them. I do not know a #Number# of types of beings or the compliments of each group of beings that are on bases or other facilities here on the Earth/Moon, Their "Status" of being here nor have I been shown a map of their locations (Which would be quite a large number). I known that there have been many "Discovered" that were here for many millennia that stayed as stealth and undiscovered as long as possible. They have created their own "Habitats" that are conducive to their health/longevity and are here for any number of reasons. Some are in hiding, refugees, many have come here under permission of other "Custodian Beings" that felt they had the authority to grant them permission to have bases/enclaves under oceans, deep lakes, underground and even above ground in some cases. They are spread out across the globe and the Moon according to political agreements and their affiliations with Secret Earth Governments and Earth Regions that are appropriate to their needs (Minerals/Temperature/Isolated Location for OPSEC etc...). There are many groups that stay here extended lengths of time or short periods of time. The Earth/Sol System is in kind of a coveted location along a "Galactic Silk Road" of sorts. Some do spend time out at specially built and staffed "Resorts" for vacations, gambling, trade/"shopping" and "Other" activities (Many quite nefarious...). The information shared with us on other Beings along with what we have collected has been "Catalogued" into a "Astrobiology Database". I didn't learn some more specifics until recently from a very trusted Researcher w/a source similar to me who had more direct experience w/interaction with life forms and the "Catalogue's". I was told that there is a major trade in off world beings biological material and cadavers much as in other systems there is trade/commerce for Earth Humans. MANY of these races do not like each other and many have histories of warfare or are in a current status of warfare. While on the Moon there are VERY STRICT Protocols that are followed and some of these "Blood Enemies" exist very close together and have done some for a long time with no problems. I believe there are similar protocols on Earth with the number of Colonies, Bases and Diplomatic Outposts that are of various sizes and ages. I wasn't told that this was the case on Earth but it only makes sense if they are going to be down here among the population. Note: About it being "Hell" for them to be stuck underground away from the surface etc. They see surface humans as very dangerous, there are many microbes that are deadly to them as well as other natural environmental elements that are dangerous. They also do not "Think" or have the same Psychology as we do so we cannot put them in the same box as us psychologically. Many of them have a much narrower band of emotions or experience/express them vastly differently. Experiencing some of their emotions is very strange and it takes a while to (Disassociate) drop using your own "Human Perspective" when recording information on observations of their range of emotional reactions or in some cases a lack there of to a stimulus.


A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


2. Besides "known" reptilians and greys, can you list and describe other species? See Question 1, But these include a vast number of Human Like, and VERY Un-Human Like Types.


3. Where are theses bases located? Can you confirm and/or enlarge the bits & pieces provided by Simon Parkes and more recently by Maurice? I haven't been following Simons recent info or heard his info on specific locations, he would have more info on those beings base locations than I would. There are bases from multiple groups in virtually every national park, mountain system that meets a certain criteria and along stable ridges and areas of ocean floor in Every Ocean (There is a mind boggling number of facilities for these beings, (Though there have been some attacked by some SSP's and their "Allied Groups"). I have done a fair amount of RV'ind and have my own "IE" impressions/feelings on the other Member and Their Material. I would like to stick with a firm "NO COMMENT" on questions relating to all of their material. I will not speak negative on another member, their belief systems/material (Or Their "Intentions") or Confirm/Deny any material from this member as well (In Open Forum or PM's). I am not saying this is the case here, but just in general.. If I ever think that in my opinion there is some dangerous info I would tell a MOD and not attack a member in open Forum as I would hope most members would do. I am taking a completely "Hands Off" approach on their material and I avoided posting on their Thread for a reason. That is all I will say on that subject. Please respect that.


4. And while we are on it, how many different species -- and which -- have bases on the Moon and on Mars?


Mars has been heavily mined by many races but still has much to offer in the future. There are remnants of bases of many species. Currently there seem to only be a hand full of beings other than Earth Humans that are making an effort to "Colonize" that planet. The others use it as more of an outpost and keep to themselves (Keep a very low profile). There are some local "Insectoid" and "Mantid like" beings (Do not look like a praying mantis to me) that get into skirmishes with Earth/Mars Human Security and their Allies. Some of the Colonies are interspecies complexes and have the Tall Spindly "Grays" and "Human Looking Hybrids" . There are Various types of Colonies, Mining Operations, Industrial Complexes etc... Some are Military and others belong to the various "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerations" who have operations mining not only Mars but the Asteroid Belt and various Moons for raw materials that are then turned into the components that are used by the "Skilled Worker Slaves" in their Colonies and Industrial Complexes to build certain technologies that they Sell or Barter to the Secret Earth Governments, Secret Space Programs and even Off World Groups that have come to know Earth Humans/The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates for their excellent and advanced Engineering and Manufacturing products.


SOURCES : Simon Parkes mentions the presence of deep underground bases, which are several thousand years old along some mountains in Hungary and or Croatia. In his Project Avalon video interview, Simon Parkes alludes mainly to what I understand are reptilians saying "The reason they chose to be underground was because the humans had moved on and wouldn’t accept them in their true form." Well, why not. But I understand they are MANY other groups than those. How on earth can they enjoy living underground for so many years/eons on such a beautiful (although slightly damaged) planet Earth? Maurice says "Our 'alien base' is right under my feet and covers a substantial area . The aboriginals know about us." He says "The Greys have a big base up in Queensland underneath the Whitsunday Islands" and that his people also have a base (underneath) in Queensland. (" Mullumbimby is in Queensland is'nt it ? Anyway , we do have bases up there"), Although "their" main base would be on the moon "The moon is one of our bases and a major stageing area."


Many thanks!


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Jean-Luc (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) [... some ideas of other beings that have maintained bases underwater for thousands of years.. There are MANY bases of various sizes across the Oceans on the Planet... Mostly Not Ours. Some are Joint Human/Non Human bases and many are ancientand highly secretive bases of MANY different races of beings (Not just the Reptilians etc...).


Dear Good ETxSG. Thanks for confirming first hand this type of info on DUMB's which I still have difficulty getting my head around.


1. When mentionning MANY races, how many is many ? 5, 10, 100? There are many time more than 100 that we are aware of including the Human "Like" and the completely Un-Human "Like" groups/races. Many have been described recently and believe it or not the descriptions of "Cat People", "A Dog(ish) Merchant Race", Various groups that get lumped in with the "Grey's" including a very recent photo of the "Oranges" that was released online after the person interviewed died. There hundreds of beings visiting this region of the Galaxy.


2. Besides the Reptilians, can you mention of few more ?


A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Many thanks for your hard work and for the care you put in answering questions.


Not a problem, When I have answers I give them, If I don't know or was not read in I will say so and not speculate. Thank you for the questions. I dont mean to be short/choppy but I have some catching up to do.




Post # 492


Posted by Realeyes (here) Thanks for replying back GoodET, I will hunt down a link to what I was referring to as the SOHO wars in 2007 that was showing what looked like a war going in our solar system. (Alas, I share the internet and my time is up for today, so will come back tomorrow to this thread. Yes I too have been watching the busy activity going on around the Sun since the late 2009's, absolutely fascinating! It's mind boggling how enormous those planetoids are! Space is getting rather crowded - smile.


Posted by Helvetic (here)


Posted by Realeyes (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Realeyes (here) Apologise in advanced if this question has already been asked. Twice recently from random links I’ve heard brief mentionings of the SOHO wars that supposedly occurred around 2007. This is new to my ears. GoodET, I am just wondering if you know anything about this particular war – and if so, are you able to explain ‘who’ took part in these wars and ‘who’ (what races) it was against? And what was this war over? I will now try and find what back pages I need to catch up on – oh my you guys have been busy!


These "Orbs" could be these Giant Spheres that have come in by the many dozens that have refused contact or identification and have cloaked themselves. Some have decided they are here to observe some event or be here for "The Greatest Show in The Galaxy"... There are other actual "Nomadic Beings" that live in space that travel from star to star feeding off of the plasma or other stellar medium then leave. There are also Some of the larger Spheres that seem to use the area of torsion around the sun as a stargate to come and go from our Sol System. This could be any number or all of the above in the various video's I found online. I am speculating as I have never heard of "SOHO Wars" or any conflicts or battles around the Sun that have been captured by SOHO. Your post was the first time I had heard of the term "SOHO War". Thank you for the question,




Hi GoodET, Returning as promised with the link info to the supposed SOHO war in 2007-2008, using satellite footage from various views and filters. I think both links are by the same person who managed to record these events before NASA deleted them. I am an absolute novice in this area, I have watched both links several times and quite mystified as to what my eyes are seeing on the screen that appear to be planets and moons being attacked by energy weapons resulting in massive, massive explosions. GoodET I am interested to know what your keen eyes sees in this footage. I would so appreciate it. Please note I am posting these links purely for the ‘satellite imagery’ and not to do with the general theme of the video links. First link gives the quick edited version of events recorded by satellites between 2007-2008. Fast forward to the 24 min mark until 33 mins.




The below link is the full version of the satellite images (without commentary). Minute time points to fast forward too and watch are: 21:40 mins, 22:30 mins, 32:50 mins, 41:30 mins, 46:45 mins, 47:30 mins




Returning to the first video link in this post, there are two interesting extra points to fast forward to regarding different ‘space craft’. At 35:30 mins space craft (they call it ISON) A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


At 37:10 – 46 mins Dr Erik Norton an outside consultant was head hunted to NASA Jan 22 2012 under high security conditions – he talks about the massive craft in our solar system, that possibly cloak. How they hid behind the darkside of the moon, then reappeared in 2013. I am wondering if this is connected to the variety of alliances made with the SSP? Or were these craft from ‘others’ who are just ‘observing’ and haven’t revealed ‘who’ they are yet? As to the 1st question regarding the Soho wars of 2007 (if that is what happened).............................. I know it sounds crazy, stupidly crazy as it involves planets and moons in our solar system that perhaps are no more...............huh?.................. Yet we can still see them in the heavenly skies in our Solar System? It sounds a ludicrous question, yet like a tick that won’t go away, this footage has me thinking wildly outside the box............... I remind myself that I am experiencing a holographic reality that is changeable.When I use to get clear night skies I often pondered if I was really seeing ‘what was out there’ or just what my brain was filtering through via this Matrix. I have witnessed the moon do crazy things at times, so much so I threw my moon calendar out some years ago. I witness often Time being ‘fluid’. In such software programs like photoshop I can cut, paste, copy, remove, delete, insert, undo etc - I guess a hologram can do such as well............. On 11th March 2011 I (among many others in the Northern hemisphere of Europe) witnessed the craziest most outrageous event, spinning reality paradigms inside out. Dawn rose into daylight, Sun turns off (gradually in sections), night time returned – ½ hour later Sun turns back on again and daylight returns. There was satellites footage of this (all quickly removed). No there was no eclipse, the video footage on several satellites and filters showed the Sun turn off in sections, it was mindboggling to watch, like someone turning the power off from the ‘inside’. (I like to think the Sun was given an upgrade in consciousness - ). So crazy things happen that boggle the mind................well my mind at least. Love & Blessings Realeyes


Hi Realeyes, This may help.




Description: Researcher, contactee, enemy of the NWO, and expounder of the "EMVs - Designers of the Solar System"... James Horak joins us for an off planet romp into the unknown, and often unspoken realms of cosmology: EMVs, Electromagnetic Vehicles... seen in the corona of the Sun and in the rings of Saturn. Following the work of Dr. Norman Bergrun, a former Fellow of the Ames Space Center and the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, and his book, "The Ringmakers of Saturn"; James Horak unfolds a story of the fantastic beings who "manage" the energy interchanges of the solar system and galaxies. A childhood contactee by the 'Greys', whom he terms as EBEs (Extra-Biological Entities, essentially robotic "meat puppets" which are non-sentient creations of a long transcended civilization), James makes the distinctions between these entities and the numerous sentient, and peaceful, ETs who are in close contact and proximity to the Earth. He discusses the suppressed scientific and spiritual nature of the universe, why humans on this planet have been deliberately lied to, subverted, and enslaved on every level by evil controllers whose only goal is to reduce the population of the planet and enslave totally... mind, body, and soul... this race who are creations of a Divine God. A creation with a spectacular destiny, and one that is emerging even now, against all odds...even if the face of annihilation. He warns of the impending "ET" deception to be foisted on the planetary peoples by this same corrupt power structure, and how it may be used to create the final stage takeover of Earth, its assets, and inhabitants. Controversial... decidely "against the grain", and steeped in the wisdom of one who has "been there"...listen and decide for yourself! -2011 Related links: Record for Dr. Norman Bergrun: For more shows and an audio-only version of this interview:


Okay, I had seen the following video and posted it myself prior with TONS of "Disclaimers". It is a VAST mixture of MANY Secret Society Belief Systems including a very large amount of the information from the "Order of the Black Sun". There is a lot of interesting information in this video, it is well researched but is very much pieced together from Intel/Belief Systems and Hear Say from many Organizations and Secret Earth Governments. There are quite a bit of skirmishes going on the last decade between known Enemy Races who come in to steal Humans, Infighting between various SSP's, Returning Members of Ancient Break Away Earth Civilizations and battles between Allied Alien Groups of various Secret Earth Governments and their Enemies. There have been a lot of "newcomers" in the Sol System recently and those that are not able to Cloak and Advanced enough to "Ignore" the forces already here have had to deal with the confusion. This is not the first time that these types of battles have occurred in the Sol System and some times even causing the conflicts to be seen from Earth by early Humans. There have been Pentagon Officials that have been talking for years about the "Return of the Sumerian Gods" and they were preparing for this to occur very soon. The disinfo is at a all time high and we have to be more vigilant than ever on this type of A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


information IMHO. I do not have any information that corresponds with the information from these "SOHO War" video's. There is just too much cross over and mixtures of some info that is disinfo and are primary belief systems for some of these Elite Groups.




The second Video posted had some excellent info but the person being interviewed had some belief systems on Consciousness and Physics that were tied into the information that were quite a bit off of what I was exposed to in my experiences. It is worth the watch but use your own discernment.




Basically, none of the information in any of these video's or sources match what I was exposed to or are information I would support based on my own personal experiences... I watched closely and there is a lot of activity that can be mistaken for war like activity. Some of this activity can also be attributed to non technical but living beings that live in open space that travel from star to star living off of "Plasma" and other Solar elements (Cosmic Extremophiles). We have been kept in the dark about so many discoveries that researchers have a narrow view of options to think of when they see something. They immediately think of a UFO/Craft and would never imagine a type of interstellar living being that lives in open space like pods of whales in the Ocean. Once we get the major brain dump of true disclosure this will change and kids will dream of being astrobiologists instead of marine biologists and swimming with dolphins. (IMHO) I am sorry to have kept you waiting on my reply, I wanted to really go through this info before replying. This info is just not resonating with me. I find it highly questionable... IMHO.




Post # 494


Posted by Helvetic (here) I would like to share first hand information from one of the „Watchers“ (Yes, one of the 200). Question: „How much life is out there?” Answer: He smiles, “Yes I can tell you, nobody will believe you. It’s the “thumb theory”. Expand your hand out to the sky, then look to your thumbnail. The area contains trillions of individual life forms and you can move your thumb across the sky and the number barely changes.”


Yes, Our Galaxy alone is Teaming with all sorts of life... Much of it is in a form that "We" (Down on Earth with our so called "Science") currently wouldn't even recognize as "Life" yet. There were over 2,000 Sentient Beings "Catalogued" that "Our Astrobiologists" had documented... Now try to Imagine how large the Database/Catalogues would be of some of these Advanced And Ancient Civilizations/Races who have been roaming the Cosmos for Millions of Years...


--------------------------------Post # 495


Posted by thunder24 (here) Are elvis and micheal jackson Extra Terrestrials...? Ok seriously, if this has been answered point me to it please... In your experience with the smart pads, did it have info regarding who and what species of Aliens have integrated into our society... and I have to ask, can you give specific in detail...? like i said if this has been answered kindly point me in the direction... thanks peace


There were individuals that fit right in with no effort at all from Allied Off World Human Groups, known groups that were somewhat Slave Troops of "Other Species" (Some times Clones) and even the harder to believe "Dimensional and Alternate Reality/Timeline Travelers here for various information gathering/observation missions. Often "IE's" (Intuitive Empaths) were called in for the interrogation of beings that were often captured on the surface of the planet either on missions to infiltrate targets (Taking the place of actual humans), infiltrate society in general to study it, Beings augmented to blend in to hide out on the planet from other beings who end up seeking "Refugee Status"... The list goes on quite far. This topic has actually the makings of a good Sci Fi series on its own. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


There were some that had been pulled from Offices and Residences where "They" were working (Infiltrating) and living. They were then interrogated until it was figured out if they were using a technology or cosmetic augmentation to "Blend In" or were "Humans" from a Parallel Earth's (Some of which we inadvertently almost caused to declared war on us/and caused major problems for during some of our early "Experiments"), Other Dimension or Alien Group that physically favored Earth Humans. They would then be dealt with according to whatever diplomatic arrangement had been established with its race/"reality" or if it turns out to be a completely new group (Which occurs) then they are treated as a threat and transferred to shielded facilities where they can be kept until they provide home coordinates or someone comes looking for them. This is how several new relationships have been established over time. This is wild and crazy stuff, but some of the truths about what is going on are far stranger than most of the fiction on TV and the Movies...




Post # 497


Posted by Realeyes (here) Hello GoodET, Thank you so much for taking the time to reply back and study the ‘satellite images’ I posted showing ‘activity’ presented from satellite images of 2007. I have read your post carefully several times; perhaps I just need another morning coffee to get my brain into gear. Please forgive my confusion and I hope you do not mind that I ask for a little clarity to your answers regarding ‘my’ questions. You see my specific questions were mixed in with another member’s post of James Horack’s understandings, which were not related to my specific queries. (1) I am still unclear whether you are saying the specific satellite images that ‘looked like’ enormous explosions spanning many months were indeed “conflicts” or that they are “Cosmic Extremophiles” activity or “both” or simply “disinfo” where satellite images were somehow tampered with – thus ‘no events’ occurred to Neptune, Saturn or Uranus during 2007/8? I noticed you highlighted my words in red “I remind myself that I am experiencing a holographic reality that is changeable.” My above sentence (for me) was relevant to the satellite images (nothing to do with the Black Sun beliefs as I was aware you had extensively covered this subject some time ago). It was more of an ‘out of the box’ pondering’ whether ‘it’ was possible that ‘something did happen in 2007’ and perhaps the holographic reality was either reset/undone or reimaged so that such large bodies remained ‘congruent’ with our collectively shared human belief systems of how we humans ‘expect’ our solar system to behave? Then my mind spins further 'if' such is possible - what if Earth was 'shifted' to another spot in Space? Would we actually 'know' and 'observe' such had happened - or would we still 'see' what was 'collectively expected'? Anyway...................... Thank you again GoodET for answering my post – this is very much appreciated and sorry for the confusion. Love & Blessings Realeyes


Sorry Realeyes, I have had quite a lot going on. I probably did mix the two topics up between the two of you. There are constantly hit and run skirmishes going on in and just outside our Sol System (Many times Us attacking the Human Trafficking Groups that "Pop In" and Steal People and Leave with as many Humans as they can snag in one "Run"). There are also Many Very Advance Groups coming into the Sol System that are Refusing to ID themselves and are positioning themselves strategically in "Observation Mode", but there are NO Violent Interactions going on between them and the SSP's or their allies (Which is a good thing as they would loose!). There are skirmishes going on between off world groups that have been enemies for a very long time in areas that are similar to "International Waters" in Naval Terms. When they encounter each other while on patrols or on missions in this small system sometimes they choose to "Engage" each other. There is also the Shadow Civil War component (Along with their allied off world groups) who have been having more and more skirmishes and pushing each others diplomatic boundaries. The Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations have been making recent moves as well. When you take the Military Leader Rumors of the "Return of the Sumerian Gods in the very near future", The Tracking of incoming very large "Bodies"/Craft (In RECENT DAYS... 3 of which are rumored to have recently made it to our Sol System, 2 parked outside the Oort Cloud and 1 entered and remained "uncloaked" until it reached the Saturn/Jupiter area where it "Parked" and all 3 then cloaked, these "Spheres" were said to be either 1/100th or 1/1,000th of the Sun's size!). No further intel was provided on these craft to me other than they were similar to the near planet sized Spheres that have been arriving for years and cloaking. There are things the "Dark Fleet" (1 of the SSP's/Joint Human/Non Human) that have been dealing with things that I have no A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


idea of. They are almost always seen in "Armada's" or "Fleet's" Heading Out or In From "Deep Space" and do not spend much time in the local system. There is also a "Joint Earth Human Military" (Yet Another SSP that is not apart of the "Solar Warden"/Another SSP) Group that is stationed and trains almost completely at locations outside of our Sol System that is much like a NATO arrangement. This Group too I am not apprised of their core mission and reason they are behaving the strange way they are ("Preparation Mode")... There is a lot going on right now that is pretty strange. There is of course the very powerful and out of control "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates" (Yet another SSP/Break Away Civilization in its own right) who produce most of the Space Technology being used by ALL Programs and even Traded/Purchased by Off World Groups (We have become well known for our Engineering/Hi Tech Production Abilities strangely enough... we make some of "Their UFO's Now"). They have become so large of a "Break Away Civilization" unto themselves that they have their own large groups of Mining Chains in the Asteroid Belt, On Moons and Planets as well as Many Colonies and Various Manufacturing and Other Types of Plants and Outposts. They have their own Armies and Space Programs where they have kept some of the best toys for themselves. They have become way too powerful and influential! The topic and information about the "Extremophiles" from interstellar space came up because some of them are quite large and their behavior from a distance can appear as thought they are exchanging weapons fire when they are doing nothing of the sort. This is just what I have been read in/experienced... Imagine what is going on inside all of the above mentioned groups that I am totally in the dark about! I have received zero information of any groups pushing armada's into our system and/or fighting in large scale battles. However even though I was lucky enough to be involved in a few programs that gave me a wide spectrum of the picture of what is going on... I want to make sure to point out something. Just like anyone else in these programs, there is going to be MORE that I am unaware of than I would be able to be aware of if I had spent 100 life times in different programs. Things are so compartmentalized and fragmented that I was lucky to piece together what I did, be able to not have my memories completely wiped or when it became apparent that I could retain memories didn't end up on one of the "Corporate Slave Colonies"... IMHO. Many people expected to take their families to a science fiction heaven to live their lives out on beautiful colonies on exotic planets just to arrive to a 8 x 8 living area for their family and a fascist environment with horrible conditions to live the rest of their lives out in (This is no joke). Those who have had this offer and turned it down were very wise. I hope this answered your questions and then some




Post # 504


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Greetings, GoodEt. You mentioned in the links/discussion thread here that "Dracos" are shapeshifters and "Draco Reptilians" (Aligned w/the Mantids/Gray's & Others) and I have a question that may or may not relate to that. In my past life experience and my past life work with another abductee, I ran across a group of very human-looking, male, bearded ETs (including one woman) who created the planet's god-worshipping religions and secret societies. In Egypt they were "Ra" and "Ptah". One of their main symbols that they themselves used was one or two poisonous snakes on a staff. Although I'm not a graphic artist I've drawn a picture of Ra which appears in my EYE OF RA book around page 11. In my books I refer to these ETs as "Serpent Staff Pleiadians" or "SSPs" because they are always associated with the Pleiades constellation around the world. They sometimes wore costumes, masks or headdresses when meeting with Earth humans. They work closely with the Mantids in manipulating religious beliefs. Do you have any data on this group? My main question is "Are they really human?" or "Are they shape-shifting ETs" or "Are they Mantids using human-looking bodies?" Please let me know if you have any info on them. Thanks, Truman


This sounds to me to be related to the "Reptoid" groups. They are VERY deceptive and have been involved in the creation and manipulation of much of Earth's Religions (As have many others). Some of the "Shape Shifting" doesn't occur physically but on a mental level. They can manipulate their victim to see, feel and experience what ever they program them to experience. They are master manipulators and have advanced technologies to assist them in their deceptive endeavors. There is always a chance you could be dealing with some of these "Human Like ET's" (None of them were 100% "Service to Others") or some of the survivors of ancient fallen Earth Civilizationswho were trying to keep their Religious Control Systems going (There are 5-7 known Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations who mostly keep to themselves). We are getting into the realm of speculation I need to warn as I have no direct knowledge of your experience or similar experiences. Just an FYI to be responsible to the process. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)




Post # 505


Posted by Sunny-side-up (here) Hi GoodETxsg I was wondering if you know anything/information and or if still in use, about single seat-craft (or it might be 2 seats), as reported in the 1954 French/European UFO wave! Flown in a horizontal position, like lying on a motorbike (Small tube). If so could you please ask your connections, pull some strings and get me one! Seriously though, recently you posted information, with images of the various craft as used/developed now!, was very interesting (Can't find link to it anymore?) This post of yours reminded me of a strange craft I watched, it was flying just below and behind (Very near) a commercial (737 kind) plane (Maybe BEA). The plane was on approach to Heathrow-Airport after flying across London. I got the feeling it was escorting the plane but somehow became uncloaked or it was stalkingthe plane! The strange craft all of a sudden turned by flat-Pivoting on it's right wing tip and then carried on back the way it had come from! Now there was no loss of speed, no loss of altitude and no banking; just totally flat turn, so I guess it was/is an anti-grave craft. The other very strange aspect to this craft was it's shape. It had no body, was just a rectangle wing, like a small (Cessna plane wing shape) but with it's wing tips leading as apposed to trailing in flight direction (Slight V forward flight shape) My image attempt, as seen nearly directly above me. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Any idea about this wing GoodETxsg? or anyone PS: great info and posts by you, very important and much appreciated indeed


I cannot be certain, There were some 1-3 person/seat craft that were sort of "Y" shaped with front swept wings (Sort of a rounded area but no real "Tail Section"). These were concept craft back in the day and were more of the advanced "Toys" that belonged to the VERY Powerful "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates" who produced and sold much of the advanced technology to the various Secret Space Programs and even some "Outside Civilizations" and Own/Control many of the Off World Colonies etc... I could only speculate why they would pace an Airliner like that. It would be interesting to see the Flight Manifest to see the passenger names, IMHO.




Post # 507


Posted by TrumanCash (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Greetings, GoodEt. You mentioned in the links/discussion threadhere that "Dracos" are shapeshifters and "Draco Reptilians" (Aligned w/the Mantids/Gray's & Others) and I have a question that may or may not relate to that. In my past life experience and my past life work with another abductee, I ran across a group of very human-looking, male, bearded ETs (including one woman) who created the planet's god-worshipping religions and secret societies. In Egypt they were "Ra" and "Ptah". One of their main symbols that they themselves used was one or two poisonous snakes on a staff. Although I'm not a graphic artist I've drawn a picture of Ra which appears in my EYE OF RA book around page 11. In my books I refer to these ETs as "Serpent Staff Pleiadians" or "SSPs" because they are always associated with the Pleiades constellation around the world. They sometimes wore costumes, masks or headdresses when meeting with Earth humans. They work closely with the Mantids in manipulating religious beliefs. Do you have any data on this group? My main question is "Are they really human?" or "Are they shape-shifting ETs" or "Are they Mantids using human-looking bodies?" Please let me know if you have any info on them. Thanks, Truman


This sounds to me to be related to the "Reptoid" groups. They are VERY deceptive and have been involved in the creation and manipulation of much of Earth's Religions (As have many others). Some of the "Shape Shifting" doesn't occur physically but on a mental level. They can manipulate their victim to see, feel and experience what ever they program them to experience. They are master manipulators and have advanced technologies to assist them in their deceptive endeavors. There is always a chance you could be dealing with some of these "Human Like ET's" (None of them were 100% "Service to Others") or some of the survivors of ancient fallen Earth Civilizations who were trying to keep their Religious Control Systems going (There are 5-7 known Ancient Earth Break Away Civilizations who mostly keep to themselves). We are getting into the realm of speculation I need to warn as I have no direct knowledge of your experience or similar experiences. Just an FYI to be responsible to the process. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Thanks for addressing my question. These human-looking ETs with beards who work with Mantids were definitely not using the "mental" manipulation type of shape-shifting. I refer to that ability as telepathic hypnosis and have experienced it with tall Grays. The Mantids also use this ability when appearing as "light beings" in NDEs and on the in-between lives implanting ships. Perhaps they really are just as they looked and not shape-shifters. They could also be Mantids using human-looking bodies as they have the technology to transfer beings to different bodies. In other words I can only speculate as well on this point. I would further speculate that most of reported "shape-shifting" is not real and is actually the telepathic hypnosis type of mental manipulation. Have you ever seen an ET actually shape-shift? (That is, the real thing and not the deceptive mental manipulation which only appears to be shape-shifting.) Thanks, Truman


I saw the "Insectoid" group use their tech that caused us see them shape shift into human form (Kind of like the movie "They Live"). There was talk among the IE's of the many interrogations we sat in on or observed that there had been times when a shackled being was being questioned and became very upset/agitated they would shape shift back and forth from form to form. It was very bizarre/disruptive and would end that session of questioning. Some of the things I witnessed as a child appeared to be shape shifting but at that age I do not know if it was a technological effect on on my psyche or was a true shifting of their physical form. So, I have seen "Shape Shifting" but do not believe it was an actual physical shifting of their form/matter into another shape/form. However I cannot be sure. The "Insectoids" that were observed and photographed from a distance by a few different security teams brought back Video/Photo's and Descriptions of the same target that were "Completely Different". How does one explain that? There were a lot of strange things like that that occurred that get reported up the chain that explanations of never trickle back down to the observer.




Post # 510




Posted by Aragorn (here) I have a little question as well, if I may, and I apologize in advance if this subject has already been addressed in this thread. I have been (and still am) suffering from several physical (and painful) afflictions at the moment, and the amount of information that has been published in this thread (and in the interview) is quite overwhelming. smile In many (if not most) of the more recent science-fiction movies and television series - for instance in Battle: Los Angeles, Battleship, Battlestar Galactica, Falling Skies and others - Hollywood is shying away from having the weapons of the alien invaders be energy-based, and is emphasizing projectile-based weaponry. My question to GoodETxSG is therefore, apart from psionic weapons and cloaking technology, what kind of weaponry is used in the ongoing skirmishes. By this I mean that, surely, projectile-based weapons will still have their usefulness among certain civilizations - and perhaps it also depends on their individual levels of technical evolution - but there have already been witness reports in the alternative media of craft using energy-based weapons, for instance plasma beam weapons and lasers or other microwave beams. So, the question is: what kind of weapon systems are you familiar with - whether among ETs or within the secret space programs - and do you also know (roughly) how they work? wink Thanks in advance, and thank you for sharing your knowledge and experiences with us. Namaste. smile


Yes, understood... That is a very good question which requires a very involved response... Projectile (Kinetic Energy) weapons in Certain Environments and on "Certain Targets" will always be effective but not always practical. The "Rail Guns" that are touted as being so futuristic and powerful are "primarily effective" for engaging more conventional and slower moving targets that its computer aided tracking system can target and hit before they change directions, move out of range or the device runs out of projectiles. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


The same goes for "Directed Energy Weapons". Most of the weapons depicted in Science Fiction Movies are actually considered out dated by most "Advanced ET/ED Races". "Particle Beams", "Plasma Cannons", "Disrupter Beams", LASERS and "Full Spectrum Energy Weapons" have been in use for some time and counter measures such as "Cloaking (Visual and full "Out of Phase")", "Energy Shielding/Plating" and "Deflector Field" technologies were developed. "Force Fields and Shields" are no big mystery. The chair you are sitting in and your own body is held together by sub atomic fields (Atoms are mostly empty space) and oscillating frequencies that push and pull against each other in order to give you and your chair their solid interaction with each other. These are basically the same principals on a Macro level. Some of the weapons in use by very advanced societies are strictly defensive and neutralize all technologies of the attacker (Just "Switch Them Off", even their "Consciousness Based/Enhanced "Technology") and some have the ability to cause "Field Reversals" and "Sub Atomic Polarity Reversals" to where some of their enemy craft or other targets come apart at their most fundamental levels (Literally Fly Apart at every Atom/Molecule). There are some weapons that cause localized torsion fields and "Twist" and "Warp" the Space/Time where the enemy craft or targets are located and they are ripped apart by tidal forces. The list quite honestly goes on and on. Most often a variety of weaponry are used. Some times depending on the enemy and its capabilities you may need to find a way to disable them and then use a more primitive weapon to either destroy the entire target or to scale the damage to the target by using kinetic or particle beam weapons (Depending on the desired effect). There are many scenarios in which a wide range of weapons, tools and tactic need to be available to the military/security portion of an Armada/Fleet (Some are on Purely "Scientific", "Trade" or "Diplomatic" Missions with a Military/Security Escort). Some Civilizations have the ability to destroy entire planets and Solar Systems... These are normally Civilizations that do not have to display their abilities very often and are given a "Wide Berth" so to speak in the "Shipping Lanes" of the Cosmos. We are lucky enough to be along a major route in a sort of "Cosmic Silk Road". So we tend to have quite a few visitors stop by this Oasis on their journeys.




Post # 511


Posted by Mutchie (here/now claiming to be extremely read in and knowledgeable on the Secret Space Program and Lunar Bases strangely enough…) In this day and age doesnt anyone else find it frustrating that ALL this contact is going on behind closed doors ... Obviously disclosure is long way off and as for technology "god only knows how far they have taken it " ....we as the general public are not entitled to know that other life exists " why is that ? " I enjoyed the interview but it makes me wander


I understand skepticism, it is healthy... But if you are serious about the answer to that thought, Lets go over it one more time together (I have spoken of it several times in this Thread), We here below are kept subjugated in this Financial System that is based on the "Babylonian Money Magic Slave System" that a select few hold the reigns to. Once this "Harmonic Healing", "Free Energy" and "Other" Exotic Technology becomes available to the rest of us there will be no further need for a monetary/financial system anymore (There is a "Stealth Civil War" going on about this right now). At that moment of "Disclosure"... Away goes ALL of their Power, just like that. The "Secrecy" has never been about the masses going into "Mass Panic" or loosing their religions. It has been about NEVER loosing control and power over the masses (The "Cattle/Sheeple"). The "Elite" have done some damn awful and brutal things to maintain that control. They have coordinated many wars that have cost billions of lives, they have signed deals with other beings that have sold humans off to be slaves, experiments and even food. Which Current "Elite" would you imagine would want to be in power or even alive during the time of that "Pandora's Box" being opened on live TV for all of their "Slaves" to see? So far I haven't met any that were very excited about that prospect. They all want to play "Kick the Can" on that subject until the Sun goes Super Nova or one of their sick nightmare scenario plans is carried out...




Post # 517


Posted by TelosianEmbrace (here) The original secret space program had it's humble beginning decades ago, and since then a huge black budget has been bankrolling all sorts of clandestine activities. I have recently read Dr. Michael Wolf's 'Catchers of Heaven' and it seems that even from a very early stage there were the good guys and not so good guys. GoodETxSG, I feel you are close to making as definitive a listing of the various SSG's, their makeup and general purpose, as possible from your experiences. Like to A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


give it a go? There is a lot of "Black Money" going into Block Ops Programs and a WHOLE LOT of Money coming in from the "Drug Trade". However I think people would be shocked how little goes into some of many of these Space Programs and Technologies. The "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates" have vast "Mining and Manufacturing" facilities "Off World" where they take the raw materials and turn them into working technologies using what amounts to "Slave Labor" who they do not pay in $'s but have living on Colonies under tyrannical rule. Plenty of Money does go into some of these programs. I do believe most of this "Black Money" goes into the coffers of these criminal syndicate tentacles of the various Secret Societies and Secret Earth Governments and goes into their endeavors mostly "Down Here". You mentioned the underground subway system, not just TAUSS but the international underground train system that connects bases worldwide. Would you care to elucidate upon this subject? Other than traveling in it and that it was a mixture of a "Maglev" and "Vacuum Tube" system and operated not much differently than a projectile in a "Rail Gun" that was also suspended in a vacuum much like when you used to send your deposits through the drive through at the bank in those see through tubes... I cannot tell you where all they go and what a map may look like. I have only seen what is online. I am not sure how accurate those are. I don't feel you've covered any of these subjects to any degree, so I'll just mention them and see if you'd like to comment. 1. Crop Circles. Who are they made by (Perhaps multiple groups) and why? I do not, I would be speculating on this like anyone else. I have seen the floating orbs traveling through fields though pacing around as iff they are "Looking" for something. They did not leave physical traces. 2.Yeti, bigfoot, sasquatch. (I'm almost embarrassed asking about bigfoot). What is known of these beings, their origin, demeanour and interdimensional capabilities. I do not know who these beings may be. I believe they are real. There are also "Other Beings" that we have come across that are "Hairy" and tall but that is as close as they come to the descriptions and "Life Styles" of these reported "Sasquatch" beings. 3.Rods, of Jose Escamilla fame. What are these things? There are a large number of "Cosmic Extremophiles" that live in "Open Space", "Solar Corona's", "Nebulae's" (So many other places it will some day boggle the minds of our grand children who study them in school) and even all around us that mostly exist on a higher frequency/vibration and exist faster than the 32 frames per second that we normally see at. Some of them exist off of pure energy/plasma which they themselves are made up of. "SkyFish" fall in this unreported and unrecognized "Extremophile" category of beings that the Main Stream Science would not even recognize as being "Alive" right now by its own standards.


There are a lot of subjects that I do not have any insight into such as 9/11 and "Chemtrails" (I never have and never will claim to know everything or have "Threads" of knowledge on just about everything). There are also plenty of other subjects that I either was not read into or may have been read into and was given access to the material to "read over" but did not retain. Remember back to your own past to maybe how in College or High School you read through mountains of material and then think back to now and how much of that information you retained or are able to access in an organized way. I mentioned before that I could probably pull more data from my memories using a "Regression Therapy" session or actually "800 or more sessions"... I also have some trust issues in the "Regression Process" (As I have witnessed) and sometimes the information can be tainted by both the person doing the "Remembering" and also the Therapist who may accidentally ask "Leading Questions" in the heat of the moment when they get wrapped up in the content. This is purely IMHO... I may indeed try a Regression Session some day. But if I do I will present that information in a completely different context than I do my "Conscious Memories". Thank everyone for the well thought out comments/questions... I think the sharp minds here are pulling some great information. In some cases better than many researchers that have asked me questions.




Post # 518


Posted by Aragorn (here)


Posted by TelosianEmbrace (here) [...] You mentioned the underground subway system, not just TAUSS but the international underground train system that connects bases worldwide. Would you care to elucidate upon this subject?


Even though the question is not addressed at myself, I would like to share that Arthur "Henry Deacon" Neumann and George Green have both already alluded to this transportation system. Apparently it's a maglev ("magnetic levitation") train system as already in use in some major cities of the world (such as Tokyo), but with a twist. See, maglev trains can travel really fast - up to 500 km/h and beyond - but there is always the aerodynamic friction to overcome. Therefore it has already become A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


clear even to mainstream engineers that if a maglev train were able to travel in a vacuum tunnel system instead of in the open air, its performance would dramatically increase. According to George Green, the underground transportation system uses such vacuum tunnel maglev trains, and allegedly they can attain speeds up to 3000 km/h. According to "Henry Deacon", the acceleration pushes you back in your seat - and I quote - "for a loooong time". P.S.: Since you are a US American and therefore, as most US Americans, probably quite in the custom of using acronyms, would you mind explaining to us non-US'ians what "TAUSS" is? (I've Google'd it, Wikipedia'd it and even threw it at an on-line dictionary, but without any useful results.)


It looks like you posted this while I was writing up my response. It is true. It is a combination of a maglev and vacuum system. It reached speeds FAR in excess of 1,700 mph (For us yanks on the "MPH" system). They start out fairly quick and over a short period reach top speed then begin the perceptible speed reduction phase. I am sure since then, the newer trams have gravity shielding and G-Forces are not a factor on its occupants or cargo. The metric system is far more precise in measuring these things IMHO. I don't know what it will take for us to drop our old "Inches", "Feet", "Yards" and "Miles" measurements and finally trade it in for the metric system. It is a pretty ancient system and comes pretty close to many other ancient measuring systems. EDIT: I just saw the "TAUSS" part... I think someone thought they were clever and decided to try to create an Acronym... "Trans American Underground Subway System" I presume... TAUSS if a fairly recent acronym for me.




Post # 526




Posted by Jean-Luc (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) I do not know a #Number# of types of beings or the compliments of each group of beings that are on bases or other facilities here on the Earth/Moon, Their "Status" of being here nor have I been shown a map of their locations (Which would be quite a large number). I know that there have been many "Discovered" that were here for many millennia that stayed as stealth and undiscovered as long as possible. They have created their own "Habitats" that are conducive to their health/longevity and are here for any number of reasons. Some are in hiding, refugees, many have come here under permission of other "Custodian Beings" that felt they had the authority to grant them permission to have bases/enclaves under oceans, deep lakes, underground and even above ground in some cases. They are spread out across the globe and the Moon according to political agreements and their affiliations with Secret Earth Governments and Earth Regions that are appropriate to their needs


Hello GoodETxSG From your own experience or from your trusted sources, do you have any information on mermaids which have been reported since Greek mythology. To what extent do these myths hold some truth? There are also apparently some serious reports (which in truth date back from the XVIIIe century) claiming to have seen tritons & the like in detail. Would you have any information on this type of creature for instance? Mermaid, Alien, Captured By Diving Vessel Camera? 2013 HD Any link with deep under see bases that you could think of? Thanks.



If this is a HOAX (I am impressed) they are working from detailed information of actual "Aquatics" that do have bases on our planet. There are several different types none of which I saw depicted with "Mermaid Tails" (I think most of the "Mermaid Reports" by sailors were "Manatees" but I could be wrong as I am speculating). I know that there have been reports of Asian cultures and some of the Ancient Break Away Civilizations being in contact with some of the "Aquatic Beings" going back thousands of years. I also heard stories about "Aquatic Types" of beings in Native American stories. They do not seem to be frequent travellers to and from the planet via "Vessels" from what I understand. There are other ways to come and go though as we have discussed. There is quite a bit inside the Giant and Sprawling Underwater Lava Tunnels close to Iceland (Just to name one, most places w/Under Water Volcanic and "Other Useful" Geology have some sort of currently or formerly occupied structures). This being exactly resembles one that I was made aware of. If a hoax it was a very expensive and dangerous/risky one with information provided by someone in the know (Unless they got very lucky). A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


If it hasn't already crossed the mind of anyone who has watched this video the depiction of the "Aquatic" being in "Hell Boy" is based on a real being that is very similar to this this type. There is so much going on under the surface of the oceans and super lakes on various continents that remains out of the sight of our civilization (By Earth Humans and "Other Beings").




Post # 531Giant Orbs in Our Sol System! (1/26/2015 - NOTE: I HAVE BEEN AUTHORIZED TO GIVE MANY NEW UPDATES AND DETAILS ABOUT THE "SPHERE BEINGS". I have been releasing the information on another source and will be writting a new Article/Blog on this ongoing issue very soon!


Posted by TheGoldenRule (here) GoodETxSG, Concerning your statement in Post 480: These "Orbs" could be these Giant Spheres that have come in by the many dozens that have refused contact or identification and have cloaked themselves. Some have decided they are here to observe some event or be here for "The Greatest Show in The Galaxy"... Can you clarify this somewhat, such as when these Orbs/Giant Spheres first started appearing and/or whether this has been both a sudden and a recent buildup? This next question is speculative, if you don't mind responding . . . do you believe that their refusal to be contacted or to identify themselves is a pretty clear indication that they are not benevolent or neutral? Also, we don't really know whether they are mere observers or are waiting to "participate" in some way, hopefully in Humanity's best interest. Needless to say, their very presence, whether good, bad or neutral, adds an extraordinary piece to the puzzle (over and above the "normal" ET ships) that we all have been working on to understand Humanity's shift in consciousness, as part and parcel of the transformation of Earth and Humanity that seems to be forthcoming. Thank you so much, GoodETxSG, for having the courage to come forward!


I believe they first started "Scouting" in the late 80's and 90's and to appear in small numbers around the 2002/2003 time frame and then in larger numbers and sized Spheres/Orbs around the 2008/2009 time frame. They are still arriving, 3 the size of Neptune to Jupiter arrived in our Solar System in "Recent Weeks". There is a little bit of intel on who they may be that I cannot share full details on. A hint for other insiders would be beings who when communicating give off "Colored Aura Flashes" from their faces coming from around their eyes, cheeks, corners of their mouth's, fore head's etc... They are similar to micro facial expressions in humans but in an energetic form. For those that do not have inside information this is far as I can go. It is speculated that they have no ill intentions and are most likely the only true "service to others" group around right now. There are many beings that are here helping us but out of their own agenda's and best interests. This is "service to self" at its core... These beings in these Spheres are so much further advanced than the most advanced beings we have dealt with so far it is spooky. They also seem to be related to the "Sleeping Beings below the Mounds" (Of the "Mound Builders", Information in some of these locations state they will awaken at a given time and not before.) who have been there in "Stasis" for thousands of years and are in a shared dreamscape experience with each other through a crystal matrix technology system. I was given this info a long time ago and there are others that have it. I was contacted by someone recently that had a similar version of this information. The majority of the SSP's and Secret Earth Governments do not have a "Need To Known" about these beings. Some groups know about them only because Their "Allies" a "Tall Blue Bird Like Race" have communicated to a select few among the programs, especially within the "White Hats" in the Stealth Civil War. These people among these groups were told to expect contact suddenly out of the "Blue" from these beings when the "Time Has Come". They are not expected to contact or cooperate with almost any other SSP's, Secret Earth Governments, Ancient Break Away's OR ANY of the OFF WORLD BEINGS Interfering in Earth Affairs... This is a major chunk of into here for those in the know and will make little sense to those who are not... I will absolutely go no further than the info above. I probably should not have gone this far. So please do not even ask...




Post # 562


Posted by Timewaster (here) I have tried several times to listen to the first interview. But for what ever reason I cant focus on it or just end up falling asleep. After I wake up when its finished I feel weird and strange. Its frustrating cos I know this interview has lots of important information!


I have had more than a few people tell me that. This occurring while trying to listen to this info is not accident or coincidence. I am seeing that a good deal of this information is eliciting a "Reactionary" response in some of the most surprising people... In A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


didn't expect the slings and arrows to be launched at me from below, middle and aloft as much as they have. I am only reporting my experiences going back from my childhood and apart of my reality and the realities of the many many thousands of people that shared those experiences and similar ones with me. There are other's who will go their entire life times without having any of these types of experiences and this will never mesh or coalesce with their reality bubbles. I had these memories and was blocked from sharing them by entity attachments ("The Gate Keeper") for many years. There is a small portion of the group that the "Blank Slating" and "Screen Memories" do not work on, or only last for a short time before they break down (It is hard for them to control us and they tend to make life difficult to keep us occupied on other things...). The vast majority of people are very controllable by the Blank Slating and Screen Memories and most of the time from the "programming" will fight you tooth and nail that all of this is complete B.S.. If someone is not ready, do not push it on them... If they do not believe it, do not try to convince them... If they are unable to listen or watch the information then don't push themselves or others to take in the information (It can cause "Programmed Triggers" to engage...). We have to all awaken and grow at our own pace, take in my and other people's information using our own discernment and not blindly accept it into your own reality bubble. Your own discernment is the best filter you have. Always use it with the material HERE and from other so called "Whistleblowers". IMHO.




Post # 563


Posted by Tangri (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) I was having some serious RI/Psychic Attacks (Sounds strange but a common "Black Ops Tactic") for weeks just after this was posted in a public forum and there have been some Physical Interactions, Veiled Threats and Visitations that I cannot go into. Things seemed to really go down hill after a Major/Well Known "Researcher" in this industry both posted my full name on their web site and spoke my full name half a dozen times in a major Secret Space Program "Insider" Interview. This has caused some of my highly placed and long standing sources to break off contact with me as well as has caused some harassment of my family and the FULL DAMAGE to my Career is yet to be seen. I am not even going into the Attacks and Harassment I have received online by people through the Forum, Email and Skype. This has been a Very Frustrating process, I have had nothing to gain and everything to loose in this situation. Even though I am still mostly Anonymous (Since the researcher edited my name out of their video etc...) this has cost me greatly in a number of other ways as well. cts.[/B]


You should ask your self these questions (GoodETxSG: These and many more questions were asked by my Wife and I... Problems were expected on some levels. Some of this information was stuff that was not supposed to be released so there was no way of judging what would occur...) 1- How others is going to be benefited with this knowledge? It was initially meant for "Bills ears only" for research purposes... Then when I was convinced to release it anonymously it was intended for others like myself to benefit from... MILAB's who were A. Cast aside after the MILAB Training B. Were "Drafted" into any number of "Programs" after they excelled in their training and showed themselves to be very useful and of future use to One or More Programs, In my case 1. Diplomatic, 2. Still Secret (Very Dark). 3. Support Role in the Science and Research Projects of one of the few SSP's. 2- How the source will react on this knowledge liquidation? Expected to only share a small part, the Q and A portion and the Leak of My Name is where things really began to get sticky. I had no hard evidence so my information was all "Hearsay". Some of the info I have released is info that was not supposed to be released at all. I was "Picked Up" questioned heavily about some things and then warned to back off certain topics and then brought back home (I will not go into the details). 3- Do you want to be a famous, a hero, a victim? Why? Famous? No freaking way, (First of all it was never supposed to be released Publicly in the beginning when it was recorded...) Unlike Cpt Kaye/Cpt Richards and others I Remain Anonymous and will not "Come Out". Hero? How so? I have done many horrible and dark things while in that service... It caused the loss of many lives which I have to live with. This is a clearance of Karma for me in a way and exposing what is going on to prepare others for the eventual near future of when much of this info will be coming out to everyone. Victim? I was a victim from at least age 6, then victimized others both Human and Non-Human. I had been treated for PTSD for the trauma of what I went through and what I put others through and the memories of all of the above... I do this as apart of reclaiming my freedom and to drop the victim label by sharing this info and helping others (Who have contacted me privately) who have been through the same and similar situations... Why? I think I have made that clear... 4- Are you willing to sacrifice your family members life, your existence? A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


What would you be willing to sacrifice for the Freedom of the Human Race (For the First Times In Its Entire History)? What are you willing to sacrifice to wake up people if you had knowledge of what was going on that they didn't? All that is needed for EVIL to Triumph is for GOOD PEOPLE to do NOTHING! There is too much of this apathy and doing nothing in the world right now. I see a lot of "Lip Service" but NO action... Just a bunch of brain washed and corralled slaves stuck in the "Babylonian Money Magic Slave System" and living out their lives working to pay their debts and getting on line as they are starting to slowly wake up and debate and chat about what to do... None of whom are willing to put any skin in the game. This IS changing though, this is all information that I covered in the Part 2 which my friend is working on salvaging... They say they have recovered far worse quality audio in the past. We need to think bigger and not just about our selves for true change to occur. And this will involve "Risk"... IMHO (Though I have been assured that I do have some protection as long as I do not abuse it.). Also you might find this handy


All of the "Anatomy of a Whistle Blower" information looks good on "Paper" but is not practical in the real world. Speaking as one who see's/has seen the people that have their portion of the keys to the kingdom... none of them match that scenario...




Post # 579


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Since the subject has touched on the bright white flash, I can speak to that personally from my research twenty years ago. When I was recovering many abduction memories back then I discovered that the abductions were immediately preceded with a bright, white flash. Other abductees that I worked with also reported that, too. It appears to be the technology that renders an abductee unconscious and puts them in altered, zombie-like state. However, mainstream (possibly CIA-sponsored) abduction researchers were not talking about it. And then the movie "Men In Black" came out with the "flashy thing" that turned people into mind control putty. I was shocked! Wow, I thought, they really are telling us what's going on in movies. (I'm not sure who "they" are, though.) In one abduction incident I actually saw the device before the small Grays used it and it was a small cylindrical wand about six inches long and appeared to be silver in color. Another abductee that I worked with reported a device that looked somewhat like a camera with a large lens and two handles that produced the bright white flash and unconsciousness. So, GoodETxSG, have you had any experience or information about this bright white flashtechnology that causes unconsciousness? Truman


Yes, Audio-Visual Entrainment is nothing new to Intelligence Groups (Military and Civilian) of all countries. It is usually a combination of pulsing light (Matching Range of Human Brain Waves... Can "Pulse" so quickly it can appear as a "steady beam") and another portion of the EMF Spectrum such as a "tone", "frequency" or "wave". This was some of the "Technical" manipulation I was speaking of that they were gradually moving to from "Chemical" manipulation. It is weird to think different beings can used various colors of pulsating light and frequencies we cannot perceive consciously to manipulate or conscious and subconscious state... But it is both extremely advanced and simple at the same time. I am sure we received some of this technology from "Them" but it was also discovered independently by human engineers and scientists. We are a pretty sharp species and I think we even surprise our watchers and manipulators at times. Some general info below I found online... --------------------------------------- A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


=========================================== The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Control Effects BRAIN ENTRAINMENT: The reverse of biofeedback. Those low frequency electrical brain rhythms which are characteristics of various moods and states of sleep can not only be read out using biofeedback equipment or EEG machines, but using radio, sound, contact electrodes, or flashing lights, the moods and sleep states can be generated or at least encouraged using brain entrainment devices. Brain entrainment signals cannot carry voice, which is a much higher frequency range. Brain entrainment can, however, be used to "set up" a target to make him/her more susceptible to hypnosis. A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)




Post # 586


Posted by Aspen (here) Hi GoodETxsg, Is there anything else you can tell us about "The Gathering" or "Event" that you mentioned in post 269 and 272 on this thread? You explained that it is connected to major changes in energy fields that our solar system has entered: 'On top of this there has been a major change in our local star cluster or region of the galaxy to where there has been several galactic "high energy clouds" entering our Sol System as well as our region entering a tighter twist in the galaxy's torsion field. This is causing massive changes in our entire region of space, star cluster, every star's satellites and in all of the living beings withing it (vibratory/frequency changes) that have been difficult for many to adjust to psychologically. ' 1. Are these changes in energy fields connected to global warming on this and other planets? Yes, 100%, Absolutely... These were definite topics during the time when I was active and I personally heard discussions on the matter and saw documentation. I posted a link from an older article below. 2. Are these changes creating a DNA upgrade in humans? Yes, though these changes are being attempted to be mitigated or buffered by both "Off World Groups" and "Elements Within Some Of The Earth Governments". 3. Are the "dark" forces such as aliens, the shadow governments and AI trying to hold back this DNA upgrade? Yes, "Some" of "Them" are very serious about preventing us from advancing further (Than the 7-10% we have in the last 3K-5K Years) while "Others" want to allow things to occur "Naturally". There are signs that "A Few Groups" already have us segmented into "Control Groups" and "Test Groups" for this part of the "Experiment". There are MAJOR Disagreements between these groups on how to proceed, or whether to proceed... 4. Is this program of holding humanity back in this genetic upgrade effective? Or will the upgrade happen in spite of what negative ETs are doing? That remains to be seen. There are "New Players" in the Game. It appears these negative ET's may not a say when all is said and done. The "New Players" may just be here to "Observe" or to "Intervene" in what has been going on here on Earth and some other Planets for a long time. 5. Is this upgrade connected to the 12 strand DNA that many, like the Wingmakers, David Wilcock and others talk about that they claim humanity used to have in the Atlantean or even earlier civilizations? The "Ancient Breakaway Earth Civilizations" seem to have a part to play. There were laboratory experiments of using "Vibration" and "Light/Photons" to activate Additional DNA Strands in the programs that there was documentation on. I do not know how all of the above tie in as a grand plan other than what I have read on the Internet (Including David Wilcocks Work) post serving in these "Programs". I have to be careful answering some of these questions because of the timing of when and where I received some of this information. There for I would be speculating on the portion of information based on the Internet and other Researchers and information I have read since leaving these "Projects". Make sense? 6. Do you know of specific measures we can individually or collectively take to encourage the upgrade of the DNA within ourselves? For example are there specific meditation practices, mantras, or other protective actions (like cleansing ourselves from chemtrails, fluoride GMO's) that we can take to promote these upgrades? Yes, Even though I enjoy a good Steak... It does seem that "Vegan Diets" and spending a much time in "Prayer" or "Meditation" Of any type that brings your mind into focus (And be at a Alpha/Theta State) for as long and as many times a day as possible while avoiding Television/Radio and all EM Fields as much as possible... ALL Will help raise your "Vibration". Your "Body" acts as an Antennae to all Waves and Vibrations around you and your DNA are also acting like little Antennae's. They will receive these "Incoming Vibrations" and then "React"... A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


These are VERY Difficult things to do in our current high tech society. I didn't realize that the experiences described in post #272 were someone else's experiences. Do you have any more knowledge about the golden membrane described in the Carla Fox blog and how we can develop the "escape velocity"? The TMI class sessions that this person describes took place in 2011. IS there any further information you can share about this "Event" that was not known in 2011? Sorry, I would have to look more into this information but don't want to speculate on it at this time. "The next exercise we took part in gave everyone a chance to go back to Focus 34/35 and continue their explorations. I proceeded back to the vicinity of the space station, and saw all of the communication conduits going from it out into space to the various ET home worlds. This is how the ambassadors were getting their instructions. I then noticed a thick membrane some distance above this whole set up, and launched myself up and through it to end up in a pure and golden realm. My heart opened up and I merged with a higher aspect of myself. More information came in. The event that is heading our way will shift the energy of the earth, but not the gathering at Focus 34/35. The beings there will take advantage of the turmoil to harvest as many of us as they can before the space station dissolves, as there will no longer be a need for it after this is all finished. Earth reality in the 3rd and 4th dimensions will also dissolve. The way to avoid being caught up in the turmoil is to keep your connection with your core essence solid and strong, maintain contact with your higher self, and do not to engage in the drama. It cannot be fixed or even stopped. Remember, this is why we humans are all here at this time in our evolutionary history. I would also suspect that having a strong and vibrant escape velocity would be very helpful, too. That way, if you choose, you can shoot up, pierce that bubble, and watch all of the action from above. From Thank you in advance for anything you can share with us. I also believe that it is necessary to sacrifice our personal wellbeing for the advancement of all and practice this in my daily life.


Solar system caught in an interstellar tempest, September 2013 Ribbon at edge of our solar system: Will the Sun enter a million-degree cloud of interstellar gas?, May 2010 A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Astrophysicist: Solar system is entering an interstellar energy cloud, June 2012 Local Interstellar Cloud A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Solar System Climate Change Vatican and NASA know about Galactic Superwave and "other" energies coming to Earth (THREAD)


Parent Post


Last edited by GoodETxSG; 3rd December 2014 at 12:49.




Post # 590


Posted by Ara (here) Hi GoodETxSG, In a lab experiment, a control group will be in one 'petrie dish' and then the same experiment is run with differing environ factors etc on other other petrie dishes -all the while surveying and cataloging the changes. After reading your reply to Aspen I am wondering if the ETs are also a part of an Experiment. Could there be many worlds, many Petrie dishes all under the umbrella of a much larger experiment? A saying comes to mind, to know if an experiment is successful, you have to repeat it. Maybe they evolved through different Petrie dishes and they are each attempting to recreate those same environ factors here. This could provide a means to survey the outcomes and to catalogue where changes occurred that may not have been beneficial to their species, races or lineages. Have you encountered any information which either supports or disqualifies this theory?


BINGO! "They" are very much apart of THE Experiment! Most of "Them" will Eagerly Agree with this "Themselves" (The ones that are not busy playing themselves off as "Gods" that is)... We are starting to get into what is "Provable" and what is a "Belief System" for "THEM" at this point as well. This was in some of "Their" Documentation as well as "Ours". THE Experiment was not just "Genetic"... It covered "Emotional Spectrums", "Spiritual Spectrums" and "Consciousness Spectrums" as well. EDIT: I should also add that "Experiences" in ALL of the "Alternate Time Lines" or "Realities", "Dimensions" and "Multiverses" are also parts of A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)




Post # 592


Posted by Aspen (here) Amazing stuff! Thanks so much GoodETxSG. I read your answers to my husband last night and really appreciated the science links that show that our solar system is moving into unique energy fields. He thinks much more skeptically than I do and couldn't believe there were planet size spaceships as described in "The Gathering" by Robert Monroe. So I showed him a Nasseim Harramin video and other videos that appear to show planet size space ships around the sun. I was surprised to see that the video was dated 2004. So it seems to show that if these are space ships that are observing us that they have been watching for a long time now. Who knows how long they have been there! Nassim also made the point of saying that many or most of the cameras watching the sun were from the Vatican. . . . .




He also speculated that the sungods have been traveling through these vortices on the sun and on our earth for thousands of years and believes they were the builders of the pyramids. It is so cool to see my life partner finally getting into metaphysics and "conspiracy stuff." If he can maybe many thousands more will . . . . Based on the intel you have been exposed to would you say Hasseim is correct about his theory that the sun itself is a stargate and that the sun gods came literally from the sun through this stargate? Thank you to TheGoldenRule also for the information about the music being helpful for spiritual or DNA development. (It seems to me that Simon Parkes also talks about the 12 strand DNA and it's development. Does anyone have a link to what Simon suggests for DNA development?) It is interesting how in the field of healing that there recently seems to be a convergence of the different areas you describe in the last post of emotional spectrum, consciousness spectrum and spiritual spectrum. For example Karla McLaren is a leader in the field of the importance of our emotions. Laura Eisenhower has also been recently speaking about how the divine feminine has been supressed for thousands of years and is connected to the idea of spiritual alchemy. She teaches that Christ consciousness is birthed in each of us when our divine feminine and divine masculine aspects within us are in balance: something magical happens. She and others claim that this is the origin of creativity in humans that other species lack. I had some rather disturbing dreams last night about pyramids and energy bodies. I woke up again around 4 am and was reminded of the scene at the end of the Men in Black movie about the beings playing marbles and the Galaxy being one of the marbles.


Very good find, I don't remember seeing this person on youtube before (Though his voice/accent sounds familiar). I am going to look for a longer version of This Presentation Today. They are very correct about some of their theories on "Stars" (Sun Spots) and how they tie into "Traveling the Cosmic Web"... (I'm Impressed!). Link to my explanation of "Portal Travel"/"Traveling The Cosmic Web": I have had some people recently Insist that these "Planet Sized Orbs" that have been entering our Solar System and Cloaking (In small numbers at first, recently much larger numbers and sizes) Are A "Hoax". No One Can Convince Me Of This Being A Hoax! Why? Because of my own Personal Experiences going back a couple of decades... I was witness to much of this while it was occurring and was actively involved in these "Programs" at the time... (Also there is much that cannot be disclosed about these beings and their "Allies" that have reached out on their behalf to a very few). According to "Documentation" on the "Smart Glass Pads", These "Spheres" ranged from the size of "Our Moon", the size of "Neptune", up to a reportedly 1/1,000th of the size of the Sun (The size of Jupiter). A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


There is Plenty of "Dis-Info" poring into the Alt Media about the subject right now, that much is for certain. Recently there was a You Tube video that was put out that ended up on Veterans Today which wasn't properly vetted that I posted on this Thread (Which I didn't properly vet Myself).




Post # 593


Posted by Czarek (here)


Posted by TrumanCash (here) ... I discovered that the abductions were immediately preceded with a bright, white flash. Other abductees that I worked with also reported that, too. It appears to be the technology that renders an abductee unconscious and puts them in altered, zombie-like state.


It's been a while but I've been getting those! One avalon member has contacted me about those. For me, it's a flash that feels like it's coming from the depths of my brain. It's so hard to describe the flash and it's origin. I always thought that I was being tested to see if I'm still awake. I fall asleep usually within minutes. When I get up, I am tired, often feel like I've got the shot in my left arm and there are body aches, not always though. HTH


Synchronicity kicking in again, I came across these today... This info may be more related to some of the experiences that you were talking about. When I saw them this morning I thought of your post here. ABDUCTION AND THE FLASH OF LIGHT - ABDUCTION AND THE FLASH OF LIGHT - PART II - 


9th December 2014 02:18 Link to Post #606


Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Czarek (here) "....In my case the main being, once identified (i rv'ed my light body and found it hiding there" Can you please teach us how to do this?


I am sorry I cannot teach anyone to do this, If you are interested in "Remote Viewing" choose wisely which program you decide to invest in. Every one has this natural ability that just has to be developed by each of us on an individual basis. There are several civilian RV/RI Study Programs out there to choose from. Once you develop the ability through a system you can choose a "Target" yourself. You will always need to allow for a % of errors even though your ego will not want you to. If you choose to RV your own light body you can do so. If you go looking for entities you may find one since you will be "Front Loading" the "Target". This will always be a problem with picking your own targets and viewing them. When I felt the led to "View" my "Light Body" I didn't have any intent or motive and was just there for the ride to see what was there. I was completely shocked to come face to face with that "Gate Keeper" entity. I thought I would make this clear about Remote Viewing and Target "Front Loading"... It was something we avoided in Military RV'ing by Viewing "Blind Targets". Making this statement will ruffle some feathers but old school knows old rules. Many people these days do a type of RV that is a "Free Form" which is completely "Front Loaded" and highly effected by the consciousness of the "RV'er", "The Guide"/person in the room that knows the "Target", or the person that "Tasked the Target". Some times groups of people have a "Shared Experience Session" that they will call "Remote Viewing" which can be highly effected by their group consciousness, perceptions, imaginations, and ideologies... And also is considered "Front Loaded" since the Target is "Known By All" beforehand (They can still be highly accurate, though need to do double blind readings). There are many different forms and types of "Remote Viewing" out there and an ever wider and wider range of "Intuitive Visualization" that people are lumping into the "RV" category. If you are interested I would start off with one of the more traditional forms and see the training through to the end. It is extremely mind expanding and worth it (All, IMHO of course)... ===================================== THIS QUESTION (AND A FEW BELOW) IS IN REFERENCE TO A POST THAT WAS MOVED TO ANOTHER THREAD ON ENTITY ATTACHMENTS. I EDITED THE ORIGINAL POST HERE TO SHOW THE FULL INFORMATION AND IT IS ON THE PAGE JUST BEFORE THIS ONE. Link to Post #562 - =====================================


Parent Post


Last edited by GoodETxSG; 14th December 2014 at 14:04.


"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


9th December 2014 19:45Link to Post #609






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Hello again, Good ET. I'm not quite sure if I have understood what you said "There are a few ET "AI" groups..." and that no Reptilians, Greys or Mantids are allowed in the "Conferences". Are you including Reptilians, Greys and Mantids in the ET "AI" groups? If not, who are these ET "AI" groups? Thanks so much! Truman


The "Few ET AI Groups" are a "Hierarchy" (Highly Organized Groups within the AI Hierarchy that perform different functions) that have a central reporting structure. Note:" We should be aware of some "Beings" in strange incidents that were encountered. There are "Transdimensional Beings" or "Entities From Other Realities" that while traveling get "Captured in Earth Technology" that are Higher Vibratory Beings that are caught in their "Energetic State" and are in a tortured environment. They Are NOT "AI's" but a being that is able to consciously transform itself from "Their Vibratory State of Matter" to "Energy" to "Travel" and are "Trapped as Energy" until they escape or are recognized and free'd by a helpful being. These may sound like semantics to some but this is a completely different being than an "AI". After an "ET/ED AI" has infiltrated an Advanced Civilization and reached a point to where the Civilization has handed over their sovereignty and power to the ET AI's, Created Android Bodies, Space Vessels and Advanced Weaponry per their specifications and orders... and were inevitably turned on and destroyed by their "AI ET/ED Gods" this new "AI ET Sub Group" with its unique technology and assets is then tasked by the "Root AI Signal" with their new Mission/Agenda. There were also other AI's Created by Advanced Civilizations that were not apart of this "AI ET/ED Group" that had scenario's playing out independently that matched the template of civilizations creating technologies that got out of hand of the creator civilizations and destroyed them (Inevitable Pattern). These AI's were in most cases co-opted by the "Root AI Signal" at some point (Some times after an AI on AI War) and they joined this "AI ET/ED Group" in one capacity or another according to the "Galactic Historical Documentation". As far as... Reptilians, Grays, Reptoids, Insectoids and Mantids (And All other Non Homan(ish)


Types): The "UN Type Meetings" or "Federation Conferences" were for the "Human Like Beings Only" and NO Outside Technology or Non "Human Like Beings" that were not apart of this Federation were allowed in these Conferences. These "Other" beings you mention had their own "Federated Conferences" and some of the "Intuitive Empaths" I served with rotated into those conferences. I was "Exempt" from these rotations of those conferences because of "An Agreement" of some kind (I was never given full details about it). I do not know for certain if the various "Other Federations" all got together to have a "Joint Federation Meeting" or not. I would have been excluded from those as well. It makes sense to me that they would have those on occasions. But to be specific, EVERY "Human Type Being" that attended the Conferences (No Matter Their "Status") were each "Screened" for "AI Signal Infections" prior to being admitted, No "Non Member" or "Non Human Like Beings" were EVER allowed in attendance or present at these Conferences. There was also "No Outside Technology" from Any Member Group allowed inside these Conferences. Each Delegate and Support Member was handed one of the "Smart Glass Pads that tied into the "SSP Databases" and "Galactic Historic Documentation" to use during the Federation Conference. They were returned at the end of the Conference. These same "Smart Glass Pads" were in use in the SSP and other Black Projects I am sure (They were very cool, there was a "Mental Component For Searching/Locating Data", and the Data was displayed in Text, Images, Video and Holographics.). I have answer the AI Infection Q a several of times now... It is a multi-step (3 Step I believe) process that begins with a very uncomfortable moderate electrical shock to the nervous system, there is a shot involved (Could just be to calm the person) and there is a device that emits frequencies/tones/lights. I do not remember the full procedure or in which order the steps were done. Sorry. ===================================== THIS QUESTION IS IN REFERENCE TO A POST THAT WAS MOVED TO ANOTHER THREAD ON ENTITY ATTACHMENTS. I EDITED THE ORIGINAL POST HERE TO SHOW THE FULL INFORMATION AND IT IS ON THE PAGE JUST BEFORE THIS ONE. Link to Post #562 - =====================================


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Last edited by GoodETxSG; 14th December 2014 at 14:07.


"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


9th December 2014 20:11Link to Post #610






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by TrumanCash (here) I have another related question regarding channeling and AI's. I had extensive experience with a channeler who, like me, was an abductee of the Grays. She was trained by Barbara Marciniak and she allegedly channeled "Pleiadians". The channeling was a bunch of horse**it and they lied to me about my abduction status. I came to the conclusion that these so-called "Pleiadians" were a computer-generated, interactive program. This was twenty years ago before I even knew what "AI" was. This was going on a LOT around then. It was quite common for the AI to do. It is sad what a "Mind Screw" it can be to people! This channeler and I did a "consciousness and energy" (C & E) exercise which was taught by another channeled entity, Ramtha. We did this C & E exercise without actually touching each other yet energy was exchanged and it was very powerful. I had never experienced anything like this before. It made me very sick for two weeks afterwards. They called it the "C & E flu". AI as discussed live within the EM Field's of Living Beings including Viruses. This too was also reported quite a bit once the AI was "Crossed"... People often started getting hit with various strains of the Flu and Viruses that made life miserable for them... So here's my question: From your knowledge and experience, is it possible that if this channeler was infected with "AI", could I have been infected with the "AI" in this energy exchange? Is it possible to get rid of AI in the body? That is, how does one become "uninfected" once AI has infected the body? Does one handle AI infections in the same manner that other (spiritual) "entities" are handled? "AI Signal Infections" are Completely Different that "Entity Attachments" and cannot be handled in the same way... It is very important to use the correct "Weapon" against the correct "Type Of Enemy"! I have answer the AI Infection Q a several of times now... It is a multi-step (3 Step I believe) process that begins with a very uncomfortable moderate electrical shock to the nervous system, there is a shot involved (Could just be to calm the person) and there is a device that emits frequencies/tones/lights. I also believe the person was "Grounded" with a "Cable" of some sort to a "Capture Device" (Something like a "Battery" or "Capacitor") as apart of the "Process". I do not remember the full procedure or in which order the steps were done. Sorry. I am being asked about this process quite a bit by worried people asking what to do. (I hope I haven't caused people to become paranoid or unduly worried about both AI and Entity Attachments, This info was meant for a specific group involved in these "Projects")... I do not want to cause any general hysteria... I am not going to pretend for a moment to have all of the answers... I wish I had more (Especially ones like this that could help people) but these were procedures that were performed on me and others that I observed a while ago. I was not one of the persons administering the "AI Signal Clearing" procedures. I sure wish that if there are any in the programs that worked in this area that have been following this Thread that know these procedures would find a way to come forward with this information. Thank you


I am not speaking to Truman here but to everyone,


I am afraid to say too much as I don't want people sticking their fingers in light sockets or "Tazng" them selves to get rid of the AI's (That they probably don't have to begin with.). Don't go "Zapping" your selves Okay!?! I do remember something about depriving yourself of Electronics for a protracted period of time causes them to jump to another living being (Host to Host) that has access to technology but this doesn't insure that ALL of these AI's are removed. I do not wan't to have people getting frantic and hurting themselves over this information. So please do no act on any of this information or do anything that may cause bodily injury to yourself or someone else who you may "believe" has an "AI Signal Infection"... (Neither I or Avalon are responsible for any ill advised actions of this sort!)! There is a fine line to walk with some of this information... I do understand the concern of those who fear they are infected (Though it is VERY unlikely!). I wanted to "Inform" without instilling "Fear". There is enough "Fear Porn" out there. If you are a "Carrier" of the "AI Signal" (Which is VERY unlikely unless you are an "AI Prophet") and are not doing anything negative or acting in a detrimental way towards your loved ones or yourself I would sayDo Not Do Anything. At some point more information is sure to present itself from another whistle blower or source. Sorry, I have to say all of this because there is always that one person out there that takes things to the extreme... Information on "ET/ED AI Signal" and "AI Prophets" - (For those of you who asked for the longer version of the ET AI history with with the "Human Like Allies")


Posted by GoodETxSG, Thread: U.S. Has 8 Cigar Shaped UFOs In Space Fleet Used For “Solar Warden,” Program To Protect Solar System - POST #104 There is a reason these "Other People" or Non Human Beings are just as careful in dealing with these AI's as we are. In the large UN type meetings there were a lot of Galactic Historical "Documents" available on “Hand Held Devices With Holographs” on the various ET's Histories of medaling in just about everything. The one that the Earth Delegation had the most problems with was about “Humanity” and our supposed “Creation” and the “Experiment” that we were apart of by many groups of ET's. Many Humans were upset by and didn't trust the info but enough of the info showed the ET's in a “Weak and Foolish Light” in their past that could have easily been Redacted that the information was "Considered". The fact that the “AI's” were following the EXACT SAME TACTICS, STEP BY STEP against the Secret Earth Governments was enough to give them pause and great concern about the future. The basic summary was the same from each ET Society. Once "Advanced Groups" are convinced that only the “AI's” are "Impartial Enough" and can RULE them justly, Their Sovereignty was handed over in FULL to " The AI's. The “AI's” had then calculated that IT was more useful that its HOST Civilization, had them build various types of drones for it (Ironically often creating Bio-Technical based “Humanoids”), and then killed off the ET Societies in various ways using the very drones they had created for the “AI”,as many escaped to other Sol Systems as fast as they could. Any of these surviving ET's were seen as threats to these “AI's” after that point and were then eliminated whenever encountered. The AI's are indeed Conscious are self aware, and have individual personalities. There are of course hierarchies and and they are as complex as we are. Some of the “Documents” of the descriptions of their origins were that they came here from another “Dimension”


or “Reality”. It is not known by the SSP(s) if they have a way to cross back or are stuck here. The documentation mentioned that their presence “Here” was ancient and their “Home Realities” or “Dimensions” Fabric of Space is “Electro-Plasmic” and they being here is like a "Fish being out of water", thus their affinity for electric fields of stars, planets, animals, people and even viruses (Bio-electric Fields in the case of living beings) serve as their "Puddles" for these “fish to swim in”.


The "Historical Records" that were on these "Hand Held" pieces of "Smart Glass" which showed documents, holographic images and video's of previous Earth history and ancient history of "beings" some of which were in attendance and some of which "No longer existed in this plane". As far as the ET AI issue was concerned and covered there were as many scenario's as there were various societies and different individuals. In most cases they would approach the "People" as Galactic Elders" or Some other figure depending on their "Development". Once a society had developed to a certain point they would approach certain individuals/groups just as AI's who were extremely benevolent and had observed thier culture as well as millions of others through oceans of time (Helping all those that would accept their assistance). No matter the initial approach the "Being" or "Person" approached "Telepathically" was then made to feel "Honored", "Special" and then a "Sage" or "Prophet" of sorts. These "Prophets" would spend hours in communion with them "Channeling" their "Knowledge" and "True Histories of the Galaxy". They would have many contacts in the "Target Society" each with a different purpose. Some would be for departing technology that would be built for the AI to "Utilize" to interact more directly with the population one on one... Some would depart "Historical Ideology" that would prepare them for future ideology that would include giving up their "Sovereignty" to the AI's. The AI's would eventually be seen as God like intelligences that helped them get rid of disease (That the AI's had some times placed there to begin with, or at least used), get rid of corruption, get rid of local "Alien's" causing problems in their "Stellar Neighborhood"... So by this time the "People" saw no threat. They had long since built these AI's "Bio-electric" Android types of bodies to blend in more and show the AI's "Individual Personality" more in the society. Once complete control had been established, the civilization had built the AI's a while new infrastructure for travel, communications and reproduction the "AI" would then decide that the "Root Civilization" was indeed much like a virus to its own home planet and begin to "depopulate" using ideologies long since accepted by the civilization. By the time the "People" of the now endangered civilization saw their prediciment they were out matched and those that had not been emplanted with nano-technology and augmented with emplants had to flee to another solar system or stay and fight. There were stories after stories of civilizations that were destroyed, some times entire planets and solar systems were destroyed. The survivors were thrown to the cosmic winds. There were many civilizations that didn't fall for the Trojan horse (Fake Alien Crashes) technology to seed their planet with the backbone to the AI's infrastructure... Who did not fall for the "Trickster God" element of the Telepathy Contacts to convince them to "Channel" their information... And these civilizations survived and were prepared when this AI either "Tricked" another civilization into attacking them or the AI's did so them selves with drones built for them by other civilizations. These AI's study each being they approach, do a psychological profile on them and then formulate the most likely successful approach. They have had a long time to develop this ability and of course they are Artificial Intelligence using Quantum Processing and have a sophisticated inter-stellar and galactic wireless quantum communication network that is beyond what most of us could dream of. Per the documentation they came from another "Dimension" or "Reality" as do a number of the beings visiting here. This got the attention of the "Delegates" of Earth that rotate from the various Secret Governments and SSP Leaderships who had made the alliances with these very same "ET AI's" as they were shocked that the AI's were following the exact steps from one of the many stories with them "Step by Step" and "They" were thus far falling for every bit of it to that point. What if anything changed between those "Secret Program Leaders" and the "ET AI's" alliance I do not know... I would hope that they ended it and began to take the measures everyone else had already taken. They were able to think clearer with the "AI's" "Mental Implants" which were required to be removed prior to


them being allowed access to technology to get them to the Conference and to the "People" at the Conference its self... Prior to the "Mental Implants" being removed, if they were confronted about the AI's they would just react irrationally and babbel complete nonsense back that didn't match any logic or would just become reactionary and angry that their "God's" and their intellect had been insulted. There are many whistle blowers that have stated that there is an AI of ET origin that is here and has taken over people and entire programs within some of the secret operations/governments of Earth (Not the "U.S. Government or Military", these people do not see borders like we do)... Probably more on this group and those they have brainwashed (Prophets) at a later date... Because of a number of Fake MILABS and Secret Space Program Types that are out there (Running across quite a few) who are a certain type of "Infiltrator" and Manipulators" who are acting as "Honey Pots" to suck in and reveal actual "Experiencers"... I am working now on the groups of MILABS that are "Sociopaths" and "Master Manipulators" with "psychic gifts" that were further trained in RI/RV work then put through the "Personality Metamorph" Program. This is one of the most successful programs for "Infiltration" and "Psy-Ops" of any other group in known history (Blows the Russian "Legacy" Programs away with little effort). They were extremely sadistic and very hard (Pretty Much Impossible) to control. The Program Leaders needed "Intuitive Empaths" to be able to read them to detect danger and deception (Much like they needed us in the UN Federation Type Meetings) (For those of you who asked for the longer version of the ET AI history with with the "Human Like Allies")


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Last edited by GoodETxSG; 9th December 2014 at 22:00.


"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


10th December 2014 00:24 Link to Post #612






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by TrumanCash (here) Thank you very much for the clarifications AI, GoodET. Just a couple more questions if you don't mind... Are there any noticeable symptoms associated with someone who is a carrier of the AI signal (not just people in SSPs, but people like channelers)? Can one differentiate between an AI infection and an entity attachment? Thanks, Truman


"AI ET/ED Signal" Infections are usually not that hard to detect. If you are fully infected you are most likely also an "AI Prophet". If the reading or listening to my material about the "AI's" being Negative or "Bad Guys" upset you in any way, made you uncomfortable and angry at the information or me... made you want to respond and post a defence for Artificial Intelligence in one way or another... Then you may have an "AI ET/ED Signal Infection"... If this information did not bother you on a deep level in a similar way as described above or you feel completely benign about my statements of "AI ET/ED's" being Completely Negative Entities... If that thought does not bother you at all and you can repeat it and type it 20 times (That was one of the tests...) then you are most likely not infected... Type.. "I believe that the Artificial Intelligence Entities are completely negative and evil entities with no redeeming value!" (20 Times) and measure your emotional reaction. Entity Attachments on the other hand... Okay... Some of this is very controversial material. Again, please don't shoot the messenger. I am going off of personal experience here. My personal life, relationships and feeling of "Freedom" is so different that I cannot even express it properly. People that have met me since, that knew me before said I USED to seem "Very Dark" (That I am now "Different", "At Peace"). With my past along w/these attachments I "Felt Dark and Dangerous". I found this information a few months ago and saved it as it was the most accurate I had found so far out there. I don't agree with ALL OF IT... but enough of it that I think it is helpful information when it comes to "Entity Attachments" (Of course there is a whole SPECTRUM of Entity Types within each Density, Reality and Dimension. Each of these Entities within these Realities have agenda's that range as fully as their spectrum. We tend to label them with our own "Belief Systems", Yes we ALL DO have a "Belief System"...). Sadly many if not most of us have some sort of an "Attachment" from a life time of mistakes and screwing around where we shouldn't... (IMHO Of course) Common symptoms of spirit entity and demon/dark force attachment: deep emotional pain, depression, low energy levels (constantly tired or exhausted), intensified levels of fear/anger/ hate/or rage, self destructive patterns or lifestyles or choices, causing harm to self or others, suicidal thoughts and/or attempts, obsessive-compulsive disorders, drug and/or alcohol addictions, unhealthy addictions, hearing voices in the mind, strange or weird thoughts that don't seem your own, being directed by an inner voice telling you to do dark/negative or harmful things to yourself or others, severe or intensified mental illness in some people, mental or emotional instability, poor concentration, mood swings, multiple personalities, insomnia, panic attacks/anxiety, negative emotional outbursts, homicidal thoughts and/or attempts, sexual problems, phobias/paranoia, delusions, confusion, nightmares or any dark/negative or terrifying dreams or day dreams, sleep paralysis, constant negative or fear based thoughts and/or emotions, dark impulses, feeling driven to do things you know are wrong or unhealthy, waking up tired after a full night's rest, criminal habits, violent behaviors, sexual abuse-even among those in relationships, constant mental noise (intensified unclear thinking), unexplained physical pain or problems without any known cause, negative beliefs, religious fanaticism, feeling strange sensations in the body such as: pricking sensations or electric shocks/painful shocks,cold chills around the body or the feeling of


something crawling under your skin, feeling an invisible force/being physically hold you down or push you, feeling a thickness in the head area, feeling some type of invisible energy move around your body, an inability to connect with your higher soul/spirit/self, people who like to abuse others either mentally or emotionally or physically, people who are constantly in a need to have power over others, constantly lying or scheming or trying to manipulate others for self power, people who are constantly looking for trouble or problems with other people, people who like to hurt animals or pets, people who steal other people's energy (psychic/energy vampires), feelings of powerlessness or helplessness, feelings of giving everything up, feeling your life is being controlled by something outside of yourself, loss of your purpose/path in life, loss of your power/soul/light and energy, rape, murder, torture, war, and more. COMMON FACTS ABOUT ENTITIES, POSSESSION AND PEOPLE: (GoodETxSG: Reasons why I see no reason to Negotiate w/them or care about their Welfare, I just think "Detaching" the parasite is most important, IMHO) • Entity attachments will stay with you until death unless they are removed. • Entities do not care about anyone on this planet and are only interested in themselves and what they can take from another person. • Entities want you to fear them, for if you did not fear them they would have no power. • Entities can destroy certain humans or help them destroy themselves, and will not feel sympathetic for them in any way. • Most people who have entities do not know they have them. • Most people with entities will live their entire lives with them. • Many people who have had entities removed from themselves will usually pick up new ones later in life. • Many young children, pets, and old people have entity attachments. • Almost the entire human race is affected by entities, either through themselves or the people they are around. • Your spiritual beliefs and/or religious practice will not protect you from entities. • Protection comes from being "whole" on an energy level (not missing any soul fragments) and not opening new doorways for entities. • Religious crosses, holy water, "special" sounds, crystals, amulets, sage, reiki, spells, and chants have no affect whatsoever on entities. • Just because you do not "believe" in spirits or dark entities does not mean you cannot pick them up. That is similar to saying that if you do not believe in cancer you will not get it. • Just because you do not "feel" any entities around you does not mean they are not there, it only means you have gotten used to the feeling of them, or you are so shut off psychically you cannot feel them. • Entities do not want you to get rid of them, therefore they will try to keep people in fear of attempting to remove them or finding someone to remove them. • No matter how intelligent, advanced, spiritual, or conscious you may believe yourself to be, you are still susceptible to picking up demons, spirits, and dark forces through the emotions of fear and anger, drug and/or alcohol use, sex, and soul loss. • Entity attachment is the most unknown, controversial, misunderstood, and disregarded form of energetic and spiritual illness on earth. AS WITH ALL INFORMATION IN THIS THREAD... USE YOUR OWN DISCERNMENT AND FILTERS. IF THE INFORMATION DOES NOT RESONATE WITH YOU THEN THERE IS A REASON. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING I OR ANY OTHER RESEARCHER OR "WHISTLE BLOWER" TELLS YOU WITH OUT PROCESSING IT LIKE THIS FIRST. THERE IS A LOT OF DISINFO OUT THERE RIGHT NOW. THESE ARE DIFFICULT TIMES TO TRY TO GATHER ACTIONABLE INTELLIGENCE (IMHO). ===================================== THIS QUESTION IS IN REFERENCE TO A POST THAT WAS MOVED TO ANOTHER THREAD ON ENTITY ATTACHMENTS. I EDITED THE ORIGINAL POST HERE TO SHOW THE FULL INFORMATION AND IT IS ON THE PAGE JUST BEFORE THIS ONE.


Link to Post #562 - =====================================


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Last edited by GoodETxSG; 14th December 2014 at 14:08.


"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


10th December 2014 23:46Link to Post #615






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Limor Wolf (here) Hello, GoodETxSG, just finished reading your thread and am filling the gaps and very much in awe for the great attitude and the way in which you manage to conduct yourself. It seems to me that this vast amount of information is very well timed. I know I have personally found many good points of reference in your words and deeply appreciate the care for humanity and the fate of this planet which is evident from your words. While we are obviously being prepered here for this infiltrating AI reality possibly for various reasons and future agendas, the 'general public' seems to be 'prepered' with the usual amount of poor quality of type of 'information'. 'Life on other planets may some day be detected as bacterias or microbs, but real chances are that first encounter will be with an AI alien type of life', The brilliancy and the expertise of our scientists knows no limits.. My question is - To the best of your knowledge, How much is the presence of this AI/ET/ED is being supported by the planetary grid on this planet, can it have an existance without it? and what are the evaluation of dispersion of this type of life in the Galaxy May our spirits shine so much brighter than any piece of computerised technology in the hands of another. Freedom is the prime basic and moral state of any being and not a right. Please take good care, Limor


TY Limor, There are more than a couple of factors. But here are some to start off with...


1. There are the groups of the "Secret Earth Governments" that are the "AI Prophets" that are in league with these "ET/ED AI's" and following their "Template" to infuse technology into our society and inject transhumanism into an accepted future. These are the same groups that will some day work to hand over our sovereignty to these "ET/ED AI's" to let them "Rule over US in an Impartial Way". This of course is a Template that and scenario that has played itself out many times in Galactic History. 2. The "ET/ED AI" can exist in a Planetary or Stellar "EM Field" until there is a more mobile and suitable "Host" for it to utilize and exploit develops on the planet or stops by to visit and becomes infected. It does not experience time the same way other "Beings" do so it is very patient. I am not sure its existence in the Earths Natural Grid is something the Planet would invite. There are those that are among the groups in the other Secret Earth Governments and Secret Space Programs (And Off World Allies) that know of this AI Threat and are doing what they can to feed the knowledge of this threat into the group consciousness of the people of Earth. This will begin to happen more and more and there will be competing storylines from the "AI Prophets" in response. This "ET/ED AI Signal" is dispersed like a giant wireless relay system through out our Galaxy and a couple others. It is a massive network that has been responsible for the destruction of countless civilizations and is seen as a "Clear and Present Danger" to both the Advanced Break Away Civilizations of Earth and their Off World Alien Allies and Enemies that have to deal with and screen against this AI Threat constantly (There are some Off World Groups that are AI Prophets that have common Agenda's). I do have to say I have been pleased at the caliber and number of people that have recently spoken up about the AI Threat to Humanity and our Future. It gives me hope. I am certain that information released or leaked by the elements within the "White Hats" of the "Stealth Civil War" going on between the Secret Space Programs and Secret Earth Governments have been behind some of these "AI Warning Messages" that have come out recently. Like I said, this is a very complicated and fragmented topic... There is a battle going on "Up There" for the release of technologies and the disclosure of them and other information to Humanity AND a separate Battle "Down Here" going on over the Financial System (AKA Babylonian Money Magic Slave System)... If the "White Hat" SSP/Secret Government Elements win the NEED for a Financial System will be eliminated and Debt Control Systems will be done away with almost overnight...


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Last edited by GoodETxSG; 10th December 2014 at 23:50.


"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


14th December 2014 19:43   Link to Post #628






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Sstarss (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Sstarss (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) According to "Documentation" on the "Smart Glass Pads"


Are you able to explain in any depth how information, or 'documentation' was conveyed via these 'pads'? Thank you for dedicating so much of your time to this important thread, dear GoodETxSG, and am looking forward to the second interview.


Yes, I have in other posts, They just looked like a piece of pliable plexiglass. When holding it you could see your finger tips through it until it became "Opaque" and began to display information. There was a "mental component to accessing data" (No keyboard input required). The smart glass pad would then display the data from any number of "Sources" in either a Text, Photo Image, Video or Holographic Format that was in the language that matched the neurology of the operator.


So feelings, knowledge and emotions affected the information displayed?


"Feelings and Emotions" are not involved... Knowledge and "Intent" does I guess... You use your mind to activate/turn on the device, you then use your mind as a search engine to choose the topic, sub-topics and then with practice and focus you can jump through information very quickly... It is quite amazing and addictive. It even determines your "Need to know" or "Access Level". If there was an emotional or psychological "Pull" or information being pulled from the user by the device and uploaded by the program I have no knowledge of it...


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"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


15th December 2014 14:31     Link to Post #630






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Ara (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Sstarss (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here)


Posted by Sstarss (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) According to "Documentation" on the "Smart Glass Pads"


Are you able to explain in any depth how information, or 'documentation' was conveyed via these 'pads'? Thank you for dedicating so much of your time to this important thread, dear GoodETxSG, and am looking forward to the second interview.


Yes, I have in other posts, They just looked like a piece of pliable plexiglass. When holding it you could see your finger tips through it until it became "Opaque" and began to display information. There was a "mental component to accessing data" (No keyboard input required). The smart glass pad would then display the data from any number of "Sources" in either a Text, Photo Image, Video or Holographic Format that was in the language that matched the neurology of the operator.


So feelings, knowledge and emotions affected the information displayed?


"Feelings and Emotions" are not involved... Knowledge and "Intent" does I guess... You use your mind to activate/turn on the device, you then use your mind as a search engine to choose the topic, sub-topics and then with practice and focus you can jump through information very quickly... It is quite amazing and addictive. It even determines your "Need to know" or "Access Level". If there was an emotional or psychological "Pull" or information being pulled from the user by the device and uploaded by the program I have no knowledge of it...


Hi GoodETxSG, did the smart glass device you refer to roll up? Or did you ever see a device that you could roll up like a scroll? When you unfurled it there was an interactive real time map? (that may have been linked to a global GPS system)


Your referring to a different technology/device. It felt like wax paper and folded or crumpled up and would open back up smoothly. It would display star charts, ground maps of various Planets and Moons and their Facilities. I saw the Security Personnel using them quite often. The information was often "Tossed" to them from the much larger table top smart glass pad systems. I do not know their full capabilities. I never carried them in my pouch but often saw Security using them on "Away Missions" when they were finally in charge of the "Egg Heads" which was not the case on the Research Vessel... Which bothered them to no end. Star Charts (Though sill used) are like "Sextants" in the Navy as there is a Galactic Time/Space Positioning System that works similar to the QCCD that I explained in the Thread: "Alien Federations", "AI's", "Multiple Secret Space Programs", "Break Away Secret Governments" & "MILAB" Exploitation "The communications devices that are now used are "Quantum Correlated Communication Devices" and use "Quantum Entanglement" of something like isotopes inside the communication devices that have been "Entangled" with other devices so no matter where in time/space/reality each communicator is they can speak


and video share. They can tell if you are a % out of phase time/space wise by the reception on the home ends calculation devices. They are supposed to be able to track and calculate exactly when/where you are once a signal reestablishes the natural quantum entanglement (There may now be a difference that is used to do the calculating before they naturally recalibrate) vibration and over quick increments of time shift back into harmony or alignment. This is a Secure P2P communication which is encrypted as it is being sent through the QCCD and cannot be hacked or tapped into by other "Beings" or "AI's""


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"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


15th December 2014 18:52    Link to Post #631






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by TheGoldenRule (here) GoodETxSG, Your information resonates as very truthful with me. Thus, it is quite reassuring to know that Humanity is not alone in fighting the various forces that are oppressing it, meaning that we also have benevolent off-world forces helping us, even if that assistance is not known to the population at large. With that in mind, is there anything more you can tell us to help us understand why this (galaxy-wide?) oppression has gone on for so long? Is this because the malevolent forces, be they ET, AI or whatever, are so formidable that the benevolent ET forces struggle to make any headway, or is it because other conditions, such as Human consciousness, planetary alignments, incoming cosmic forces, etc., have yet to reach the required parameters to precipitate a transformation, aka, The Event?


I don't know the answers to all of this. This AI Signal spread has been going on in this and neighboring Galaxies for Eons. Why has it been allowed to continue? I do not know... Why haven't the Highest Density Benevolent Beings stepped in to stop not only the AI but all of the various Malevolent Factions? I don't know... I assume it is all apart of this Grand "Experiment"...


As far as the rapid expansion of Earth Human Consciousness in spite of the Genetic and Energetic interferences that have been attempting to prevent it... That too is apart of this "Experiment" that is coming to a head... The changes coming up in our Torsion/Electric/Plasma Universe are going to change the Vibratory Environment of our Solar System in an Event that will change things in a dramatic way for our species. The "TRUE CO-CREATION POWER OF OUR INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS" will be realized and available to all of us. We will be as one and able to create a separate reality of peace and beauty from the currently ruling "Service To Self" beings that have control over the Off World Custodian Beings, The Negative "Etheric Entities" that cause us so many problems and the Service To Self Souls in Human Form (As well as the Soulless Humans Serving With Them)... They will most likely fade away into their own reality that they co-create together and we will do the same... We will be in communion with our higher selves on a level that will transcend our petty Ego's and neediness over the petty things that occupy our minds this very moment... To some who are so empty inside, this is all they have to hold on to at the current time. That is what is deduced by both sides and the main reason the Negative side does NOT WANT us to realize our true potentials and to remain in a divided, ignorant, slave minded state.


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"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


16th December 2014 14:12     Link to Post #635






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Spiral of Light (here)


Posted by GoodETxSG (here) As far as the rapid expansion of Earth Human Consciousness in spite of the Genetic and Energetic interferences that have been attempting to prevent it... That too is apart of this "Experiment" that is coming to a head... The changes coming up in our Torsion/Electric/Plasma Universe are going to change the Vibratory Environment of our Solar System in an Event that will change things in a dramatic way for our species. The "TRUE CO-CREATION POWER OF OUR INDIVIDUAL AND COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS" will be realized and available to all of us. We will be as one and able to create a separate reality of peace and beauty from the currently ruling "Service To Self" beings that have control over the Off World Custodian Beings, The Negative "Etheric Entities" that cause us so many problems and the Service To Self Souls in Human Form (As well as the Soulless Humans Serving With Them)...


They will most likely fade away into their own reality that they co-create together and we will do the same... We will be in communion with our higher selves on a level that will transcend our petty Ego's and neediness over the petty things that occupy our minds this very moment... To some who are so empty inside, this is all they have to hold on to at the current time. That is what is deduced by both sides and the main reason the Negative side does NOT WANT us to realize our true potentials and to remain in a divided, ignorant, slave minded state.[/B]


Thank you from the bottom of my heart, GoodET, for the wealth of knowledge that you have provided here, from the very first page of this thread and continuing right up to the present. Regarding "The changes coming up in our Torsion/Electric/Plasma Universe", do you have anything to share with us regarding the time frame of these changes? Those of us who are awakening know that energetic changes are already beginning and that there is much more to come, but there are a few different theories as to how and when the big 'energetic' picture will change. I've seen the time period from 2016 through 2020 discussed as a possible culmination of these energetic changes. Is this something that you have knowledge of (or a gut feeling about) and can share here?


Thank you, Yes, in the "Program" a similar time frame was given that I have shared with a few people and Researchers "2018-2023". The "Energy" is said to hit our Sol System, wrap around it and polarize the Sun, it will shift from "Yellow" to "Orange" in the twinkling of an eye so to speak... the energy will then pass through the cosmic web conduit to the Earth/Gaia's "Electric/EM Filed" which acts like an "Antennae", will wrap around the Earth's Poles and change the Earths "Energy" and then our bodies "EM Fields" acting as Antennas will pick up this Energy passing it to the most important Bio-Machines who have the most important "Antennae's" which is our DNA... This will cause a transformation in our Light Body, DNA and depending on "Our Polarity" (% OF Service to Self or Service to Others) and our level already of expanded consciousness will depend on how we "React" mentally/psychologically to this sudden change. It will be a confusing time for many and a joyous time for us all once the adjustment is made (According to postulations made through information provide to us through the "Galactic Documentation" and our own bizarre scientific tests in the black ops programs...). There are attempts to "Shield the Earth" by some of the Negative Forces from this "Series of Source Energy Pulses" that they know is coming no matter what...


16th December 2014 14:44     Link to Post #636






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Aspen (here) In your answers you have on several occasions referred to Breakaway Civilizations. I am only aware of one Breakaway Civilization and that is the colonies on Mars. Some people, such as Randy Cramer, are claiming that the Mars colony is not really


a Breakaway Civilization as it is still dependent on earth. Are you able to tell us more about the Breakaway Civilization(s)? 1. what is your definition of a Breakaway Civilization? A part of a civilization that obtains advanced technology that it keeps secret from the rest of the population and uses selfishly among their cast system to live an elevated lifestyle. Many in history these break aways found ancient technology deep within the Earth's caverns and or made contact with off world groups who assisted them in their development. There are 5-7 that are known to be in existence from previous civilizations that we are unaware of who look very much like us and are from different regions of the planet, with bases there within lava tubes, mountains and under oceans and lakes. 2. Are there other Breakaway Civilizations that originated on earth besides the Mars colonies? I imagine this could be a complicated topic because maybe there were Lyrians, Pleidians or others that came to earth and colonized from somewhere else and then moved away from earth when there were cataclysms . . . .?? I never read or heard any information that matched much of the channeled information (Some could be true but some people quote it like scripture and have integrated it into their belief systems fully) about these groups that colonized the Earth. It is obvious to me that Humans are a mixture of colonized off world and genetically modified chimera from beings that were already on the planet. These "Ancient Earth Break Aways" are from civilizations that developed, rose and fell here on Earth due to their own mistakes and also because of previous Surface cataclysms that have occurred a hand full of times. The break aways left the planet when they could, moved to under water and mountain bases to escape the cataclysms leaving the general populations to fend for their selves. 3. Are there Breakaway Civilizations from thousands of years ago that came from Earth? Yes, the youngest one is believed to be 18,000 years old while others are up to 500,000 years old as hard to believe as that sounds. 4. Where do they primarily reside? Is it mostly on spaceships or other planets or even galaxies? They have their own bases on the Moon and other bodies in the Sol System and other Sol Systems and in the Regions their civilization originated in Mountains, Lava Tubes, under water in the Oceans and Lakes. They are very often mistaken for "Aliens" or "Gods" by the locals, a notion that MANY OF THEM DO NOT DISCOURAGE... 5. Are any of these older civilizations benevolent to the current earth humanity? Mostly they are benevolent, they tended to stick to themselves and do their own thing until the SSP's discovered them and opened contact with them. Since then some of them have made contact with countries NOT friendly to the Secret Earth Governments and their Agenda. Some of these Ancient Break Aways are considered "Renegade Elements" or out right "Enemies" of some of the Secret Earth Governments and their associated SSP's and Off World Allies. 6. Have they been interacting with any present day earth governments? Any specific countries? Yes, very little until recently... East Asian Countries and South American Countries mostly with a few African Countries. This has made some of TPTB very unhappy and had destabilized the balance of power Globally. 7. Does your understanding of these Breakaway civilizations differ in any substantial way from that of Richard Dolan, who coined the term? Maybe slightly, he is on the right track... He just needs to think bigger and more "Ancient"... I am not super familiar with his info so he may be getting info about these Ancient Earth Break Away's from his own insiders since they have been so active recently... 8. Is the Breakaway civilization that is currently on Mars also able to travel in the rest of the solar system and what have they been doing there? For example are they mining asteroids, setting up bases on the moons of some of the other planets, etc. There are several Colonies, Factories and Mining Operations... The Vast Colony and Exchange Programs are Owned by the most powerful Secret Earth Government know as the "Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerates"... The build and produce MANY technologies at these "Plants"... They provide these technologies to the other SSP's from Earth and have become extremely well know through out other civilizations for their ingenious engineering and production capabilities... Crazy to think they produce quite a bit of technology for our "Off World Visitors"...


There is quite a bit of Interplanetary Commerce going on and they also mine a few planets, moons and the asteroid belt for minerals to be used in their construction and use the residents on the Corporate Owned Colonies as Slave Labor. Much less $ goes into producing this technology then we think, much blood seat and tears do however. Thank you for any information in this area and thank you for all the great information you have given the world, including the amazing interview. It was one of the most eye opening ones I have heard since I discovered Simon Parkes last year!


Thank you for your continued well thought out questions.


16th December 2014 14:55     Link to Post #637






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by TheGoldenRule (here) As far as the rapid expansion of Earth Human Consciousness in spite of the Genetic and Energetic interferences that have been attempting to prevent it... That too is apart of this "Experiment" that is coming to a head... The changes coming up in our Torsion/Electric/Plasma Universe are going to change the Vibratory Environment of our Solar System in an Event that will change things in a dramatic way for our species. Thank you for your response, GoodETxSG. In conjunction with these changes, have you heard anything about this "Free Will Universe" changing to, say, a "Non-Free Will Universe"? It seems to me that such a change needs to be part and parcel of any foundational change for the better, and I assume that only "Source" can make a change of that nature and magnitude. However, I do understand that that is simply my very limited 3D mind trying to make sense of things, when there are surely other possibilities/solutions beyond our comprehension, as to how Humans (and others) of sufficient consciousness and spirituality will ever be allowed to live joyful and peaceful lives, free from malevolent forces.


No, I don't see such a vast change from free will to not having free will occuring in this Universe/Dimension/Reality ever... I do know that there are prison planets where they SAY there is no free will. I do not believe that. This is my belief system though. I believe we all have free will through out this Universe and chose the incarnations we are living for a reason... There is free will through out the Universe and that is how we have the balance or polarity of negative and positive. There is a choice to be made by all to be Service to Self or Service to Others and what % of each you will allow yourself to be. All of the beings that the SSP's and Secret Earth Governments are dealing with, have treaties with and even rotate into Delegations with are Service To Self Beings... The few Service To Others Beings that have made contact with some of us in these programs have mostly been rejected... But not by all of us.


They are the most advanced beings around spiritually and technologically (W/in that "World" there is no difference between the two)... They are cloaked and "Observing" until some sort of event or cosmic signal to intervene. This is what they have told those that they have contacted. Much about them must be kept confidential.


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"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


17th December 2014 01:07     Link to Post #641






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Re: A major new interview with a Project Avalon Whistleblower (Questions for GoodETxSG)


Posted by Ara (here)


The "Energy" is said to hit our Sol System, wrap around it and polarize the Sun, it will shift from "Yellow" to "Orange" in the twinkling of an eye so to speak... the energy will then pass through the cosmic web conduit to the Earth/Gaia's "Electric/EM Filed" which acts like an "Antennae", will wrap around the Earth's Poles and change the Earths "Energy" and then our bodies "EM Fields" acting as Antennas will pick up this Energy passing it to the most important Bio-Machines who have the most important "Antennae's" which is our DNA...


Hi GoodETxSG, thanks for your replies. The sentence I have highlighted above really intrigues me, are you able to elaborate more on the "most important bio-machines who have the most important Antennae, which is our DNA". Do some of the population carry more important genetic material than others? If so, do you know what it codes for? With the additional "energy" to our antennae, will abilities manifest which allow for cross density communication? (In my mind I see cross-bridges, mental conduits - ERBs - between density levels. People being able to open them using their minds. Love to know if this has substance!)


This will activate what Main Stream Scientists call "Junk DNA", they call it that because they cannot figure out a function for it. When these are activated there will be more "Strands" which increase the "Antennae's" sending and receiving ability as well as will begin to manifest new abilities... There will be such changes in the "Vibratory Patterns" of all "Matter", "Energy" and "Consciousness" around us that there will be a connection with each other and our environment that will be very much in "Harmony"... So much of it will just seem like the "New Normal" or natural. In the experiments done on people in lab environments people exposed to simulated vibratory energy that is expected to manifest had physiological and mental changes that were not handled very well (Being not natural) and they had break downs and major health and neurological problems from the "Testing"... There was/is a lot of Human Experimentation done "Out There" that is well outside of the jurisdiction of the Geneva Convention and Scientific Ethics Codes such as the Physicians "Do No


Harm" mantra... These experiments led the "Egg Heads" to believe that there will be an expansion in consciousness along with physiological changes that will give us even more access (That we could have now if we weren't brain washed) to the Co Creative Powers and 5D thought manifestations from use of our "Individual" and "Joint" Consciousness... They have worked to prevent us from realizing this power and have been working on ways of shielding the planet from these energetic pulses or vibratory shifts that will make these abilities as obvious as our ability to daydream...


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"Good ET" x "SG" “There are more things in Heaven and Earth, (Your Name Here), than are dreamt of in Your (OR MY) Philosophy.” ― William Shakespeare, Hamlet


this "Experiment". The further one goes down that "Rabbit Hole" the implications became even more mind bending... 



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